Ch. 30

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Harry got more and more nervous as the month went on, this was not right, he stopped sleeping and he stopped eating. Simon and the others were starting to notice the changes that had been in Harry's behavior, he was not OK with this, he did not trust that Alfie would not do anything to him or the others, after all he got put in jail because off him, his career was ruined and he had lost pretty much anything, Harry knew that deep down that he could not blame himself for what happened to Alfie, because he had brought it on himself, its never OK to abuse someone, mentally or physically, its always wrong, but the same feelings he had before were starting to creep up on Harry, he felt like this was all his fault and that he could not do anything right. He was always worried and he just forgot to take care off himself, he had been hoping that this nightmare would be over as soon as Alfie had gone to jail, but he had not even thought about what would happen when Alfie would get out again, that was something that had not even crossed his mind, but now it was, and all the things that could go wrong came first to mind. 

"common babe, you need to eat something" Simon begged his boyfriend as they were all eating, but Harry was just picking at his food

"I'm not hungry"

"when was the last time that you ate?" Josh asked him, concerned 

"I don't really know" Harry whispered

"what is on your mind, you can trust us, we wont judge you, but you need to eat something, you can't keep going like this" Josh told him

"I'm just worried"

"I know you are worried, but what is on your mind, that is a hole other question"

"I'm just worried about tomorrow, what will happen and what I should do"

"I say you get a restraining order, you can't live your life if you are this stressed all the time" JJ told him 

"I just don't know, maybe he wont do anything, maybe I'm just overreacting, like I always do"

"like you always do?" Ethan asked 

"I overthink things, and I overreact"

"I don't think anyone can blame you for being worried about this, your abusive ex- boyfriend is getting out off jail, and you are worried that you could get hurt again, I think that is totally normal" Simon told him as he hugged Harry, who just nodded as he buried his head into Simon's shoulder, he did not want to cry about this, but the tears started to run anyway. 

"you are going to be fine, we are all here for you, and we are all going to support you" Simon told him as he rubbed Harry's back. 

"and hey, maybe he wont even come near you, maybe he has grown up and wont try to contact you" JJ said

"let's all hope so" Josh then said as everyone carried on eating, Harry was still not hungry, but he did eat something and that was a good sign, but he was struggling to hold back the tears and everyone could see that. It was bringing him down, and everyone hoped that he would not get hurt again after Alfie would get out, but they had also underestimated Alfie before and that had gotten Harry traumatized and Simon stabbed, so they had to be on the lookout for danger signs.    For Harry's sake as much as there own. 

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