Ch. 15

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Harry's POV

"Alfie, don't do anything stupid" I say as Alfie was still holding up the knife at us

"let's go then, come home with me" Alfie said and puts his hand out for me to take

"Alfie, we broke up, I don't want to come with you, you don't have power over me anymore, I don't need to do anything that you say" I tell him, I maybe should just have gotten up and gone with him, that would be a lot safer. What the hell am I doing. This is no time to be a superhero.

"you will, I don't think you want your boyfriend to die, do you?" Alfie says as he grabs Vikk

"leave him alone" I yell, I hope I'm waking someone up

"let's go then" Alfie tells me as he grabs my good arm

"Alfie, let me go" I scream at him

"shut the fuck up Harry, you are coming with me"

"Alfie, don't do this" I beg him, I've started to cry,

"stop being such a baby, why do you make everything about you, all the time, it's always me, me, me"

"how is it about me that you've gone complete psycho" I scream out.

"lets go now" he tells me as he attempts to drag me out off the bedroom, I manage to grab on to a mirror that is in the room but sadly it's not secure on the wall and it falls down, braking into a million peace's.

"just do as I say and no one gets hurt" Alfie tells me as he gets me to the staircase, I'm trying to fight him, but I only have one good arm and Alfie is holding that, there is not much that I can do.

Simon's POV

I wake up as I hear someone scream out, It takes me a good few seconds to relies who it is. Harry is screaming, is he having a nightmare or something.

"Alfie let me go" I hear him scream, I run to JJ's room to wake him up, I need back up if this is really Alfie, I'm still hoping that he is having a nightmare, I really hope Alfie is not this stupid. But I really would not put it past him to act like this, I never thought he would be the abusing type, but I guess that I was wrong about that and Harry suffered for it.

"JJ, something is going on"


"listen" I tell him, I can hear something brake and JJ shoots up.

"what the fuck is going on"

"I have no idea, I heard Harry screaming" I tell him and we run out off JJ's room and we see to our horror that Alfie is there and he is dragging Harry down the stairs with him, he is holding a fucking knife.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" JJ screams at him as he runs down the stairs and jumps at Alfie who is startled by how quickly JJ got to him, JJ is much stronger than Alfie so he has no problem pushing him down to the floor. Making him let go off Harry who is crying.

"I'm taking my boyfriend back, he is mine"

"no he is not" JJ tells him and now Josh and Freya are there

"He has ruined my life, the only thing that can safe me now is that we get back together" he yells as he manages to fight JJ off and stand up again.

"dream on Alfie, you are not taking him" I yell at him as I jump at him, me and JJ then manage to take him down and we are fighting on the ground for a while, Josh just grabs Harry and holds him in his arms as he is crying.

"someone call the police!" JJ yells as he and Simon hold a screaming Alfie on the ground. Freya runs to the phone and the police tell us that they will be there as quick as they can.

"did he hurt you?" Josh asks Harry as he just holds him, but Harry just shakes his head. Harry is bawling in Josh's arms, and then a scared looking Vikk appears out off his room,

"Vikk are you OK?" Freya asks as Vikk just nods his head, he is clearly not OK, Freya just hugs him. Me and JJ have completely beaten Alfie, he can't move, thank god that JJ is strong. 

"Alfie let go off the knife!" I yell at him 

"HARRY GET HERE NOW AND HELP ME" Alfie screams out

"he is not going anywhere with you"

"get off me now!" he yells at me and JJ

"AHHHHHHHH" I scream out as I find a sharp pain in my side, I pull away from Alfie and there is a knife in my side. well this is not good. 

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