Ch. 43

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Simon's POV

He has a gun, and he is pointing it at my boyfriend, this can not be happening, not after all that Alfie has done to him, he is going to kill him as well, that just can't happen, I need to do something, but I don't know what to do, I can't just run out there, he might get scared and shoot me, or more importantly, he might shoot Harry, and that just can't happen, I wont let him shoot Harry. I've called everyone downstairs and we are all just standing at the door, ready to act if something happens out there.

"what was he thinking?" Vikk said as he looked on worried

"I don't know, but this was clearly not a smart move on his part" JJ whispered back, and I just shoot them both an evil glare, I don't want them to talk about this, I just want my boyfriend to be safe and I want him in here with me, not out there with a gun pointed at his head. I've already called the police and they tell me that they are on there way, I just hope they are quick enough, and I hope Harry does not get shot in the meantime. I then see Alfie lower his gun for a brief moment and then we all hear a gun shot and the next thing we know is Alfie laying on the ground.

"HARRY!" I scream as I run outside, I see him standing there, he is clearly in shock as he does not move, he is just looking at Alfie's body laying there on the ground

"baby talk to me, look away baby, look at me" I try to tell him as I tear him away

"he...he... he" Harry tries to say but nothing is coming out, then he falls down on the ground and throws up

"you are OK, you are gonna be OK" I try to tell him, but I know it's not true, he is not going to be OK, who can be OK after seeing something like this happen, he just shot himself right in front off his face, that was not what he needed, and Alfie is dead, it's clear, no one car survive a bullet to the head. his eyes are open and the blood is just flowing from his head. 

"we have to help him" Josh cries out as he tries to keep pressure on the wound, but it's just not going to help, he is already gone. 

"shhhh, you are gonna be fine" I tell Harry over and over again as I stroke over his back, as he is still throwing up. 

"Si..." he is trying to say something to me, but he just can't get it out, he is in shock and I only see two options right now, he will either start crying or he will faint, and as time passes the second option is becoming more likely. The police and an ambulance have just arrived and they get Alfie into the ambulance and drive him off, I get asked if I want to come down to the police station and tell them what happened, and be there for Harry as he needs to tell them what happened, but he is just not in any shape for that, he is as pale as a ghost and as I manage to stand him up from the ground, he just falls back down, his body can't handle this and he is out, I just get told to let him sleep and then we should come to the police station in the morning to make a statement on what happened. 

"Josh help me carry him inside" I ask Josh as he just nods and helps me pick him up, I just hope that he will sleep through the night, I'm going to have to take his blood pressure a few times, but I think he will be fine, at least physically. I'm more worried about his mental side, I don't know if can handle this, he will blame himself for everything and I need to protect him, I need to be there for him. 

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