Ch. 6

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- few weeks later –

Harry's POV

I've started to sleep more and more, I never feel OK anymore, I feel like every day is a struggle, me and Alfie argue about everything, I'm just about done, I can't do this anymore, I need to get out off this relationship. But how do I tell him, he is not going to take this well, but I need to do this, I'm not happy anymore, I've not been happy for a long time, I need to find myself again, I'm only 19, I'm way to young to settle down in a relationship that does not make me happy, I know people are going to be hurt, there are a lot off people that think off us as relationship goals, but we are so far away from that It's not even funny. It has started to pain me to see those comments, because I don't want anyone to be in a relationship like mine. 

"Alfie, we need to talk" I say to the mirror, I need to be prepared, I need to do this quickly, I can't beet around the bush, I have to rip it off like a band aid, nothing else works. I know he will threaten me, I know he will tell me he will kill himself and all that. I just know. Maybe I should pack overnight clothes and stuff and put them in my car, just so I can get out off here in a hurry, he is unpredictable, I need to get my stuff out off here quickly as I don't trust him around my stuff after I've gone, he might brake everything in a fit off anger. I then put together a small backpack with clothes and my laptop and charger and put that in my car, then I go back upstairs. 

"Harry, babe were are you?" Alfie shouts upstairs

"In the office"

"can you come down?"

"nahh, I'm editing right now, I'll be down in a few minutes"

"come down now!" Alfie yells upstairs, OK so this is how it's going to go down, this time I will not cave in, if he wants to talk to me, he has to come to me. I think to myself and then I go and sit down at my desk, I open a video file that I had been working on, just to make it look like I was editing, and truthfully I was. I still had to finish that video, my aim was to get it out in 2-3 days.

"Harry, I'm waiting!" Alfie calls to me again

"and I'm editing, if you want to talk to me then you have to come upstairs" I call back, I hear a glass brake, shit he is angry at me, what did I do now to make him angry, It can't just have been this, it must be something more.

"It's not like you can't stop editing to come and talk to me for a minute" Alfie tells me as he walks into my office aria.

"It's not like you were working, I am" I tell him, I should really not shoot back like this, that will only make this worse. 

"shut up" Alfie tells me as I save the video and stand up

"OK, what did you want to talk to me about?" I ask

"I just wanted to ask you want you wanted for dinner, I was going to order in" Alfie said and crossed his arms

"wow, I needed to come down for that?" I ask, I'm more surprised than angry

"I want to spend time with you, you never want to do anything for me, do you even want to be with me?" Alfie asks me, wow he is making this so much easier for me, all I have to do is say no right now, this could be it, I might be free, I grab my phone to be ready to run if he is going to try and hit me or throw something at me, he is standing next to the bookshelf, so I'm prepared for anything.

"No" I say

"what do you mean no?" he asks

"I don't want to be in this relationship anymore" I tell him, my heart rate is going so fast, I can't believe I actually said this. I'm actually doing this

"WHAT?, I MADE YOU, YOU CAN'T LEAVE!" Alfie yells at me

"I can do whatever I want, I'm not happy anymore, I've not been happy for a long time, I don't want to be with you anymore" I say and I can see the anger in his eyes, I prepare myself as I just know he is going to hit me, but he does not, I then start to walk away.

"you can't leave me, I'll kill myself" Alfie tells me as I walk trough the office door, he just wants a response, I'm not going to respond, I think to myself as I walk to the stairs.

"I'm going to the Sidemen house, I'll be back tomorrow to get my things" I tell him as I reach the stairs, then I feel two hands on my back and everything goes black. 

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