Ch. 12

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Harry's POV

It was time, it was my surgery day, yes, I had to get surgery, Alfie actually did so much damage when he pushed down on my wrist that I need surgery, the Sidemen have been encouraging me to press charges, or at least get a restraining order, so he can't come within 50 feet off me. I've been thinking about it, I really have, but I just don't know If I want that, I've ruined his career as a youtuber, he is now in the same category as Sam Pepper. 

Then on the other hand there are also many people who think I'm just lying and that I broke my arm myself by "falling" down the stairs. To be honest it does not bother me that much. I've been getting so much support from the youtube community, Alfie has been banned from events like Insomnia and playlist live. His career as a big youtuber is over, but I'm not sure if I should feel this guilty as he did work hard to get that far. I always fuck everything up, was it all just my own fault, like he always said to me, it's all my own fault.

I'm so nervous for this surgery, I just sit in my hospital bed silent and looking out off the window, Simon and Tobi are there with me, keeping me company and trying to calm me down a bit. Even if it's not really working, I feel like shit, I'm also starving so that is not helping.

"look, I made a chicken out off the glove" Simon tells me smiling as he hits me with the rubber glove that he had just blown up

"can you not talk about food, I'm starving!" I smile at him

"ohhh I would kill for a hamburger right now" Simon then says in a dramatic voice gaining an evil look from Tobi

"what are you doing?" Tobi asks him, he looks a bit pissed off,

"getting him to think about something else" Simon tells Tobi smiling,

"you are such an idiot" I say and smile

"look I made him smile, mission complete!"

"good job Simon" Tobi tells him slow clapping for him

"I think I deserve a medal for that to be honest, but your compliment will have to do" Simon tells Tobi in a sassy voice, they are just trying to make me laugh.

"Fuck off Simon" I tell him as I smile,

"yeah fuck off Simon" Tobi tells him as well and we both smile as Simon pretends to be hurt. Then a nurse comes into my room and tells me that it's time to go back and get prepped for surgery, I feel very nervous, but I will be happy when this is over so I can get the recovery going, I need to start putting this behind me, It's going to be hard and I know that, I'm so glad that I have my friends around me.

Tobi's POV

Harry is then taken back for surgery, he looks nervous, we tell him that we will be here when he gets out off surgery again, we were told that he has to spend the night here and we can take him home tomorrow, but we are going to stay with him until tonight, I think Josh is going to sleep over, we are not letting him be here alone, It's not that we don't think he can be alone, we are more afraid off Alfie trying something and right now Harry is in no condition to defend himself.

"he will be in surgery for about 2 ½ hours, should we grab something to eat?" I ask Simon who nods, we can't do anything while we wait so It's better for our state off mind to go somewhere else for a little while, there is no point waiting in the waiting aria for 2 ½ hours and going out off our minds.

"I don't want to go to far though, I feel kinda nervous now" Simon tells me

"yeah, I feel the same" I confess, I've never waited for someone to be done in surgery, I know that there is like almost no chance that he will die, but I still feel so nervous for him.

"there is a KFC just down the road, shall we just go there or do you wanna try to find either Wagamamas or Nandos?" Simon asks me

"I don't really care"

"should we just walk around for a bit, we have almost 3 hours to kill" Simon then asks

"yeah, there is a park nearby, lets just go there and walk around for a bit, I think I need to clear my head a bit" I say and we do that.

We just sit quiet on a bench for a little while, there are people just walking by, going on with there lives, to think that there are so many people here in London and no one thinks the same way, people are so interesting, even if we can be dumb sometimes.

"did you hear about the newest youtube breakup, I swear everyone is braking up" I hear as a group of 3 12-14 year olds walks behind us.

"who broke up now?, I know BFvsGF broke up and Marcus and Niomi, who else has broken up?" another one asks.

"Alfie apparently dumped his gamer boyfriend" the 3rd one says

"really, I heard it was the other way around"

"I don't follow the gamer kid, but Alfie tweeted it first so I guess he was the one who dumped Harry"

"but he apparently broke Harry's arm."

"I don't think Alfie had anything to do with that, have you seen his vlogs, they are always so cute in them, like I don't understand, they were relationship goals for me"

"apparently Harry said on twitter that it was Alfie's fault, so something must have happened"

"why would he say that on twitter he can ruin Alfie's career with things like that, he has lost like 500k now, then neither off them have said anything more, like what is going on?"

"I have to say I don't believe Harry, he has gotten all that he wanted from Alfie and now he is just done, it's not that hard to fake a cast on your arm, unless he shows us the X-ray I'm going to believe Alfie, I subscribed to him way before Harry and I'm going to stick by him." one off the girls says. 

I can see Simon is boiling, he is about to say something, please Simon don't say anything. I try to drag him away but it's just to late. He stands up and walks over to them in a hurry. 

"for your information, Alfie did hurt Harry, and this was not the first time, this was just the only time that he actually broke something." Simon hissed at the girls, I can see it in there faces that they know who he is.

"what happened?" they ask him

"Simon, just leave it, I don't think Harry wants us to tell, just leave it" I say as I try to drag him away

"your "Idol" pushed Harry down the stairs and then refused to take him to the hospital, so much for relationship goals"

"Simon come now" I yell before Simon lets anything more slip. Then I drag him away. Simon starts to regret his little outburst strait away.

"you need to tell Harry what you said, you know that" I tell him

"I know" Simon tells me and then we walk to thenearest restaurant and get something to eat. I'm actually kinda mad at Simon.Now this is going to be all over the internet and that is not what Harry needsright now.    

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