Ch. 20

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Harry's POV

"Talk to me Harry" Simon tells me as he sits down on my bed, holding his stomach, he looks like he is in pain

"wanna lie down?" I ask as I can see he is in pain

"lay down beside me then, tell me what's bothering you, why did you start crying?" he asks me and I just look away, but Simon takes my arm and pulls me down beside him so I am looking in to his eyes. 

"I just feel like I'm in everyone's way"

"why? you are more than welcome here, you know that don't you?"

"I don't feel like that, you guys have been nothing but nice to me, but I feel like I don't deserve that at all, I put you all in danger, imagine if Alfie had hurt you all, he almost did, he threatened Vikk, and he could have killed you, I don't understand why you off all people are not mad at me, I brought him into your life, if it was not for me then none off this would have happened, you would not be hurt, I would not be hurt."

"Harry, don't do this to yourself, this is not helping you in any way shape or form. you need to stop thinking this over and over, what is done is done and we can't change it. I love that you don't want to see anyone hurt"

"but everyone around me always gets hurt, I seam to bring it with me, Alfie was not like this before I walked in to his life"

"OK, No, stop right now, how this turned out is not on you"

"it is" I start

"Harry listen to me, get it through your think little head that this is not your fault, you are not responcable for his actions. how can you be. you are not him."

"I just feel like I can't do anything right, I mess everything up all the time"

"you really are your own worst enemy" Simon sighs as he pulls me closer into his arms

We lay there quiet for a little bit before Simon speaks up.

"Harry, I know this is not registering in your head, but that is not on you, you did not stab me, Alfie did, what could you have possibly done to prevent that"

"gone with him in the first place" I mutter

"that would have been stupid, I did not rescue you at 3am for nothing" Simon tells me as he smiles, I actually smile back

"hahh, I made you smile, I win" Simon laughs at me

"shut up" I say as I snuggle closer into Simon, how does he always manage to make me feel better. 


Sorry this is short!

So just to let everyone know I wont be updating any off my story's from the 8th of September to the 13th of sept. Basically I am a sheep farmers daughter and here in Iceland we put them out on the mountain's over the summer time, and yeah I'm going to collect them. I will not even have internet on those days as I will not be coming home at all. :) don't worry, this is like an every year thing for me, I actually love it. going alone on a horse and just screaming at the sheep's to move, relaxing right? ;)

I will try to update 2 more times before I go away. 

love <3 

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