Ch. 8

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Harry's POV

Thankfully Alfie falls asleep quickly, that is probably the only good thing about him, he always falls asleep quickly after sex, now I need to get dressed and I need to call someone. I get myself to the bathroom with some clothes, it hurts so much to get dressed, my wrist is not working and it's so hard to put clothes on when on off your arms does not work, I take two painkillers to try to get the pain down a bit, but I just know I need something stronger, to bad we don't have alcohol in the house. I could really use some right now, after the struggle off getting dressed I take everything light that I don't want destroyed if Alfie has a fit when he finds out I'm not here when he wakes up tomorrow morning, I will then get the guys to help me get all my stuff out. Should I leave a note telling him I've gone to the hospital. I decide not to in the end, I'm moving so slowly as I feel like I'm about to pass out when I'm walking, my head is so heavy. Then I look at my phone, Simon could still be awake, even if it's 3:30am. Hopefully he wont be angry at me for calling this late. I just really need his help.

"hello?" Simon finally answers the phone, I can hear it in his voice that he was asleep

"I'm sorry I woke you up" I start and I sniffle a bit

"Harry? What's going on?" Simon asks me, I can tell that he is already more awake

"I had a little accident, I think I might have broken my wrist"

"where is Alfie?"

"here, but he wont take me to the hospital" I say and I come to realize that I have to tell Simon everything now, I'm not looking forward to that.

"why not?" Simon asks

"he kind of pushed me down the stairs when I tried to brake up with him before" I whisper


"He pushed me and then he refused to take me to the hospital, my wrist really hurts Simon, it really hurts, I think I have a concussion as well, I'm about to pass out."

"I'm coming now, I'll be there in 10 minutes, just hang on tight" Simon tells me and I can hear a door slamming, he is already on his way here, thank god for Simon. I then just walk out the door and wait there, I'm not risking waiting inside if he wakes up, I'm quicker than him on foot so I have a chance if I'm outside. Even if my head is pounding and I can't let go off my wrist.

Simon's POV

I'm out the door in no time at all, I just put on clothes and take my wallet and phone with me as I rush out off the house. Vikk is downstairs as I come running down the stairs


"I don't have time to talk, Harry needs me"

"what happened?"

"come with or I'll explain later" I tell Vikk as I put on my shoes and grab my car keys

"OK, wait up" Vikk tells me as he puts on his shoes. Then we are off less than 2 minutes after Harry called me, there is no traffic at this hour, thank god for that, it does not take us long to get to Harry's place.

"what happened?" Vikk asks me as we are in the car

"Alfie pushed him down the stairs at there house and he thinks he broke his arm, and his head hurts, Alfie then refused to take him to the hospital"

"what, why would he do that"

"Harry told me that he was trying to brake up with him"

"really, I thought they were solid"

"I never really liked Alfie with Harry, I always had a weird feeling from him, I think I might have been right"

"I hope Harry is OK" Vikk tells me

"I hope he is to" I reply to Vikk, I'm worried about him, I don't want anything bad to happen to him.

We get to the house and Harry is waiting outside, he has a bag with him and he is holding his arm, he has been crying, I can see it on his face, that poor kid.

"Harry" Vikk yells as we run out off the car and up to him

"thanks for coming" Harry tells him as I hug him tight,

"I need to go to the hospital Simon, It really hurts" he tells me as I let go off him, I can see that his wrist is bent to the side and it's very swollen.

"OK, It's clearly broken, why did he not want to take you to the hospital"

"he said he was tired" Harry tells me and he is braking down, Vikk then takes his bag and puts it in Harry's car.

"I'll take your car back to our house and Simon will take you to the hospital, you are not going back here" Vikk tells me as he takes the car keys from Harry who just nods his head.

"come on Harry, lets get you checked out, you have a bruise on your head as well"

"I know, I got knocked out and I have the worstheadache" Harry tells me as I help him into my car and put the seat belt on him ashe refuses to let go off his injured arm to do it himself.   

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