His lips travelled across my neck, just as his hands travelled across my sides, holding me in place beneath him. My hands clung to his large frame, gripping his shoulders.
I couldn't explain how it had happened, one minute we were sat on his bedroom floor studying and laughing as we waited for Jake to arrive and the next we were kissing on his bed, barely any pieces of clothes left over between the two of us.
Will Belmont. The first friend I had ever made in highschool. We made friends in home room on the first week of high school, from then on we were recruited into Nina Patterson's clique and he met Emma Duval, my best friend and the love of his life.
Other recruits into the group included Tyler O'Neil, Nina's long-term boyfriend, Riley Marra, a sweet girl from my advanced calculus class, Brooke Maddox, the mayor's daughter and probably one of the best people I had ever met, and Jake Fitzgerald, a pretty, rich boy who had the biggest ego to ever exist.
Although our little group wasn't full of the nicest people, we all still cared for one another, well maybe except for Nina, she was one stone cold bitch. Unlike Emma, she held her own and was still one of the nicest girls to ever grace the town of Lakewood.
At the thought of Emma my eyes immediately shot open and I pushed him away from me, not daring to be close to him for a second longer.
"Will, we can't do this to Emma!"
"Emma doesn't have to know..."
"Will you're my best friend and all, but so is Emma and I draw the line at having sex with my friend's boyfriend."
"You're not gonna tell her are you?" He stood up quickly, taking a tight hold on my arm.
"You know I have to." I pulled my arm from his grip, stepping back towards his bedroom door.
"Lydia... wait!" He placed his hands on my shoulders, he was much calmer than before, I could tell by the way he reassuringly rubbed my arms.
"If you tell her... your friends, your reputation, your life... it's all over."
"Get off of me!" I shoved him away, "don't try to threaten me Will. You don't know what the hell you're getting yourself into."
"There's always a chance Emma and I will get back together, but you? Her best friend? You'll be an outcast. Its not as if Jake cares that much about you, he'd barely notice if you were gone. Riley, Brooke, Nina, Emma, they'll never talk to you again. And Tyler? He was only ever friends with you because he felt sorry for you. I was the only one who ever truly cared for you..."
"You dont know shit about me! Or my friends!"
"You mean my friends, because that's what they'll be if you tell Emma."
"Fine... I-I wont tell her."
"You take this to the grave with you."
"I will! Okay?"
"Good, because if this ever gets dug up, you're dead. You hear me? Dead."

Alive >> Jake Fitzgerald << Scream
FanfictionWith a body count slowly piling up and her friends next on the kill list, Lydia Hudson has never been more scared, yet she's never felt more alive. Her and Jake Fitzgerald had never been particularly close, that was until the murders started. It sta...