"I didn't interrupt anything, did I?"
"No, I was just over at Jake's house."
"So like I said, I didnt interrupt anything did I?" A small smirk lit up Emma's soft features, her blonde ponytail flowed behind her in the strong wind as we walked to the game store.
"Haha very funny." I rolled my eyes, pulling my own hair to rest around the left side of my neck.
"So what exactly is going on with you and Jake? I know we haven't really had any time to have girl on girl talk since the murders started."
"Yeah, I miss that."
"Me too..." She sighed, running a hand through her hair, "How about this, after we've done what we need to do, you can come over to my place and we'll eat Graham crackers and Nutella whilst watching crappy Rom-Coms like old times, huh? Just you and me."
"I'd really like that, Em." I tucked a loose Strand of hair behind my ear, "But what exactly is it we need to do?"
"You'll find out as soon as we get to the game store where Noah and Audrey are."
"Okay..." I grumbled
After a few more minutes of our endless pursuit of Noah's store, I noticed Emma staring at the side of my face, a faint smile ghosted over her lips, as if she was deciding whether to speak or to simply smirk at me.
"So... You and Jake?" She finally spoke
"There is no me and Jake." I ran a stressed hand through my dark hair, "Not that he'd want that anyway."
"Have you not seen the way he looks at you?"
"I have, but its no different than the way he looks at all of his hook-ups. He won't even kiss me Emma."
"Did you ever stop to think that he won't kiss you because he actually has feelings for you? That he has respect for you?"
"I don't know, I want him to want me, but I'm just an object of his affection, and that's all I'll ever be."
"Lydia... Emma, uh, welcome to my nightmare!"
"This place actually seems more like a dream..." I mumbled, my inner nerd coming out as I saw all of the different video games and the six flat screen TVs lined up on the far wall.
Before I'd ever met Nina or Tyler or Emma or Riley or Jake or even Brooke for that matter, Will and I had been huge geeks, world of Warcraft was our passion, most of our nights were spent over at his house in the dark, drinking warm mountain dew and eating as many pizza slices as we could whilst playing that stupid game, or watching the walking dead or even building stuff out of Lego. We were uncontrollable.
But then on the first day of highschool, Nina Patterson, who went to middle school with us, suddenly decided we were hot and we should join her clique, we knew Nina was a bitch and we knew what she did to people, but popularity was calling to us and we were dying to know what it was like, so we took our chances with her.
But of course, every now and again, my inner geek came out with a vengeance, that was of course one of those times.
"Holy shit!" I threw myself down next to Audrey on the almost broken couch, I grabbed a video controller and began to play grand theft auto.
"Woah, Lydia... I didn't know you were a video game geek."
"Just as much as you are a horror movie geek, my dear Noah."

Alive >> Jake Fitzgerald << Scream
FanficWith a body count slowly piling up and her friends next on the kill list, Lydia Hudson has never been more scared, yet she's never felt more alive. Her and Jake Fitzgerald had never been particularly close, that was until the murders started. It sta...