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The night air was cold around me, so cold that I could see my breath. The night was dark, so dark that I could barely see my hands infront of me. The night was unforgiving and had a terrifying sensation to it, it gave me a feeling that made me think something bad was going to happen at every turn. That someone was stood in the shadows waiting for me.

Although I could barely see anything, my eyes had began to make out objects, like posters and a closet and a king sized bed. After another few seconds of blindly stumbling around in the darkness I finally realised that I was in Jake's house, in fact I was in his bedroom.

"Where the hell is that damn light switch?" I mumbled

I groped around the wall, feeling for a light switch but whilst I was doing so I could feel that the dark wood floor beneath me had grown slick and sticky, causing my feet to almost fly out from underneath but I managed to hold my ground.

Eventually my fingers brushed against the light switch and I pressed against it so hard that at first I'd thought I'd drawn blood, but after a few seconds of the lights being on, I realised, it wasn't. My. Blood.

"O-Oh my god..." I stuttered, "Jake... No! What are you doing? Get away from him!"

The killer crouched over Jake's body with a knife in his hand as he cut Jake apart, piece by piece, as if he was something that could be disposed of without a second thought.

"Jake!" I screamed, shoving the masked killer to the ground, but they quickly turned on me, plunging the knife into my thigh.

I let out a scream of agony as I collapsed on the ground beside Jake's body, his unmoving dead eyes seemed to follow me as if he was still alive, which I wished he was but no matter how hard you hope and pray it will never bring the dead back to life.

The killer pinned me to the ground so I wasn't able to move and ever so slowly their gloved hand released my wrist before reaching under their cloak. When they opened their hand towards me I realised they were holding a heart, but not just any heart, Jake's heart.

I let out another scream of pain, but this time it wasn't for myself, it was for Jake.

"Why him? Why did you have to kill him? Don't you understand you freak?" I screamed, "He was special! He was The Jake! He was my Jake!"

"And now he's dead." The all too familiar voice laughed, "Lover boy wanted to give you his heart, so I thought why not do the job for him and cut it out?"

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because I like inflicting pain just as much as I like to see you suffer. It's addicting."

"Oh my god..." I trembled, finally coming to the realisation of who the masked killer was, my shaking hand reached up and tore the mask from their head.


"You?" The murderous version of myself laughed, "Surprise bitch."

"Wake up!" She suddenly screamed in my face, holding the knife dangerously close to my neck, but all I could do was stare at Jake's body beside me.


"You need to wake up!"

"Come on, I'm here! Stop screaming!" Jake's deep voice cried out, "Wake up! Come on baby! Everything's okay... stop screaming... Please, just stop screaming."

My eyes fluttered open to find Jake hovering over me, his hands pinning my wrists against the bed, my voice was roar and raspy whilst my eyes stung and it was only just then that I realised I'd been crying in my sleep, I'd also been screaming in my sleep, but it wasn't just plain screaming, I'd been screaming out for Jake.

"You're alive?" I trembled

"Of course I'm alive..." he whispered, using one hand to hold himself up whilst the other wiped away my tears, "Why wouldn't I be?"

"I had a dream- well more of a nightmare actually..." I let out a shaky breath, "I dreamt that I was in your bedroom, this room, and it was dark and so cold, I could feel that the floor was sticky but I-I didn't even think... Jesus, there was so much blood Jake, and you were dead. You were dead and another version of me was the one who killed you, but I couldn't save you, I couldn't stop it, I-"

"You don't need to tell me any more, okay? I'm not dead, I'm not. Right now, I am here with you, in my bed, in my bedroom, at 5:57 in the afternoon, wiping away your tears. I have never been more alive."

I couldn't bring myself to do anything else, all I could do was lay there and stare at him as he urged me back to sleep, but I couldn't sleep, not after dreaming that I'd slashed the boy that I unadmittably had a crush on. It was near impossible.

"I'm never going to be able to sleep again."

"That's okay. I'll just stay awake with you forever."

"You know people say you're a douche and fuckboy, but I don't think so, you're one of the kindest, most loyal people I've ever met." I smiled, "you also just so happen to like sex, but who could blame you, right?"

"Actually I've not had sex since the murders started."

"Really? And why's that?"

"I guess there's something stopping me."

"And what might that be?" I heavily breathed

"You." He smirked

And I swear to god, in that moment, I had never wanted to kiss anyone more, I had never wanted to be so close to someone that I could feel their breath on my neck. The infamous fuckboy Jake Fitzgerald had changed me.

But he didn't kiss me.

He just stared at me, like the entirety of his life depended on it, he lay to the side of me now, but still one of his arms was draped over my waist whilst the other was tucked beneath his head. He looked so fragile, as if someone had finally cracked his rock hard exterior and made it to what was on the inside, he seemed so breakable, so vulnerable.

Suddenly my phone let out its obnoxious ringtone and that moment I could've lived in forever was ruined, I let out a sigh, moving myself to sit on the edge of his bed as I answered my phone.


"Hey Lyds, it's Emma."

"Hey Em, uh how you doing?"

"I'm good but I need to ask you a favour."

"Yeah, yeah, sure, anything."

"I need you to meet me at the game store, you know the one where Noah works?"

"Yeah, but right now?"

"Right now. Its urgent and considering you've been getting the same phone calls I have and you know how I'm feeling about all of this, I need your help right now."

"I'm kinda busy right now, Em." I glanced behind me to see a half asleep Jake sprawled out across his comforter.

"Please Lydia, it's really important, I'll explain everything when you get here, okay?"

"Okay..." I grumbled, "I'll be there in ten."

"Jake..." I sighed, dropping my phone in my purse before slipping my shoes on, "I've gotta go meet Emma, if it wasn't urgent I wouldn't be leaving but-"

"I get it, I get it." He lazily rolled his eyes, "Duty calls, right?"

"I'm sorry... I'll call you later, alright?"

"Alright..." he sighed, climbing off of his bed, he gingerly pulled me into his arms, so my head tucked beneath his chin and my arms snaked around his waist, "Whatever it is you're doing just... be safe, okay?"

He pressed a rough kiss to the top of my head, "I will."

I pulled out of his arms and grabbed my purse before I made my way over to the bedroom door.

"Oh, and Jake?"


"Thank you for taking care of me."

"Hey, no matter what, you have me." He nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Goodbye, Fitzgerald."

"Goodbye, Hudson."

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