"So what happened with Branson?"
Noah, Emma, Audrey and I had spent hours talking in 'The Grind', our only topics of conversation had been Branson, Brandon James, and dare I say it... Jake.
"What did happen with Branson?" Emma repeated before taking a sip of her coffee
"When you saw him face to face at the station, what happened Em?" I asked
"Yeah, we want all of the details!" Noah added, "Even the gory ones..."
"There are no gory details. He played it pretty cool... That's why I need to know for sure-"
"If he's your brother?"
"Yeah." Emma sighed, "That."
"It's gonna be okay Em." I nudged her side, "We're gonna get through this."
"I know."
"Brandon's son..." Noah spoke beneath his breath, "Bran-son! Branson!"
"Noah, what are you talking about?" Audrey rolled her eyes
"He picked that name! That redefines hiding in plain sight!"
"There's still no connection between Branson and Rachel... The news reports don't even mention her name when they talk about the victims." Audrey seethed, "It's like they forgot her suicide was staged."
"Look Audrey, we know you want the truth, so let's find it."
"Let's just prove it beyond a doubt."
"Bi-curious, the virgin and the de-flowered are on it!" Noah threw his arms around Audrey and I
"They're including me!" I turned to Emma with a wide smile on my face
"And the crime world trembled!" Piper laughed as she joined the four of us.
"Piper! Hey! Wow, we were uh..."
"Just leaving." I grabbed Noah's hand and Audrey's backpack, which forced the two of them to follow me.
"And you know, for the record, I'm totally not-" Noah mumbled
"Noah, just stop talking."
"Go get 'em!" Piper called after us
"Change of plans on the costume front!" Noah spoke down the phone, "You know how I was gonna go as the babadook?"
"And you were gonna go as a zombie cheerleader?"
"Well my mom said since you're my date to the dance that our costumes need to match, so-"
"She's not making you be a guy zombie cheerleader is she?" I laughed
"No, she made the both of us Dracula costumes. Well, you're Dracula's wife, but they're pretty much the same thing except they're different genders and Dracula's wife wears a dress of course-"

Alive >> Jake Fitzgerald << Scream
FanfictionWith a body count slowly piling up and her friends next on the kill list, Lydia Hudson has never been more scared, yet she's never felt more alive. Her and Jake Fitzgerald had never been particularly close, that was until the murders started. It sta...