This chapter is a freaking rollercoaster.
I don't think anyone expected me to return to school the next day, the rest of my friends didn't.
Emma was too heartbroken to do anything, Brooke and Audrey wanted to take care of Emma. Jake had been ordered to stay in bed and rest by the doctors, and Noah had overslept.
Only Kieran and I returned to school the day after Will's death.
I walked into school, carrying my books and a fake smile on my face, Kieran walked beside me and as soon as we stepped into the hallway all eyes were on us.
People pointed and whispered and stared at the both of us, but I didn't give a shit. I don't think they realised the reality of it all, we weren't characters on some stupid tv show, we were real people having to endure the pain of our friends dying, that's what they didn't get. So I ignored them, because they didn't understand, they didn't know Nina, Tyler, Riley or Will the same way me and my friends did, had. And they never would.
"Just ignore them, okay?"
"I already am."
I missed Will terribly. It hurt to think about him, and every time I thought about him it became hard to breath, everything hurt. Will had been my only friend since middle school, he was the only person who cared about me, he was the only reason I ever gained any fucking confidence, he'd been my rock, through everything.
"Will!" I sobbed into the phone
"Hey, its two in the morning-"
"She's dead Will! I-I need you!"
"Woah, who's dead? What's going on?"
"My Mom and My Step-Dad and My brother... There was an accident and it was really bad, and my mom and step-dad didn't make it."
"Oh my god, do the others know? Have you told them?"
"I tried to call Brooke but she didn't pick up!"
"Okay, alright. I'm on my way over right now... I'm coming, don't worry."
"Thank you." I cried softly
"Hey, it's gonna be okay, I'm here alright? I'm not going anywhere."
"I'll see you in a few." He tried to hang up
"I love you."
"I love you too. I'll be there soon, okay?"
"and I promise, from here on out... I won't ever leave you again."
"Lydia! Wait up! Where are you going?" Kieran yelled after me
I walked as quickly as I could through the hallways of Lakewood High, I had to get out of there, I knew that if I didn't I'd lose it in front of everyone and I'd either break down crying or punch one of my peers in the face, maybe even both.
With one final look over my shoulder, i ran out of the school doors and out into the parking lot, but that was when I realised I'd drove to school in Kieran's car and he was the one who had the keys, so I'd have to walk home.

Alive >> Jake Fitzgerald << Scream
FanfictionWith a body count slowly piling up and her friends next on the kill list, Lydia Hudson has never been more scared, yet she's never felt more alive. Her and Jake Fitzgerald had never been particularly close, that was until the murders started. It sta...