"Let's get you home."
"I'm so sorry Jake." I sobbed, everyone milled around, joking and reminiscing over memories of the ones we'd lost. After discovering Emma had seen the killer I'd forced my way back through the crowd and towards where the stage area was, hoping to find Audrey or Noah or Brooke or Jake or even Will so I could warn them, but of course Jake had found me first.
I ran straight into him and he held me at arms length, examining me for any signs of physical pain as oppose to my emotional pain.
"What's wrong?" he immediately said
"The killer..." I breathed, leaning up on my feet as I harshly pressed my forehead against Jake's in a sign of desperation, but also so I knew he was really there, that he wasn't dead, not just a figment of my imagination but real. And he was. "I lied to you."
"What?" He whispered softly, seeming to be in some sort of trance.
"Tyler wasn't the killer. They framed him, I didn't want to get you involved in any of this again. But I couldn't hide this from you... The killer's here or at least he was. Fuck, I should've told you I-"
"Its okay." He brushed my hair behind my ear, "We're okay."
"I need to show you something."
My bottom lip quivered as my hand slipped into his own and I lead him to the side of the stage, we sat down on the stairs, me pulling my phone out of my pocket and Jake placing his hand on my knee.
I tapped on my recent messages, allowing the ominous message from Unknown to light up my phone screen.
From: Unknown (2)
Two girls dead and only one boy? I think it's time to even the score a little. But is it gonna be the Belmont boy or The Jake?Or BOTH
"I should've told you."
"Yeah, you should've." Despite his cold nature he still pulled me into his side, my head fell to rest on his shoulder, "But I'm not gonna die."
"I think you just jinxed yourself."
"Maybe I did." He shrugged, looking down at me, a smile met his lips. It was only a smile, but my heart it went wild. "But atleast I got to have you."
"I'm so sorry." A smile lit up my face as I began to cry again, and then my cries became sobs. And Jake's smile became a look of concern.
"Let's get you home."
"I'm so sorry Jake." I cried out as he guided me by the shoulders through the crowd and over to his car.
We climbed inside and by the look on Jake's face I knew that he was angry, grief stricken and although he would never admit it, scared.
"He's using me as a pawn to mess with you." Jake spoke as he slammed his hand against the gear shift, the car shot into motion and we sped down the street. Jake barely kept his eyes on the road, every few seconds he was glancing at me, one hand on the wheel, one hand tracing shapes on my thigh.
"Look it's gonna be okay."
"Babe, I'm not leaving you. Not until this psycho's gone."
"Hey! Can you talk to me please?"
"He's gonna kill you and I'm going to be responsible. I don't want you to die... You're not safe when you're around me."
"What are you trying to say? That you're done with me?"
"No... I-I don't want to leave you but I can't let you get hurt."
He averted his eyes from the road, his hand that had been on my thigh now cupped my chin so I was forced to look into his eyes, those honey coloured eyes that could make me do anything, even kill.

Alive >> Jake Fitzgerald << Scream
FanfictionWith a body count slowly piling up and her friends next on the kill list, Lydia Hudson has never been more scared, yet she's never felt more alive. Her and Jake Fitzgerald had never been particularly close, that was until the murders started. It sta...