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The death of Will Belmont hit our little group hard, but it hit no one harder than it did Me.

Will had been my best friend and in the few months since the murders began, we'd started to drift away from each other. I always ditched him to spend time with Jake, I thought that I'd eventually be able to make it up to him but I couldn't, not ever, because Will was dead.

I stared at Noah as he told me the news, I couldn't do anything but stare at him, I knew that if I blinked I'd begin to cry.

But the tears were overpowering and before I'd even realised what was happening I collapsed into Noah's arms, he held me tightly against his chest as I sobbed and cried and screamed away my pain. The pain didn't go away.

I'd always ditched Will to be with Jake, how ironic? I was with Jake at the hospital when Will was murdered, but I wanted Jake to be safe and I didn't want him to be scared when he woke up after his operation and I hadn't spared a second thought for my best friend.

"He took Riley!" I screamed into Noah's chest, "And he took Will! That psycho told me right at the beginning that I had to pick between Will and Jake, I just- I never thought it would happen like this. I never gave him my answer but when I saved Jake, he took that as his answer."

"None of this is your fault." He spoke soothingly

"I killed him Noah! It's my fault, I could've saved him-"

"Lydia! Look at me." His eyes locked on my own, "You did not kill Will. That masked freak did it to mess with Emma, this one wasn't on you, okay? Will was your best friend, and he knew you would've done anything to help him. He knew that Jake needed you and I'm sure, wherever he is right now, you are still his best friend and he needs you to be strong for the rest of us losers. Can you do that? Can you be strong for the rest of us, because I'm sure we all need that right about now?"

"Okay." I wiped away my tears with the sleeves of my sweater

"Go take a nap, okay? Jake will be awake soon."

"Will you come wake me if there's any news?" I asked

"Of course I will."

"Noah?" I sniffled


"You're one of the best friends I could ask for." 

"I know." He smiled, I let out a small laugh before stepping inside of Jake's hospital room.

The tanned boy slept peacefully on his bed and I quietly sat myself beside him, tears began to streak my face again but that time I didn't wipe them away, because they were tears of happiness, because out of everyone who had died or come near to death,  Jake was a survivor. Just like me.

"Hey, you." I brushed the hair out of his face, "I know that you probably can't hear me right now, and if you could you'd much rather not listen to me ramble on, but I need to tell you this before it's too late. Ever since people started to die It's been hard to even find the will to survive, but with you around things have been easier and you've been  the only source of happiness in my so far negative life. You mean a lot to me Jake, to be truthful you always have, and if you aren't okay then I don't know what I'll do.  I know we haven't gotten along that well these last couple of weeks but at the end of every day, you're the last thing I think about. Out of everyone I never thought it would be you, but here I am, loving you anyway."

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