Chap 5 Life Isn't Easier For Me You See?

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Jayy's Pov

I sat down at my dining room table and I was basically depressed, of course I got my lovely girlfriend Jade but I can't stop thinking of Ashley and I need to stop.

I toke another sip of my whiskey and messed up my hair, it's just painful I miss Ashley but I love Jade and also I loved Ashley damnit I wish I wasn't going through this shit right now, I looked out the window and trying to cheer myself up I looked at the clock and saw that it was 2:40pm "Jade should be done with her art class soon" I said and then I grabbed on some clothes and drove.

As I got there I saw her walking out of her classes talking to another guy, right then anger flushed through my veins. They departed and she walked closer to me, she walked up to me and kissed me "hey" she said and I smiled "Hey" I got in my car and so did Jade.

It a quiet drive back to my place and she wasn't even asking for anything, as we got to my place I opened the front door and she walked in behind me confused "What is wrong Jayy?" She asked and I shook my head

"nothing's wrong" I said and then she grabbed my hand "Jayy please tell me" she said and then I looked at her "Who was that guy you were hanging out with" she was confused "what are you talking about?" "That son of a bitch you walked out of your class with" she was shocked and then she shook her head "That was just a friend, why are you scared? Do you think that I'm gonna leave you"

I turned and looked at her, she didn't look scared but until I pushed her against the wall and looked at her right in the eyes "I want you to know that if you ever leave me, I will make you regret it okay?" She froze and then looked at my body "Jayy I'm sorry, just let me go" I let go of her and then she walked towards the kitchen.

I followed her and then I saw her holding my bottle of whiskey "are you kidding me?" She asked and then stood there "I'm sober" I said and she shook her head "Jayy there's something wrong with you, okay first you threaten to harm me if I leave you and now your getting drunk? Are you fucking crazy you could ruin your life by doing this" I grabbed my head and then yelled at her "You don't know what I've been through Ashley!"

She stopped and was quiet, I couldn't believe I said that to her I let my body sit down on the chair and then Jade put the bottle down still looking at me.

"It's because of Ashley isn't it?" She asked and I shook my head "Oh fuck". I grabbed the whiskey bottle off the table and looked at her "I'm not okay" I said and then she looked at me with a worried expression on her face "Ashley told me she loved me one day, and then the next she falls back into her exes arms" she was shocked "I'm sorry about that Jayy, listen how about I move in with you?" She asked and I shook my head.

"No baby, Jade don't" I said and she froze "why, I want to move in with you and help you" I couldn't let her stay cause I might her hurt more than I did to Ashley "listen I did bad stuff to Ashley and I don't want to do it to you too". She smirked at me and then rubbed my cheek "I'm moving in Jayy, whether you like it or not" she said and then walked into the living room.

I looked at the whiskey bottle in my hands and shook my head "If I ever hurt Jade, I never ever want to see myself alive again". I placed the bottle down and then walked over to the bedroom and of course I had to walk into the living room to get there, as I walked in I looked at her and smiled "Jade I'm gonna lay down for a little bit" she smiled and then I walked into the bedroom.

A couple of hours passed and still I was laying down in the bedroom and I herd Jade talking on the phone "What if I don't want to move back there? I'm fine here" she yelled and then I got up wondering about the noise "Jade?" I said and then I herd her yell again "Leave me alone, I don't want to be with you anymore".

I ran into the kitchen and I saw her sitting on the ground crying while on the phone, I walked over to her "Jade what's wrong?" I asked and she shook her head "Nothing everything is okay" she said and I grabbed her hand "is it your ex?" I asked and she shook her head.

I grabbed the phone out of her hand and talked to the mother fucker

"Who do you think you are?"

"Oh she called you for help, fucking wimp"

"You don't harass a lady like that, especially if it's a girl I know"

"Shut up Monroe, I did my research and I found out you hurt girls just like her. I wonder what she'll think the first time she's being abused by you"

"Leave her alone, Jade shouldn't be falling for a man like you"

"Haha listen Jayy, I know you and what you are but if you want to keep Jade for yourself than good luck cause she's all mine buddy"

"Fuck off, and if I ever hear your voice harass my girl again I'll find where you leave and kill your ass cause bitch I'm not afraid to go back to prison"

"Oh really? Just think of it she's gonna be scared of you and regret ever talking to you"

"You don't know what will happen in the future with us, it might be horrible or not but she'll always love me"

"Your gonna kill her Jayy, just like you did to Ashley remember her she didn't deserve to die but you killed her"

"Never call Jade again"

I hanged up and I looked at Jade "he's gone darling don't worry" I said and she started crying again "no he's gonna come back" I rolled my eyes and then kissed her forehead "not on my watch". I pulled away and then I looked at her and smiled "you wanna get somethings at your apartment to bring over?"

She shook her head "I'll do that after art class tomorrow, and for now I just want to cuddle with my big bear" I smiled and the carried her to bed, Jade really might be the one for me.

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