Chap 18 Alana Emily Monroe Has Been Born

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Jayy's pov

I was laying down on the couch and I herd Jade from the bathroom "Jayy!" She screamed and I got up "Jade?" I opened the bathroom door and she was sitting on the floor "Baby what's wrong?" I asked and she grabbed my hand "Alana, she.. Coming" she said and I was breathless "okay, Fuck right now?" I asked and she shook her head "Yes".

I was breathless, I couldn't let Jade or Alana die on me "I'll be back baby, just stay strong alright?" I asked and she shook her head "Hurry please". I ran out of the apartment and downstairs to the lobby, I looked around and saw someone "Help, I need help right now" "okay what's wrong?".

"Is there a doctor living here? My fiancée is going into labor and I don't know if she'll be okay or the baby" the lady shook her head "Doctor Mayfield, I'll call her down". My heartbeat was racing, I couldn't breathe it almost felt like I was gonna die until I felt a little light headed, I grabbed my head and I fell hitting the ground causing my vision to go black.

I opened my eyes again seeing a bright white light in my face "Fuck, where am I?" I asked and then I got up and looked around, I was in a hospital and I didn't see Jade or even Alana if she was born yet. Then I herd a voice "Oh Jeremy your awake" a nurse said "what happened? Where's my fiancée and our daughter?" I asked and then the nurse smiled "You fainted and your daughter hasn't been born yet, her mother is still in labor" I smiled.

"Can I see her?" I asked and then she smiled "sure you can", as I got up I felted a little dizzy but I was fine. I walked down to the delivery rooms and I saw Jade laying in bed smiling "Hey" I said and she smiled "How was your sleep?" She asked and I laughed "Let's not talk about that right now, how is she doing?" I asked and Jade smiled "She almost out, they just put me on drugs and now all I have to do is push".

I grabbed her hand and kissed her lips gently "I love you" I said and she smiled "I love you too". A hour later and she was born Alana Emily Monroe, she looked so beautiful just like her mother. I smiled as I hold her in my arms "Hey Alana, it's daddy" I said and Jade smiled "Mommy is here as well" I said and then she let out a big yawn.

At night time I was sitting down in the chair next to Jade and she looked lovely "I'm happy that your okay" I said and she smiled "I'm happy your okay as well, just think is you didn't leave that room what would have happened?" "I don't know maybe something bad or good" Jade smiled and then she grabbed my hand "Jeremy thanks for being an amazing boyfriend and fiancée" she said and I smiled "your welcome baby, and I'm lucky to have a girl like you as well cause look at what we created. A beautiful baby girl and a perfect relationship together".

Jade smiled and looked at Alana sleeping in my arms "she looks like you doesn't she?" She asked and I laughed "She does". Alana was peacefully sleeping in my arms and I looking at her smiling cause I has happy, I felt so happy to have her in my life and same with Jade. Who knew that happiest doesn't just erase from your life when you feel alone cause you have this amazing second chance for everything bad that happened in your life.

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