Chap 16 Two Bricks Make A Home Alone

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Jayy's pov

"Come on Jade, the ceremony starts soon" Her mother yelled up "What's taking her so long?" "She had morning sickness today so that probably why" Her mother walked back to her purse "I can't believe it, seems like yesterday she wanted to move out here and get married to someone" she smiled and I laughed "Well she made a good decision didn't she?".

"If that decision means leaving the house a second after she left high school than yes, she did" I smiled and then her mother looked at me "I'm happy that she found the one, and now look at you two having a child together. I can't wait to see my grandchild the first one actually"

"Really is she the only child?" "No actually she had a little sister named Emily but sadly she passed away, she got hit by a car while walking home from school" I froze "How old was Jade when it happen?" "She was only 15 poor thing she was at her softball game when it happened" I looked at her artwork "Why does she paint?" "Cause she says it helps with the sadness in her life, after her biological father ran off and then deny that she was his, she fell in very bad depression and wherever her father is I hope he regrets leaving her" (mine never did regret leaving me) I looked away "oh that's sad" I said before going mute.

Everything was silent after that until I herd Jade "I'm ready" I turned around and I saw her and I smiled "Jade, you look beautiful" "thanks Jayy, and I think our little one looks amazing too". I looked at her belly and kissed her forehead "time to graduate" her mom said.

At the college I was getting evil stares by people, probably cause I went to prison before but then I herd her name "Jade Howard" I smiled hearing her voice "show time" I said and then I walked to the stage "Now Jade will give her speech on her piece that was accepted into the Los Angeles Art Museum".

I stood next to the stairway of the stage, as she got to her speech "My art piece is a symbol of something very important in my life, and that is my boyfriend Jayy. On our first date I felt like our relationship wasn't gonna be strong but until I got to know him better, he's lost more than me in my life and my painting even though it's not here right now so he can see it but. I guess the artwork I made is something that will always be apart of our love life forever".

I walked on stage and she looked at me, she hugged me and then ale hen she pulled away I got on one knee and her face was priceless. "Jade Howard, I've never ever felt this in much love in my life. You saved me from depression and basically killing myself, and now I realized that you are my life. So will you take the honor of being Mrs Monroe?" She covered her mouth in tears and looked at me happily "I will".

I put the engagement ring on her finger and then we kissed, after the graduation ceremony I walked outside while the others were celebrating in a beach house, and I saw Jade sitting on the ground and she looked upset. I walked over to her and kissed her cheek "what's wrong baby?" I asked and she looked at me "Nothing, it's just do you ever just freeze and realized that your one day gonna die?" She asked and I lit a cigarette "Somedays".

"It's just I graduated and now I got basically a lot of years of nothing ahead" she said "No, you got years of motherhood ahead and an upcoming  bride" I said and she smiled "well that makes me happy that you said that Jayy". I kissed her lips and then I pulled away smiling and she laid her head on my shoulder "You make me happy".

We walked home and then I opened the front door and Jade wrapped her arms around my neck "What are we gonna go now?" She asked and I picked her up "Well I think we should have you take a nice relaxing bath" I said and she smiled "well that sounds lovely" she said and I put her down "Well I'll make the bath for you and everything will be fine". When she was taking the bath I stood in the door way and I smiled seeing her lay there peacefully "Having fun?" I asked and she laughed "Yeah this feels amazing and now I we can finally start a new life" I looked around the bathroom "well not here, maybe we can get another place away from here?" "That sounds fine, I mean it I'll be more opened to us".

I smiled and looked at her belly "I'll try to get a new apartment for us and also the baby" "thank you Jayy". After her bath she was laying down on my lap sleeping, I rubbed her head and smiled "Good night baby girl, tomorrow is your first day as a grown woman". I looked outside and I smiled "Ashley I don't know if this was a gift to make me happy but thanks, tell my brother thanks too".

I laid my head down and fell asleep while Jade was sleeping on my lap, and I couldn't have been more happy in my life.

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