Chap 11 Jayy Meet The Creators Of Your Lover

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Jade's Pov

I got up early and I couldn't wait to make Jayy's surprise breakfast, as I finished up I looked into the bedroom and saw him slowly waking up. I walked in and kissed his lips "good morning" I said and he rolled his eyes "Morning? More like afternoon"

I kissed his lips again and then I smiled "How are you doing today baby?" I asked and he smiled "I'm fine, and I think I have a massive headache from the night before" he said and I smiled "really?". He got up and kissed my lips "you were so fucking wild last night, I wanted more of it" he said and I smiled "well maybe tonight" I said and then Jayy rolled his eyes "Not after I'm done eating my food?"

He said and I smiled "No silly, later tonight how about we go on a dinner date tonight and we can come home and have more fun" I said and he smirked "Sure". As I walked off into the kitchen I herd his voice "I'm gonna fucking destroy your cake after dinner" I giggled and then turned around "What makes you think that your not gonna be the one serving desert tonight?"

He blushed and went back to eating his food, everything was silent until my phone went off


"Jade, sweetie it's mom and dad and we're just calling to hear how our little baby is doing in the big city?"

"I'm doing great mom, I'm on my last year of college and also I have a boyfriend"

"That's amazing, I can't wait to meet him"

"Yeah he's really nice and sweet, I can't wait for you to meet him as well at Christmas this year"

After my mother has had a couple of glasses of wine and my dad is passed out that's when he can be in the open, good one look at him now and they'll think he's holding me hostage or something.

"Well we don't have to wait till Christmas, cause we are in California right now"

"Wait what? Right now are you crazy how did you even get the money to travel here?"

"Your father and I worked late just to fly out and see you, and plus were aren't far from your campus"

"Oh sweet, that's totally awesome"

"So where do you live?"

"Oh I'm living with my boyfriend and it's far from campus like a hour drive"

"Oh that's funny cause there's a apartment building right down the road and it's not that far from the campus, why didn't you live there?"

"I don't know, probably cause it's to expensive or something, I got to go mom I have some art work to work on"

"Okay well, we're heading to the café in a hour so maybe you and your boyfriend can meet us?"

"Maybe, I love you mommy bye"

I hanged up and as I turned around I saw Jayy "Jayy what are you doing out of bed?" "I finished my breakfast, and I'm guessing that was someone who you didn't want me to see at all right?" He asked and I looked at him "I'm sorry Jayy, It's my parents and they flew here all the way from Ohio and I don't want to see them but they want to meet you"

"Wait why don't you want to see them? Is it because of me?" "Maybe it is" he looked at me and then hold my hand "Jade, why are you scared of me meeting them?" "Cause you have tattoos, and my mother doesn't like guys with tattoos and neither does my dad or he'll think you rob banks for a living"

He shrugged "use too, anyway Jade it will be fine and if they don't like us than they don't like us" "yeah but they might make me move back to Ohio" he smiled and then kissed my cheek "when are they coming to the café down the road?"

I looked at the clock "about an hour or so" he smiled and then kissed my forehead "We're going to see them". A couple about 30 minutes passed and Jayy walked out looking mature as for a date with the parents. I smiled and then kissed his cheek "you look handsome baby" I said and he laughed "damn right I'm handsome".

We walked into the café and I saw my parents "Shit maybe we shouldn't be here, this was a bad idea" I said and then Jayy shushed me "it's okay baby, everything will be okay". We walked up to my parents and they smiled "Jade, we miss you so much" my mom said and then I herd my dad "my little girl has grown so much".

"Mom, Dad I would like you to meet my boyfriend Jayy" my mother was smiling and along with my father who wasn't smiling more like questioning why he's here. After a few minutes we got to the major question of all from my dad "Jayy, where did you come from?"

"Oh I was born in Orlando, Florida to a single mother while my dad or sperm donor as she called him lived in Texas and I never meet my father actually. I was always a bad kid getting into trouble, breaking the rules until I drop out of high school and moved here with my blood brother Dahvie who tragically passed away recently".

I looked at my dad and he smiled "one more question" he cleared his throat and then looked at Jayy with questioning eyes "do you think my daughter is the one for you?" He asked and Jayy smiled "Yes, your daughter has extremely perfect art skills and she's just so amazing at it. Even thought her school denied her submitted piece I still think she deserves better, I want to take every art work she made and make our home look like a museum".

I was about to cry, Jayy was being literally the most fucking kindest man ever right now and I couldn't believe that maybe my dad will like him after all, Jayy looked at me and smiled "She took me out of my darkest moments and she's like my sunshine".

I smiled and Jayy grabbed my hand "If you don't accept me to be with you daughter that's fine, just know that she alone is like the most talented and powerful girl ever". I smiled and looked at my dad "Jayy" he stood up and reached out his hand "Welcome to the family" he said and I smiled "Thanks Sir, and I promise I won't break your loving daughters heart".

As we got back home I kissed Jayy's lips and he smiled "you make me so fucking happy, I can't imagine my life without you" he said and I started to cry a little "thanks Jayy, I love you" he smiled "I love you too". We started to make our a little and then he lifted me up and my legs wrapped around his waist "now about desert?" I laughed "I'm all yours to eat". Jayy was the one for me, he's sweet and literally the perfect one but I'm scared of one thing. What if he's not over that Ashley girl?

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