Chap 6 Girlfriend Moves In

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Jayy's Pov

I opened my eyes and I saw that Jade wasn't in bed, I got up and looked around "Fuck she probably went to class" I said and then as I got up I found a note on her side table.

"Dear Jayy if you are wondering where I am, I went to class this morning and I'll be stopping by my apartment after class to pick up a few items don't worry I'll be okay. I also made you breakfast so eat up! Love Jade"

I smiled looking at the letter damn she's so cute, I walked into the kitchen and saw she made me waffles "Well look who has the best girlfriend in the world" I said and then I started eating.

After I was done eating I saw that it was 10:45am "her art class ended 40 minutes ago, did I really sleep in that late?" I asked and then I decided to call her.


"Hey I was wondering if you need help with moving anything?"

"No I don't, but thank you I'm fine"

"Oh really, well just to let you know I'm taking my keys to come and get you"

"Jayy baby don't, I'm fine and besides I have my friend with me"

"Really? Is it someone I know"

"Don't worry she's a lesbian, She won't try and take me away from you"

"Alight well you girls be safe"

"We will, bye sweetie"

"Haha bye"

I hanged up and then looked at my apartment, I should clean up this space before she comes back.

Jade's Pov

I hanged up and continued to put stuff away, that was until my friend Rose came in "Who was on the phone with you?" I smiled and then looked at the ceiling "my boyfriend Jayy".

She was shocked "Oh really, so is he good in the bedroom?" She asked and I was embarrassed "No we haven't had sex yet" she laughed "really, come on sweetie this is your first relationship where you moved into the guys home. You need to bang him" I closed up the box and then looked at her "but how do I start? Like say hey let's have sex or something like that?"

She laughed again "you have to lure him in your trap, and then attack him" I rolled my eyes as I started packing up another box "I don't think that will work", she looked at me and then smiled "Come on, why are you scared to have sex with him".

"Cause he was with this girl before me, and she passed away which made him really depressed and when he talks about her I just want to stuff his mouth, handcuff him to the bed, and just never mind". She blushed "Well I didn't know that, anyway let's get these boxes out to the car and I'll drive you over to his place" she said and I smiled "okay".

I knocked on his door and I herd him on the other side "hold on, I'm coming" he opened up the door and smiled seeing me "Welcome home baby" he said kissing my lips "Thanks, this is Rose my friend" he smiled "nice to meet you Rose" he said and Rose smiled back "You too".

I put everything away and set up my art stuff, then I walked into the hall hearing Rose and Jayy laughing "That's what she told me, She turned on when she's jealous" Rose said and then Jayy laughed "well even if she thinks it should be rushed to early in a relationship, I'll give her all the time to wait for her to be ready" Jayy said and I smiled.

Nice and Respectful now that if what I like in a man, Rose giggled again and then asked Jayy "What made you think that Jade was the one?" She asked and I rolled my eyes "Obviously Jade, is beautiful and so calming in this world. I wouldn't trade her for even a million dollars just because she means so much to me, and I know she doesn't like it when I talk about my ex a lot but she makes me believe that love does give second chances in this world".

I smiled and then covered my heart, I walked out in the kitchen and he smiled "Hey baby" he said and I kissed his cheek "Hi, Are you and Rose talking about me?" I asked and he laughed "We were, and don't worry Rose said some nice things". After Rose left Jayy kissed my hand and I smiled "Now we're alone" I smiled and then looked outside the window "I really want look at the stars outside, can we?" I asked and he laughed "sure we can".

Me and Jayy walked outside and it was perfect at night, Jayy told me he didn't really go out as often as he did with his brother and this was more of a change for him. We stopped and then Jayy looked at me "This is beautiful" he said and I smiled "Yeah, well you know what they say artist are like bats their home is the darkness of the night"

He laughed and then he kissed my cheek "your literally the most beautiful thing right now" he said and I smiled "Well I don't really think that" "well if your artistic side isn't saying it than you real side is". I laid my head on his shoulder and then he looked at me smiling "Your beautiful" he said and I smiled "Thanks Jayy, and your handsome".

The night was perfect and nothing could ruin it, Jayy was just the handsome man ever and I was peacefully falling asleep in the comfort of his arms. He's the one for me but the question is am I the one for him?

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