Chap 27 Final Chapter

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Jade's Pov

I was standing in the hotel room and Jayy grabbed my waist "I'm really happy that I married you Jade" he said and I smiled "And I'm happy I married you too" our lips connected and then he grabbed my breast, Jayy slowly took off my shirt and I blushed "Are you ready for this baby?" He asked and I smiled "Have I always been ready?" "Well you did chicken out the first time" I shushed him "oh shush".

I pushed him down on the bed and started kissing his neck but he flipped me over "Who says your the daddy?" He asked and I smiled "I just wanted to be on top". He kissed my lips and then smiled "well I'll let you become the daddy later". He slowly took of my pants and then he got off his shirt, off came his pants just seconds after and then his lips connected with mine "I love you so much baby" he said and I smiled "I love you too". He placed his lips down on my chest, his lips went down lower and I smiled.

As his lips finally touched my private parts I grabbed the sheets in excitement, he locked in his lips and then I bit my lip. I started moaning as loud as I can till it all came out, I looked down and smiled. Jayy popped back up and looked at me smiling, I kissed his lips and he started to go in.

It was a little painful at first but it felt better going on, I grabbed his hair and smiled as our lips were still connected. I pushed my lower part up towards his and he smiled "Damn Jade your really horny" "you know I'm always horny for you". I said and he laughed "oh really?". We continued for a while and the kept going till I felt something "Oh fuck, Jayy I'm gonna-" I said then I felt a strong pain "Aaahh!" I moaned and Jayy smiled "I love you baby" he said and I smiled "You better have knocked me up, cause that was the best sex ever!" I said and he smiled "Wanna have a second round?" "Hell yeah".

Later On...

I was laying down in bed cuddling up in the sheets and I felt two cold hands on my waist "oh fuck, that is cold you son of a bitch!" I said and he smiled "Good morning baby, Merry Christmas" he said and I smiled "Merry Christmas, where's the girls?" I asked and he smiled "They're still sleeping, don't worry it's just me and you and maybe we can be a little horny under the mistletoe?" He asked and I giggled "Jayy, stop being we're not gonna have sex on Christmas morning" I smirked and then kissed my lips "come on baby, let's get up before the girls find us".

We walked downstairs and I saw the tree "Oh my god, it looks so beautiful" I said and he smiled "Are you talking to yourself?" He asked and I blushed "no, I'm talking about the tree". I walked over to the tree and looked at each jewel hanging on the tree, I smiled and looked at Jayy "I so happy I have you in my life" I said and he smirked "Me too baby, if I didn't find your sexy ass I would have been liking ass for the rest of my life". I smiled and kissed his lips "look at us, we raised two beautiful baby girls together and maybe-" I looked down at my belly and smiled "another one?" I asked and he giggled "I know I can't wait baby girl".

Everything was quiet again till I herd Alana "Mommy! Santa was here" she said and I looked at Jayy "someone's awake" "Merry Christmas Alana" he said and I smiled "Merry Christmas sweetie" she gfiled and than looked at the presents "Which one is mine?" "The pink one baby girl, but wait let's at least wait for Lillie so we can tell her something really important" he said and Alana smiled "Okay".

She walked into the kitchen and I looked at Jayy "are we really going to tell the girls this early? Why don't we wait for us to tell your mother?" I asked and he smirked "She already knows baby, everything I tell her we're going somewhere private she knows we come out with nothing or something, and I don't pull out on a gorgeous woman like you".

I smiled and then looked at my belly "I hope it goods well", everything was quiet again till I herd our other daughter Lillie "Momma?" She said and I smiled "There's our baby girl" Jayy said and I smiled "Lillie, come here honey" I hold her close in my arms and looked at a blue box "there's your present, oh Jayy can you go get Alana for me sweetie?" I asked and he smiled "Sure honey, I'll do that". I picked up Lillie's box and handed it to her "here sweetie, be careful I don't want you to get hurt" I said and she giggled "Okay". Alana came in the room along with Jayy "go sweetie get your presents".

Alana grabbed the pink box and smiled "what is it daddy?" She asked and Jayy looked at me "You have to find out honey". I looked at Jayy while Lillie and Alana unwrapped there presents and I herd them gasp "Mommy I love it" Lillie said "It's beautiful" Alana said afterwards. We gave both the girls teddy bears cause we felt like they should have something to not be afraid of.

"But wait there's something else" Jayy said and he got up and walked towards the bathroom "does daddy have medicine for us?" Alana asked "No honey". Moments later Jayy walked back into the room and smiled "Girls guess what?" He asked and the two girls smiled "what is it?" Jayy handed it to me "here baby girl, look at it" I cried seeing the best thing it the world world


I looked at Jayy and hugged him "I can't believe this baby!" I said and he smiled "Daddy, mommy what's wrong?" I looked at him and he smiled "Alana, Lillie your gonna have a little brother or sister". He said and I looked at him smiling "this is the best memory I ever had" I said and he smirked "Me too, baby"...

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