Chap 20 Mother Has Been Working Hard

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Jayy's Pov

I watched as Jade walked around the apartment "alright, Alana's feeding time is every 3 to 4 hours and if she needs a nap just put her in her play set and just let herself fall asleep" Jade said "Jade" "and if she doesn't want to eat that means she has gas and just let help her pass it through" "Jade" "and I know she's not a really good baby to-" I grabbed her shoulder and smiled "Jade, Calm down okay?" I said and she took a deep breath "I'm sorry it's just, a job where I'm away from my child and my husband" I laughed "I'm gonna miss you too, but you'll be fine okay" she hugged me "Okay, I'll see you two later bye" she said and I smiled "Bye Jade".

I walked over to Alana's crib and watched her sleep "you look like your mother baby" I said and she smiled "Come on let's get you around the neighborhood baby". I put Alana in her stroller and we walked in a store and Alana was just chilling in her stroller, I looked at her and smiled "You look so cute Alana" I said and then I froze feeling a strange glare
from others "come on Alana maybe coming here was a mistake" I said and I picked her up. I set her in the car and as I was unpacking everything from her stroller someone came up behind me and hit me "Ahh!" I yelled and I looked at him "Oh prison boy doesn't wanna fight huh?" He asked "you, I thought I put a restraining order on you" he kicked me "your girlfriend but not for yourself".

I looked at my car "who's in the car?" He asked and I looked at the window thinking of Alana "no one" then as I got up he punched me again, I only toke one strike at him and the rest I was beaten painfully. He spit on my face and then I laid on the ground, when he left I looked at Alana's window and cried "I'm sorry sweetie". I stood up and then I herd Alana crying "Alana daddy's coming". I fell back and hit my head in the ground blacking out.

Jade's Pov

I was driving home and I spotted Jayy's car alongside police and ambulance around it "oh no" I said and I turned down the street to get closer to see what's happening. I got out of my car and ran towards the car "Jayy" I asked and a guy hold me back "what are you doing you can't be on a crime spree" "I'm his fiancée, we have a baby where is she?" He pointed to an ambulance and I ran over to her "Alana sweetie, are you okay?" I asked and then I saw Jayy in the ambulance "can I see him?" I asked and she shook her head.

I walked in and sat next to him "Jayy?" I asked and then he slowly open his eyes seeing me, I couldn't see his mouth but his eyes said something different. They said I hurt "Jayy I'm here baby" I said and then his eyes glowed a little "Alana's here too baby" I said and his eyes stay glooming. I knew who did this and it was my ex boyfriend probably, I knew him and Jayy would become adversaries at the start.

I turned my head and saw him sitting in the backseat of the police car, then I looked back at Jayy "Baby I'm glad your okay" I said and then he slowly took his oxygen mask "Ashley, I love you" he said and I froze "I love you too"...

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