Chap 14 Coming Back From Mother Nature

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Jade's Pov

It was the next day and Me and Jayy arrived at the apartment around lunch time, Me and Jayy were making out in the elevator and he pulled away "So when are you leaving school?" He asked and I smiled "Two weeks and I'm done" Jayy smiled and then grabbed my waist "Good, cause I'm sick of waking up in bed with my lady gone".

I smiled and then as the doors opening up Jayy looked at me and smirked "Come on let's get back home" he said and I smiled "Alright". As Jayy opened the front door I looked around "it feels amazing to be back" I said and Jayy smiled "I can tell". I walked over to my painting stand and I sat down "Your already painting?" Jayy asked and I smiled "I'm making an amazing painting to celebrate" "celebrate what?".

I looked at him "Well my piece of art is gonna be in a museum" I said and he was shocked "what! That's amazing Jade" I smiled as he hugged me and then I smiled "That's fucking amazing, why didn't you tell me before?" He asked and I smiled "I didn't want to celebrate in a place that was unrelated to our relationship"

He laughed and kissed me "that makes me fucking happy Jade, your dream has finally came true" he said and I smiled as well. Jayy looked pretty happy as well as me but I knew this would be a perfect surprise for him, "for that I'm gonna take you out to dinner" he said and I laughed "Jayy, you don't have to" he kissed my lips "it's for you and also a celebration as well".

I rolled my eyes and then kissed his lips again "well I'll love to go on a date with you Jayy Von Monroe" I said and laughed "You can call me Jeremy" he winked and I smiled.

I got ready for the dinner and I looked over seeing a box of pregnancy tests "no I don't want to" I said and then I went back to doing my makeup but it kinda made me worried "I mean what if I am?" I asked and then I turned around seeing the box. I toke one out of the box and looked at it "I mean I want to but" "Jade, you ready?" He asked from outside the bathroom door "oh yeah I am".

I walked to the door and opened it seeing Jayy looking all fancy "well you sure are ready" he said and I smiled kissing his cheek "come on let's go". We walked down to the restaurant and Jayy smiled looking at me "Damn your gorgeous" he said and I smiled "your not bad yourself".

"Why aren't we taking a car down there?" I asked and he smirked "cause I'll be drunk and I don't want you to drive home upset". I grabbed Jayy's hand and smiled "I won't be upset, I'll be jealous cause you get to drink". He smiled and then kissed my cheek "oh shut up, and when are you ever gonna turn 20?" He asked and I smiled "I'm gonna be 20 in October, so I'm a spooky baby" "oh so you were born on Halloween?" He asked and I laughed "Yeah I was".

We got to the restaurant and when we walked Jayy smiled "Reserved for Griffs" he said and I smiled "Griffs?" "What you didn't think I was a grandchild of Marilyn Monroe right?" He asked and I blushed. We were walked outside and when we looked around it looked beautiful, the moon was looking over the ocean lovely, and also the scenery looked beautiful.

As we sat down at the table I looked at Jayy "how did you do all this?" I asked and he smirked "Well I fell in love and made this beautiful date for a beautiful lady". The whole date was beautiful and what made it amazing was just everything, Jayy looked at me and smiled "Jade, I love you" he said and I smiled "I love you too Jayy, and this is crazy I mean why did you do all this for me?" He smiled "Cause of you" "Me? What are your talking about?" He smiled and then grabbed my hand.

"Jade you changed me, I use to be this heartless bastard and now I'm different so not only is this to celebrate you being called an official artist but also a thank you for making me feel like people change me different". I smiled and then looked into his brown eyes "Jeremy Griffs, I love you so damn much" I said and he smiled "I know that's true now cause you didn't call me what other girls did".

I hugged him and he started crying "thank you baby". After our dinner Me and Jayy walked back to the apartment while my heart still melted from what Jayy said, I looked in the stars and Jayy laid smiled "My mother always told that the ones we lost are looking over us in the stars". I smiled and then looked at Jayy "Really?" I asked and he smirked "Yeah I mean if you think of it"

I looked at the sky and smiled a little "who do you think is up there?" I asked and he smiled "Anyone you lost" he said and I looked up. Jayy wrapped his arm around me and smiled "Come on baby lets bring you in". We both fell asleep on the bed with each other and it was good way to end a date like that.

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