Big Mistake Part 2

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You wake up feeling light headed on the couch around 1pm. 'DAMN!' you thought to yourself.  'At least it's Saturday and I have no work today.'  You get up and look around. Silence. You head upstairs. No Justin. No sign of him in any room on the 1st or 2nd floor.. You check the last floor.  Still no Justin. You decided to head back downstairs and check your phone. You open up.  You have a text message. You quickly try to type in your password and fail 3 times before finally getting it in correctly. It isn't a message from Justin. Just a friend asking if you two could hang out today. It was delivered to you about an hour ago. You ignore the message and go to your messages with Justin. You see he has opened the heartfelt message you sent and did not reply.  You feel worried and upset. You decided to go upstairs, brush your teeth, shower and change.

After you are done, you put on lotion, perfume, some shorts and a regular top. You head downstairs. You don't feel hungry so you decide you won't eat right now. Just as you head back to the couch, Justin walks through the front door looking beat tired and drunk.
"JUSTIN! I WAS SO WORRIED," you shout. You run to hug him. He doesn't wrap his arms back around you. You pull away looking confused and hurt. 
"What is it baby?" you ask. 
Justin can barely hold eye contact with you for 1 second before he looks away each time. He closes the door behind him and begins to cry and cover his eyes.
"I am so ashamed. I want to die. I can't believe what I did."
He moves his hands and looks at you. His eyes are so red and puffy. His hair is a mess. He pulls his phone out of his back pocket and opens your message back up and shows it to you.
"Why didn't you respond? What's going on? Why are you acting this way?" you ask in a small voice. You feel chocked up.  You are scared to hear the story.

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