Big Mistake Part 23

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You slowly woke up. You could barely see a thing. It was so bright. The sun was up. Your vision was very bad. You touched your eyes and then yanked your hand back in pain. Your eye was swollen and hurting so badly. You could barely see with your swollen eyes. You tried to sit up but your stomach was aching badly. You saw Justin lying beside you and you reached over to touch his hand. It was cold. You pushed yourself up on your arm to see Justin's face. There was lots of dry blood on his lips and under his nose and he also had a black eye with blood near his eyes. You cried softly and felt a sharp pain in your stomach. You could only lie flat on your back. You reached for Justin's arm again because you wanted to try and find a pulse but as soon as you pulled his arm towards you, you heard a girl shriek. She raced over to you with another young man who appeared to be her boyfriend. She moved your hair out of your face and had her boyfriend stay with you while she went to call the police. He said his name was Zack and his girlfriend was Anna and they would help you. You asked in a small voice if he could check for you if your boyfriend was still alive and okay. You saw him check for a pulse. He said it was a very weak and faint pulse and that he could die if he didn't get help soon. Anna raced back to you guys and said the police and ambulance would be there fast. She asked what happened and you told her about Jason beating you two up. They both looked scared whenever you said that name.
"You mean Jason McCann who was on the news?" he asked you.
You nodded. They looked even more scared. Anna comforted you.
The ambulance rolled up and they raced over and people picked both you and Justin up and loaded you in. Anna and Zack followed and said they would be right behind you in their car. The police would handle your car.
They closed you guys in and took off. Anna and Zack did follow. You looked over at Justin and in thought. You were so sick of how when things began to look up, something messed that up for you guys. You were sick of going back to the hospital. The nurses pumped on Justin's chest and said a whole bunch of medical terms. You saw some water coming out his mouth. They sat him up and slapped his back and water came out his mouth and they laid him back down. They put up a curtain so you couldn't see what was going on with Justin and you cried so hard that it hurt and you wanted to just kill yourself if Justin died and so did your kids. You tried sitting up and the nurses held you down and because you tried to push them away, they strapped you down. All you could do was lay there as the tears rolled down your face and you felt hopeless.
You were soon taken out of the truck and taken to the E.R. yet again. A doctor came in soon and asked if you knew anyone by the names of Anna and Zack. You said yes and to let them in. The doctor left you alone with them and they comforted you as you cried. Soon, Zack got up and said he would check on your boyfriend.
"Justin," you replied.
"What?" Zack said.
"My boyfriend's name is Justin..."
"Oh, okay. I will check on Justin." Then Zack kissed Anna and left the room.
You told Anna about Justin and you and then the day you were raped and how things went down that night in further detail. About how everything was going so well and it was ruined for you. You guys talked for about 15 minutes before Zack came back in.
"Well," he said shutting the door behind him. "Justin is still unconscious and the doctors say he may not make it. They cleared his lungs which were mostly filled with water." He stood beside you and you covered your face and cried into your hands quietly. You wiped your tears and while doing it, you saw your tattoo. The one Justin had as well. The one he got with you and you cried even harder because it reminded you of him.
"Can I just kiss him one last time? I don't know if I ever will get to again."
Anna and Zack said how you had to stay but you kept pushing back. Finally, they said they would leave for a moment and act as if they didn't see you leave. Zack gave you Justin's room number. They helped you out the room with a walker to lean on and help you walk. Then they went to the waiting area and said you were to be back in your room in 5 minutes and they would meet you there. You agreed and set off for Justin's room.
You were dodging your doctors left and right, but you made it unnoticed to Justin's room. You snuck in. There were no doctors in. You went up to Justin. He was connected to multiple wires and there was a mask over his mouth and nose to give him air to breathe. You were crying and a few of your tears hit his face and you wiped them away softly and softly held his face in your hands. You felt his hair again and his hands and fingers because you didn't know if you'd ever be able to again. You leaned in closer because your eyesight was still pretty bad with your swollen eyes. His eyes were also swollen and had some blood left that the doctors hadn't completely wiped away. Your tear dropped on him again except this time, on his eyelid and you carefully brushed it off and some blood from his eye smudged off. You carefully pushed up his mask but made sure it was still over his nose so he could breathe. You slid it off his mouth and carefully brushed his lip with your finger. You wiped off some blood that was on his mouth and softly kissed him on his lips closed mouth. You just had your mouth on his for moment and then you pulled back and put his mask back on properly. You held his hand one more time before you turned away. You used your walker to help you towards the door. The tears made it even harder for you to see. Halfway to the door and you heard your name.
"*Y.N.*," the small and raspy voice said. You looked back to see Justin with his head partly up and that he had taken his mask off and was looking at you.
"Justin!" you said. You were smiling so big. You made your way to his bedside as quick as you could and came back to him and you hugged eachother. You carefully got onto his bed and layed down next to him just like he had done for you when he came to you in the hospital. You laid down next to him in his bed and he made more room for you. You laid down facing him and he faced you. You put your head against his lips and he kissed your forehead and put his chin above your head and you snuggled up next to him. He laid a hand on your stomach and another behind your back and you had one of your hands on his back and the other touching his arm. You closed your eyes and he did the same and you fell asleep next to him.

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