Big Mistake Part 9

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"WHAT!?" you yell out.
"Who's this?" Nina asks you.
"Easy," she replied.  "I asked for the sign up board.  Of course they didn't give it up that easy so I did a little things here and there, saw his name and the number next to it."
You screamed, unlocked the door and stormed inside and upstairs leaving Justin outside on the phone.
"Nina?" Justin said.
"Yes.  So I will give you my address and you give me the test by tomorrow okay?" she said calmly.
"No, no listen.  *Y.N.* is my girlfriend.  What you and I did was a mistake and what she and I did was real.  I never meant for this to happen.  I'm not into you in that way."
"But I still demand a test."
Justin sighed.  "Okay, text me the address.  But so you know-"
"No, listen to me," she said cutting Justin off.  "If I am pregnant, you are staying and supporting whether *Y.N.* likes it or not."
"Okay.  But please don't drag my baby into this okay?" he says.  "This is between you and me."  Without another word, Justin hangs up and goes inside taking the key with him and locking the door.  He goes upstairs.  He slowly pushes your room door open and sees you lying face flat on the bed and sobbing into your pillow.  He sets down his phone and lies down next to you. 
"Baby," he says.  "I'm so sorry that this is happening but I won't let this ruin us okay?  I promise," he says. 
You look at him, your eyes filled with tears and you feel so hurt.
"I don't want to lose you to her," you cry.
Justin moves closer and kisses you for about 3 seconds before pulling away.
"You won't," he says.  He wipes away your tears and cuddles you.
"Are you scared?" you ask him.
"I don't want my first child to be given to me by Nina.  I am worried and scared."
You cry a little more.
He smooths your hair back out of your face and touches the side of your face as if he is going to kiss you again, but he doesn't.  He just holds you and looks deep into your eyes.  He lies down next to you and keeps cuddling you and you both soon fall asleep.


You wake up to find Justin gone.  You head downstairs and see he has prepared a big, beautiful breakfast for the both of you with all kinds of good food.  You run back upstairs and brush your teeth and go back down.  You go up to Justin.  He sees you this time.  You don't even say anything.  Just quickly kiss him and sit at the table before finally saying "good morning."  He smiles at you and says it back.  Then he asks you what you want on your plate and he puts it all for you.  After, he puts things on his plate and carries them over.  He goes and comes back again with drinks.
He sits across from you and says how pretty your smile is.  You say how sexy he looks and he blushes. 
You and Justin are eating and the food is so good.  Even better than good.  You are both talking and laughing.  Sharing old memories.  Then Justin says, "I am so lucky to have you."  You smile big and just then, Justin gets a call.  He asks if he can take it and you say yes.  He gets up and walks to the other side of the room.  He doesn't put it on speaker so you can only hear his responces.
"Yes... But we are in the middle of breakfast... Can't it wait?... No, I can't just leave my girlfriend like that... Okay but why is this so urgent?... Okay fine!  But we will finish up quickly.  I won't just leave like that... Fine... Bye."
Justin hangs up and walks back over to his seat.  He starts spreading cream cheese on his bagel.  He doesn't say a word.  He doesn't even look at you.  You want him to talk first so you just wait.  You eat some of your food and wait.  He starts to eat his bagel.  All of a sudden, he jumps up out of his chair and runs both hands through his hair.  He messes it up while doing that and you can see his eyes get watery.  He turns to face you.
"That mistake I made is ruining me.  I just wish that I hadn't done it.  And she is nagging me to get the test.  All I really want is you.  To spend time with you. To keep loving you. And all this drama keeps flooding back in. And I hate to think about what I did."

He keeps running on about this and you stand up and stand right infront of him. He keeps putting his hands through his hair.
"And I hate this feeling. I hate it. I don't know why I did what I did. And I just-"
You cut Justin off by just kissing him. His hands come out of his hair and onto your waist. You keep kissing him still. You can feel him start to relax.  Then you stop and look at him. You walk over to the hooks, come back, hand him his keys and tell him, "It's okay. Get the test. Whatever happens, happens. You don't have to beat yourself up over this," you tell him.
Justin sniffles and wipes his tears away. He nods. You give him his plate.
"Finish your food at stoplights.  I don't want you to be hungry."
He takes his plate snd slowly begins to walk out the door.  You soon hear him drive off and you can't help but wonder, 'Can this girl be pregnant?'

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