Big Mistake Part 8

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Justin tosses your top to the side and inches closer.  You tense up inside by the touch of Justin's hand on your stomach and face.  He kisses you softly.  He starts kissing you down to the top of your shorts and pulls those off too.  Your breathing gets heavier the more things go along.  He moves down and kisses you through your underwear and it makes you sit straight up.
"Did I hurt you?" he asks.
You shake your head no and slowly lie back down.  He holds your right hand and says, "Trust me baby.  I'm going to make you feel good.  Don't stress."  You give your approval and Justin starts again while still holding one of your hands.  Then he finally takes of your bra and underwear.  He undresses himself.  Justin eats you out like there is no tomorrow.  His mouth and tounge are just going at it and he holds your hand tighter.  Your breathing gets heavier and so he puts his other hand on your stomach softly.  You then release into his mouth and he pulls back.  He lets go of your hand and starts to use his fingers.  After he finishes, you tease him by only starting with the top of his d but you work your way down and you hear Justin's soft moan and his hand on you and you feel some type of way knowing it's you making him feel that way.  When you're done, he turns you around and you feel just the tip.  He keeps teasing you and makes you beg for it and just starts pounding in you...


You slowly open your eyes.  You feel Justin's arms wrapped around you and you feel safe.  You look around and realize you are in your bedroom now and changed.  You try to recall what happened the other day so you think.
'Anger... tears.'  It all slowly starts coming back.  'Gina's house, home, kissing....'
Then you remember what you were trying to remember.  That intense moment with Justin.  You gave yourself up to him last night.  It wasn't like anything you ever felt before.  You thought about what happened after. 
'Done with it, kissing, shower, changing, cuddling, falling asleep.'
Justin moves around.  You turn to face him.  He looks so cute alseep.  He slowly wakes up and sees your face and smile.  You get closer. 
"Goodmorning," he says with his arms still around you.  You say it back and both sit up talking about last night and making innocent jokes about eachother all while feeling alot closer after what happened.  The conversation was going well until you got a phone call in the middle of it from Gina.  You excused yourself but stayed in the room and answered the call.  You put her on speaker.
"Hey Gina, Justin and I are here and-"
Gina cut you off before you could finish.
"Listen.  How can you go back to someone who hurt you?  Who fucked around behind your back?  Don't you remember how hurt you felt!?" she said shouting.
Justin looked upset.  You answered her.
"Gina, I know you are angry, but Justin also loves me and I love him.  He did fuck behind my back but he told me.  He didn't lie about it.  And yes, I remember how hurt I was, but this feeling is stronger and-"  Gina cut you off once again.
"Don't tell me you let him get in your pants..."
You didn't reply.  Neither did Justin.
"Fucking disgusting!" she replied.  It made you tear up.  It hurt she would say something like that to you and Justin.  Justin noticed you began to cry and held your hand.
"Listen," Gina said.  "It's either going to be me or that dirtbag.  Pick, because I won't associate with you as long as you have something to do with him!"
You paused for a moment and whimpered, "him."
"What?" she asked.
"Him!" you said shouting.  "Him, him, HIM!  I don't appreciate how you hurt him and you won't even hear me out."

Gina angrily hung up the phone. Justin looked at you and you broke down into tears so he just held you and kissed the top of your head and you felt safe again.

"Everything's going to be alright," he said.


After the outbreak that day, 7pm finally rolled along.  You and Justin had just gotten back from dinner and started laughing with your inside jokes.  You felt so in love with him.  Just as Justin put the keys in the front door of the house to unlock it, he got a call. 
"Oops, hold on a second," he said reaching into his pocket.  He pulled out his phone.  He looked confused and showed you the screen.  It said, 'BLOCKED ID' in big letters.  He was hesitant but answered and put the caller on speaker so you could also listen in.
"Hello," the female voice said.
"Y-y-yes," Justin replied.
"I found your ass finally.  I would recognize that voice anywhere.  It's Nina, remember me?"
You could see Justin get a panicked look in his face.  The color in his face drained a bit.
"Well I have been feeling.... just a bit strange lately and I know it's been like a few hours, almost 2 days only but..."
She paused.  You felt a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach.
"Well," Nina continued.  "Let me cut to the point.  I demand you buy me a pregnancy test and bring it over.  We will see the results."
Justin nearly dropped his phone and you just didn't know what to feel or say...

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