Big Mistake Part 16

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You woke up on Justin's chest. His arms were around your waist. You angled your head to look up at him.  He looked gorgeous.  You felt safe with him holding you close.  You gave him a quick peck on his mouth and slowly moved his arms and got out of bed.  You put on your slippers and headed for the door.  You looked back at Justin before leaving the room and smiled.  He was peacefully sleeping.  It was Sunday and you guys both had work tomorrow, so you let him sleep in.  You left the room and left the door open behind you.

You went downstairs and opened the fridge.  Almost empty.  You opened cabinets and checked the table.  You guys were running low on food.  You went upstairs quietly and brushed your teeth, showered quick and got dressed.  You went downstairs and reached for your car keys.  You dropped them and as you bent down to pick them up, you knocked over a bowl on the counter by accident.  It was a metal mixing bowl so it didn't break, but it made a loud sound that woke Justin up.  He came running downstairs.
"IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT!?" he asked worried.
"Yes," you said while picking up your keys and the bowl.  You placed the bowl back on the counter and stood up straight.  Justin grabbed you around your waist.
"Good," he said.  You leaned in and kissed him quick on the mouth and turned around heading for the door.
"Gotta go," you said.
"Why?  I wanted to spend some time with you," he said.  He took a few steps foward.  You stopped at the door with your hand on the knob and looked at Justin.
"I'm going grocery shopping.  We will spend time together."
"Oh well, I'll come with you," he said. 
"No no.  I can do it.  Get some rest baby.  I don't want my pregnancy to take up all your time.  I am still very capable alone babe.  I love your help but I want you to sleep okay?  Please... for me?" you said.
Justin stood in thought for a moment and then sighed.  "Okay," he said.  "Just stay safe okay baby?  And ask for help if you need something high up on the shelves," he said walking towards you.  He kissed you for about 2 seconds and pulled away.
"Okay," you said.  "Later babe, I'll call you.  Text me if you want anything else from the store while I'm there," you said while walking outside.  He put his hand up to say goodbye.  You got in the car and pulled away and he closed the door after he could no longer see you in the distance.


You were just about done getting everything you needed.  You had lots of food.  Your phone vibrated and you checked.  Justin sent you a cute message.
'Hope you're safe baby.  Haven't stopped thinking about you😍💭'
You smiled and sent one back:
'I love you so much Justin.  I am about to pay and be home soon.'
You put your phone on sleep mode and just as you were about to put your phone away, you got a message back.  You read it on your lock screen.
'Okay, can't wait😉 I have something planned for us.'
You put your phone into your bag and rolled your eyes playfully and blushed.  You were going through the aisles wondering what he had planned.  It made you feel unsettled.  You wanted to know so you picked the pace up so you could hurry and rush home.
You finally came across what you were looking for.  Justin's favorite cereal!!!  It was high on the shelf though and you couldn't reach it at all.  You looked around and saw a man.  You asked him for help.  He grabbed 2 boxes for you like you wanted.  You thanked him.  As you started to walk away, he called back towards you.
"Hey!" he said.  You stopped and faced him.  He got closer and stopped very close.  'Too close!' you thought to yourself. 
"What's your name pretty lady?"
What he said made you uneasy.  You didn't like that he called you that.  You were with Justin.
"Umm," you said stuttering.  "I-i- it's *Y.N.*," you finally managed to say.
"*Y.N*," he repeated to himself.  "I like that!  I'm Jason."  His deep blue eyes felt like they were piercing into you.  You looked away.  He then grabbed you by the arm and kissed you.  You shoved him away.
"EW!  GET OFF OF ME.  DON'T TOUCH ME!" you yelled. 
He grabbed you and covered your mouth.  A little girl came to see why you yelled and Jason shouted at her, "SCRAM!"  She ran away back to her mother.  No one else was watching.  He dragged you out back through an exit not supposed to be used unless you were an employee.  He threw you into the backseat of his car and told you not to dare move.  He drove off fast speeding.  You tried to call the police and text Justin but he noticed you in the mirror and snatched the phone from you.  He stuffed it into the compartment storage of the car.  He soon pulled up to a place by the woods.  There were no other cars.  He got out and  yanked the backseat of the car open.  He told you to leave your bag.  You did as told.  You got out and he grabbed you and put your hands behind your back.  He had you bend down against the hood of the car.  He grinded on you from behind and you started to cry.  You tried to get out of his grip but he was too strong for you.  He soon had you stand up and he turned you around and roughly kissed you and you didn't hold him back or kiss back.  You kept pulling back.  Then he picked you up and swung you over his shoulder and took you deep into the woods.  He stopped by a small lake.  It was a peaceful place but you didn't feel that way being there with him.  Especially alone with him. He dropped you and you fell on your stomach.  You rolled around and held your stomach.  It hurt badly.  You cried even more.  You were worried about you and your babies. 
You looked at Jason.  He looked strickingly like Justin.  Like a spitting image of him.  There were only a few differences.  He soon began ripping off all your clothes and before you knew it, you were being raped.


Jason was finally done using you.  He sat back feeling relieved and you crawled away crying and all bloody down there.  You dressed yourself quickly.
"I'm going to wash in the lake.  Don't even think about trying to pull anything," he said.  He left and when out of sight, you scrambled looking for his pants.  You found them and then his keys in the pocket.  There were about 10 on the chain.  You ran to the car.  It was hard to do.  You got to the car and it wasn't locked.  You got in and locked all the doors.  You tried a key.  It was hard to get it into the keyhole.  Your hand was shaking so bad.  You kept looking around to see if Jason was coming.  One key after another after another failed.  You had 3 more to try.  Then you heard a voice.  It was faint.  You saw Jason dressed and screaming, running to you in the car.  You tried one of the last 3 keys.  You dropped them and tried it again.  He was getting closer.  You dropped it again and tried again.  The key wasn't a match.  Jason was getting closer.  You had 2 more keys to try.  You knew you would only have time to try one before he would reach you so you closed your eyes and prayed quick in your head and chose a key.  You opened your eyes and tried the keyhole.  Jason was so close.  You got the key in in one try without dropping it.  You quickly started the car.  Jason hit the hood of the car and you quickly backed up and sped off.  You were crying and crying and crying while driving.  You looked in the mirror.  Your face was scratched up and you had red hand marks on your thighs.  You stopped at a gas station and ran to the bathroom quick.  You locked the door and undressed and looked at yourself in the mirror.  You had red hand marks all over your ass and legs and on your arms.  And  you had scratches on your waist as well.  You put your bra and top back on and as you were about to pull your underwear back on, you noticed all the blood.  You stuffed your underwear with toilet paper and finished dressing up.  You washed your face in the sink and quickly ran back to the car.  You were close to home.  You heard a phone ringing.  You kept one hand on the wheel while searching in the compartment you saw Jason put your phone in.  You felt around and got your phone.  It soon stopped ringing and when you reached a red light, you looked at your lock screen.
'6 missed calls from Muffin Justin' it said.  You broke into tears seeing his name on your screen.  You set your phone aside.  You got home soon in the stolen car.  You left your bag and phone behind and just ran up to the front door.  You did turn off the car and put it in park but you left the car door open.  You just ran to the door and pounded at it.  Justin soon rushed to open the door smiling.  He saw you and his smile quickly faded and you dropped to the floor passed out and he dashed inside and called the police and an ambulance for you.

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