Big Mistake Part 25

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After crying for about 5 minutes straight, you stopped and pulled away from Justin. The sleeve of his shoulder was covered in your tears.
"Sorry baby," you said pointing to his wet sleeve.
"It's fine," Justin said shrugging it off. He wiped off your tears careful not to hurt your eyes.
He laid back down next to you. You laid down too. He looked at you and then he took your hand. He frowned.
"What's the matter?" you asked him.
"I-I-I just failed you," he said.
"What? No you didn't," you replied. You held his hand a little tighter.
"Yeah, I did. I broke my promise to you..."
You sat up. "Which promise?" you asked looking at him. He sat up too.
"I promised. I promised you. I said I would never let anyone hurt you again but I failed. Jason hurt you...
I'll never be good enough, will I?"
You looked Justin in his watery, puffy, red eyes and hugged him. In his ear during the hug, you said, "you will always be good enough. More than enough. Don't change please. Stay the way you are." Then you pulled away and while your hands were on his shoulders, you kissed him quickly on his mouth, just a peck. Then Justin asked you to hand him the phone. He called into work and they were understanding and gave him the entire week off. Things were starting to look up, just a little.


The 2 days in the hospital were very boring, but it was okay because you had Justin with you to help you get through it, and he had you. You guys just watched TV and talked and stayed in your room. You were finally released from the hospital with Justin. Your eyes were back to normal. The police had your car waiting out front for you. That time, you drove the both of you home. Your phones and everything were still in the car. When you got home, you guys safely got inside. You checked your phone and noticed 6 missed calls from Gina. 2 were from the night at the beach, 2 were from yesterday, and the other 2 were from that very day. It was only 5pm so you decided you were going to call her back. You went to the kitchen table and sat down and had some ice cream. Justin sat in the livingroom to give you a bit of privacy. You redialled Gina's number by hitting the 'Call Back' option. You held the phone to your ear. It rang multiple times. You were on the last ring and thought she wasn't going to answer and were about to hang up until you heard a scratchy sound followed by a, "Hello?"
You quickly dropped your spoon and swallowed the ice cream in your mouth and said, "Hi Gina..."
"Hi," she said softly. She sounded nice as if the fight between you two had never happened and you guys had been hanging out over the last few days alot.
"It's like you dropped off the face of the Earth," she said jokingly. "I haven't heard from you in so long. Almost 3 months I think? How's it going? What's new?" she asked.
You debated with yourself for a moment whether or not to tell her about your pregnancy and Justin and Jason. You kind of forgot about Gina while lingering in your thoughts.
"Helloooo?" Gina said. You snapped out of it.
"Oh, yeah, sorry Gina... umm, I'm good..."
You felt guilty lying. Not everything was good and you felt strange feeling like you couldn't tell Gina the whole truth like you used to be able to before. "Nothing is really new. Same old, same old," you said following by such a fake, little laugh. Justin heard the fakeness in the laugh and turned around from the couch to give you a strange look, then went back to catching Pokémon that were right there in the livingroom.
"I, um...
Listen Gina," you finally said. "I hate to lie to you so here it is.
1, I'm still with Justin. 2, We've had sex like 4 times now. 3, That obviously means I lost my virginity to him. 5, I got pregnant after try number 1. 7... oh wait, no, maybe I'm on 6 now???...... or maybe 5.... okay, forget the numbers. Let me keep going. After my first time, I got pregnant, but I wasn't even trying to have a kid. It just happened, but I am okay with it and so is Justin. I am having twins.  I nearly died in a lake, I was raped by that Jason person on the news, my kid can now probably die, that girl Justin fucked is back in our lives, Jason has come back, he put Justin and I in the hospital for 2 days and nearly drowned my baby to death, I lost me job, AND EVERYTHING IS A HOT MESS!!!" you said finishing off yelling. You finally stopped and panted. You realized how fast you had been talking. Neither of you said anything for a moment. Gina was soaking all that information in. Justin put his phone away and walked over to you and sat across from you and put his hand on yours to give you comfort and just looked at you.
"Wow, um...
I had no idea," Gina said. "I'm sorry. And I am accepting of you and Justin now. He made a mistake, but so did I. I made you choose between Justin and I, and I hurt Justin. I pushed him. I made a mistake."
"Oh, um, wow Gina. I-I-I'm glad you are accepting now. Justin means alot to me and we are starting a family so I am very glad you are supporting us."
"Do your parents know?" she asked.
"Oh, um, no...
Justin and I actually haven't told anyone. We want to surprise them."
"Oh well..... uh, are you having girls or boys?"
"Don't know yet...."
There was a pause.
"I've always wanted twins," Gina finally said. After that the conversation picked up and you guys started talking more. More like how you two did in the past. It wasn't awkward anymore. Everything seemed okay and you guys were just laughing and talking again. Justin left you to go upstairs. After about 5 minutes of talking, Gina laughed and said, "Oh shoot, my phone is about to die...
I got to go, but I'm glad things are okay with us now," she said.
"Yeah, me too," you said smiling.
"OH WAIT! Before I hang up," Gina said, "there is help wanted where I work. It's a bakery. It actually pays alot. 1k a week because the bakery is so famous and popular," she said. "I'll pull a few strings, talk to my boss and you will for sure have that job!" Gina said. "Interested?"
"Oh my gosh, sounds like fun, yes! I'm in," you said excited.
"Well okay then. Talk to you later, bye," Gina said kindly. She hung up and then you put your phone down and felt so happy. You looked down at your bowl of ice cream. It was soup by then. You drank it up from the side of the bowl and set it in the sink to be washed later and grabbed your phone and Justin's from the couch and ran upstairs, excited to share news with Justin. You ran in and found Justin in bed already sleeping. You were sad but you would tell him tomorrow. You just took off your shoes and laid down next to him and shut the lights off. Then, you snuggled up next to him and kissed him for about a second and then layed back down. About 5 sconds later, Justin turned around to face you and wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer. He kissed you back and then went back to sleep. Everything actually was looking up.

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