Big Mistake Part 20

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You and Justin were in the front seat of his car on your way to Nina's house.  You had gotten ready and had breakfast. Nina ruined the plans of going to the beach with Justin that morning, but he said he would take you that night.
You guys pulled up to her house and Justin honked the horn 3 times quickly.  A few seconds later, Nina came outside with just her phone.  She closed the door.  You noticed she had about a same sized stomach as you during the pregnancy.  Seeing that made you feel sick and you turned away and looked out the passenger window.  Nina got into the back seat.  You didn't say anything.
"Ready?" Justin said.
"Yes," both you and Nina replied at the same time.  You rolled your eyes.
It was about a minute into the ride and Nina was the one to break the silence.
"So Justin, this is the girlfriend you have been telling me about.  She's pretty."
"Thank you, I know she is," he responded.  He glanced at you and back to the road, but you just kept looking out the window not saying a word.
"So, *Y.N.*, isn't it?"
You didn't answer so Justin answered for you.
"Yes, that's her name."
Nina kept talking.  "So, *Y.N.*," she said.  "We both know Justin can hit it, am I right?" she said laughing.  Your jaw drapped that she would say that and you looked back at her and snapped. 
"You had no business doing it with him in the first place and you are in no place either to say that."
Nina put both her hands up and back down on her lap.
"Feisty," she said.  "But I mean, it's the truth.  He can find all your little turn ons in a second and I mean, Justin... you were just going at it and making noises and pulling my hair and-"
"STOP IT!" you yelled.
You turned back and looked out your window.  Your eyes were watery but you didn't want to cry in front of Nina.
"Gee," Nina said.  She tapped you on the shoulder and you scooted foward because you didn't want Nina touching you.  Now you were even more angry than sad but you kept looking out the window.
"But it's the truth," she said.  Then she sat back.
"Shut up Nina," Justin said.
To mess with you and Justin, she made a few noises in the back imitating how she sounded while Justin was in her and then a few noises to mock how Justin sounded.  You snapped your head back to look at her and gave her a look.
"Hey, no harm," she said.  "Are you just a little upset because Justin lost his virginity to me and not you?" she said in a cocky voice.
"How did you know that!?" Justin said angrily gripping the steering wheel.
"Because," she said.  "I can just tell.  It's not my first time you know.  I've gotten so many rounds and I can just tell my pros from my amateurs to the newbies.  But let me tell you Justin, for a newbie, you are a pro."
You turned back around and looked out the window and in an audible voice for Nina to hear, you called her a slut and a dirty hoe.  Nina just sat back and smirked.  Justin saw her smiling in the rear view mirror.
"Wipe that smile off your face," he said to her.  She did and just went to texting on her phone.  The rest of the car ride was silent.
Justin soon pulled up to the hospital.  He put you on the wheelchair and began to push you inside.
"HEY, WHAT ABOUT ME!?" Nina yelled from behind.  "I'm just as pregnant as she is," she yelled.  Justin stopped and faced her rolling his eyes.  He is a good person so he felt guilty and took her by the hand and walked her over to besides you.  Nina tried to interlock fingers with Justin.  You saw it happen.  He shook her off his hand and gave her a look and tried it again.  He held her hand again normally and helped her and pushed you in the chair with his other hand.  You could see Nina from the corner of your eye and you could tell she was actually struggling and not just putting up an act so Justin would hold her.  You could see real struggling and pain in her face, and you felt bad for a moment that she didn't have a steady relationship and that she just hopped from guy to guy and fucked them over and left them or she was left.  When you started to feel bad, you stopped looking at her and looked straight ahead.  Justin safely got you two inside.  He got Nina a wheelchair as well.  He talked to the lady at the front desk and got a room for Nina.  He told Nina and you to follow.  You two rolled yourselves and followed Justin.  He got the room and held the door open for the both of you.  A doctor soon came in and laid Nina on the bed.  He ran a few tests on her with the curtain closed and DNA samples and then had Justin go to another room for a few DNA tests.  Justin soon came back in and the doctor was gone for about a good 30 minutes running the results.  Justin and you talked quietly in the corner about your own children.  Nina was still on the other side of the curtain alone.  You and Justin both felt kind of bad, but didn't approach her during that time or say anything to her.  Soon, the doctor came back in with the results.  Justin stood up and held your hand.  The doctor pushed the curtains back.  Nina was now in sight. 
"So," the doctor said.  "We ran the same test 3 times, just to be sure.  We have results."
There was a pause and you all watched as he opened the folder. 
"Justin is.....
Not the father," he finally said.  Justin looked relieved and leaned over to kiss you on your mouth but you stopped him.  You held your hand up in front of your mouth to block his kiss.
"What is it?" he said.  He furrowed his eyebrow in confusion.  You didn't respond, but the reason was because Nina was watching and you felt bad.  You were happy Nina's child wouldn't get in the way and mess things up between you and Justin, but she didn't even know the father.  She didn't have a steady relationship.  There were mutliple guys that could be the father.  She did say in the car how she has done it so many times with so many guys, and even after her making you upset in the car, you felt bad.  You felt how much in pain she could be feeling.  You rolled yourself over to her.  Yoh carefully got up and hugged her.  A long, meaningful hug.  She cried into your arm and held you back.  You didn't let go.  As you hugged her, you said, "Everything's gunna be alright.  You will find the dad as well."  Then you sat back in your chair.  Justin walked over to Nina and you and placed his hand on top of Nina's hand.  She smiled a little.  A very soft and faint smile.  You smiled too.  Then, all of a sudden, you grabbed your stomach and hunched over and screamed very loudly.  You fell out of the chair and onto your knees and held yourseld very tight and were breathing very heavily.  Justin and Nina were panicking.  Nina slowly got up and put her hand on your back while Justin kept saying, "Look at me, look at me," while squeezing your hand to try and keep you alert and conscious.  The doctor ran out and asked for help and soon, 6 doctors ran in and helped you onto a gurnee while rushing you into the E.R. (emergency room).

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