part 2

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Hey guys, I finally figured this thing out, but since I kinda screwed up in the beginning, I'm just telling you guys that from now on this is gonna be in normal chapters ;) (btw I've got 109 reads! omfg love you guys!)

Chapter 2

A week later, a day before they'd leave, Stiles was sitting at the kitchen table, thinking about the fact that finally, everything was ready for the trip. Now the only thing he had to do was wait for the pups to come home and check if they'd packed everything, and they'd be leaving first thing in the morning. He had taken the last day off from school so he could get the house ready for the month of his absence. He wondered what the lake house would be like, and if he could keep the pups from trashing the place. He also wondered if there was a town nearby, so the neccaseary grocery shopping could be done without having to take an hour drive. And would Melissa and John even like it? He could only wonder, they knew about he pack and everything supernatural going around in Beacon Hills, but their daily life was different from what they showed to the outside world. And what if Scott would call him mom? Stiles didn't know how Melissa would take that, he could only foresee a lot of embarrasing situations it would lead to. He was ripped out of his thoughts by a loud knock on the door. "Come in you guys!" He called from the kitchen. "Yeah, um, mom? We kinda forgot our keys" Erica's voice came through the door. Stiles sighed and opened the door, after which he got attacked by a pack of happy pups, screaming "SUMMER!" "NO MORE SCHOOL" and just some other random cheers, making Stiles uncertain whether he should laugh at ther antics or scold them, so he compromised by huffing loudly and failing to shove the pups off him. "Okay guys, I get it. And now get off me before you choke me!" He yelled at the pups, who quickly obeyed, all of them carrying the same smirk. "What? Stiles asked. "What now, why are you all looking like the cheshire cat on crack?" He asked sarcastically, and their grins got even wider. "Well, mom.." Isaac started "We got you a present to thank you for taking care of us so good this year" Scott interrupted him, and Erica got something out of her bag, something very... pink. "What the hell is that?" Stiles exclaimed, both curious and positively horrified of the answer. He saw Scott grinning, and Lydia and Allison were giggling. Erica unfolded it and showed it to him. "What the hell?" Stiles managed to let out while looking at the pink apron which had Momma Stiles printed on it in purple dumbfoundedly. At his facial expression they all cracked up, except for Stiles, who tried to stay serious for a few moments, but then he broke out in laughter as well. "Well guys, this is probably the most original gift I've ever received. Whose idea was it?" he asked. "Well, I came up with the idea, and then we all put in some money to pay for it" Erica said. Stiles laughed. "Well, I'm definitely taking this with me to the lake house. Are you guys all packed by the way?" He asked, and the girls and Boyd nodded, while Isaac, Scott and Jackson looked at the ground. "No.." they mumbled guiltily. "Well hurry then! We'll be leaving at ten tomorrow, and if you're not ready, we're not going to wait for you guys!" They quickly moved upstairs, while Stiles and he others went to the kitchen for a snack. After that Stiles shooed them outside so he could cook some dinner and breakfast for next day already, and lunch packages as well so he could clean the kitchen and spare himself some extra work for tomorrow morning. At five thirty Derek walked in from wherever he had been that day, and he quickly pecked Stiles' lips before asking if everyone had packed. Stiles answered that the boys had just finished and he was going to warm up dinner in a few. After dinner they all decided to watch a movie together, with Stiles curled up in Dereks lap and everyone sitting all around the living room in content. The evening went by quickly, and soon after the movie ended Derek and Stiles were cuddled up in their bed. Stiles enjoyed the warmth of Dereks muscular body, and he turned his head to kiss Derek. Soon the kiss became more heated, and Stiles turned around to look Derek in the eyes, and while Derek bit Stiles' lower lip softly, he let out a soft moan and let his hands trail under Dereks t-shirt to stroke his abs. They started breathing heavier, while Derek cupped Stiles' butt, an Stiles placed a soft lovebite which almost immediatly dissapeared on Dereks jawline. They let out a little.moan in unison, when they were interrupted by a  soft knock on the door. "What the fuck?" Derek groaned while Stiles got up to open the door. Outside was a trembling Isaac, with red, puffy eyes. Stiles sighed. "Had another nightmare, didn't you pup?" he asked, and Isaac nodded before throwing himself in Stiles' arms. The poor boy had never really left his past with his abusive father behind, and up until today he had nightmares and was terrified of small spaces. "Wanna come in?" Stiles asked while softly ruffling the pup's curls, and Isaac nodded again. Stiles took his hand and led him to the bed. When they stepped into the bed Isaac snuggled in between Stiles and Derek, who still looked annoyed, but whose gaze softened when Stiles mouthed "nightmare" and Isaac nuzzled into his chest, and let out a involuntary sigh of content by looking at his mate and his pup. But soon enough, like Stiles had been expecting, the door softly went open and six pairs of feet who had heared Isaac go in crawled inbetween the sheets, while Scott mumbled "Smells like sex. Why the hell does it have to smell like sex?" softly while scrunching up his nose in disgust. "You could've just stayed in your own room, so stop whining" Stiles retorted, and after that he didn't have anything to say anymore. So soon after that he whole pack was asleep, everyone cuddled up to eachother as close as they could. Next morning Stiles woke up at six thirty, half an hour before his alarm was set, so he grabbed his phone and turned it off so it wouldn't wake the eight sleeping bodies on the bed. He sighed because this scene was getting awfully familiair. He wasn't complaining though, he loved his pack dearly, he'd just like some alone time with Derek sometimes.  Well, now he should focus on the task of getting every final thing ready for the holiday, and he realised he was kind of happy with this extra half hour, because now he had time to grab a coffee before he had to start preparations for the trip and the pups had to get up at eight, because seven (okay, maybe eight, he admitted) teenagers needed a long time getting ready, and not for the first time Stiles thanked heaven and Dereks family fortune for the extra bathrooms they'd gotten, because otherwise every morning would've been even more of a mess than it usually was. He threw on some sweatpants and a t-shirt, because jeans were no outfit for spending a day in a car, and he went downstairs to make himself some coffee. When he had just turned on the machine, he heared footsteps on the stairs, from who he assumed was Derek and without turning from the coffee machine he greeted him. "Hey babe, what are you doing up so early?" He asked while turning the machine on, and he was answered by Isaacs timid voice. "Um, mom?" The pup asked softly, letting Stiles know he wasn't Derek. "Morning pup, did I wake you?" Stiles asked apologetically. "No, you didn't" Isaac said softly while staring at his feet. "I've been awake for a couple of hours now" he mumbled even softer. "Another nightmare?" Stiles asked softly, at which Isaac just nodded sadly. "What was it about?"  "It- it was.." The pup let out a shaky breath, and a single tear streamed down his face.  "Ow bub" Stiles said, and he pulled the boy to his chest, breaking inside at the sight of Isaac, who had now really started to cry into Stiles' shirt. "I was back, back with my dad" he sobbed. "I could hear him from the fridge, he told me I'm a worthless piece of shit. That I killed my mother. And then I thought you'd save me, but you didn't. Why didn't you?" He cried almost incoherently. "Oh puppy, that's never gonna happen, you know that right? I love you, Derek loves you, the whole pack does! We're not going anywhere. We'll always be there to save you" Stiles said, trying to comfort the poor boy. "Come on, we're both going to have a cup of coffee, and then you can help me with getting everything ready, okay?" He said while ruffling the pups golden curls. Isaac nodded, and Stiles gave him a cup from which he silently sipped. "You're going to be okay, I promise" Stiles said, and Isaac nodded, a glimpse of hope in his eyes which was quickly replaced with a cautious glance, even though he said a quick "love you, mom" before going back to silently sipping. Stiles sighed, and thought by himself that he'd do whatever it would take to make this boy, his golden pup, happy for the first time in his life. Stiles glanced at his watch and saw that it already was 6.45, so there was no time to waste. He drank his coffee down in one gulp, and told Isaac to go and check if all the electronics were put away in the cupboard and if it was locked, while he filled three big backpacks with lunchpackages, one for everyone in all cars. Only three, because they had decided not to take the porsche, because with Johns truck they didn't need the little space it had to offer. Jackson had whined for a day or two about not being allowed to drive a car though. Stiles also quickly wrote down who'd be in which car, so the pups wouldn't fight over that again. After he was done with that Isaac was back in the kitchen, and together they started cleaning the place. By the time they were finished, Derek and Jackson had already gotten downstairs, while the rest was still sound asleep. Then Stiles got the pre-made breakfasts out for everyone, and ask Derek to go wake the pack. After they all had had breakfast he sent them upstairs to get dressed and get their suitcases. When everyone was ready to go, it was 9.45 already so all they had left to do was wait for John and Melissa to arrive. Stiles thought it'd be a good time to say who was going to be in which car, so he quickly got the note he'd made earlier out of his pocket and started reading it. "Jackson, Isaac and Lydia, you're with me, Scott and Allison, you're with Melissa and John, and Erica and Boyd will be with Derek. Any objections?" He asked, but he got no replies and judging from their faces everyone was pretty content. Then they heared a car driving up to the house, and everybody went outside with their suitcases to greet Melissa and John. Before everyone went into the cars, Stiles took Scott aside for a moment. "Scott, have you thought about, you know, you calling me mom in front of your actual mom?" He asked the pup, and judging from the look on his face, he hadn't. "Well I have, and I think you should just call me Stiles this vacation, okay?" Stiles asked, and Scott nodded. "Okay m-Stiles" Scott answered before walking to sheriff Stilinski's car. Stiles shook his head and chuckled. This was going to be an interesting holiday.

Soooo what'd you think? I know, fluff, fluff, flufferdyfluff, and almost a little sterek smut... But don't judge me on the fluff, this story has got puppy in the title, what'd ya expect xd but the story isn't just about fluff (okay, right now it kinda is :p but it won't stay that way forever.. sorta xd) and there will happen some interesting things in the story... Plz comment and vote! It would really be a boost for my selfconfidence and for this story ;)

Life in a puppy pack (Sterek) (Boyxboy) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now