part 14

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Hello my purple unicorns! I really can't wait to see what's gonna happen to our dearest Derek so I'm gonna start writing now ;) enjoy the chapter!

chapter 14

"What?"Stiles exclaimed dumbfounded, and that was all he could think about right now. What. The. Bloody. Hell. Derek dreamt about him? And now he was in his kitchen? At six am? What did that mean? "I told you already I don't like to repeat myself. Why do I-" Derek started angrily. "Shush yourself sourwolf. I'm trying to think over here and your grumbles are annoyingly distracting" Stiles said annoyedly, and the look on Dereks face when Stiles'd said that was almost funny. Stiles knew nobody ever went against him or his decisions, well except for himself, so it would probably be the best way to shut him up. Then it got to him. Derek was in his kitchen. Derek freaking Hale was in his kitchen. The Derek that had kicked him out, and drove his pups away along with it. Suddenly all Stiles's anger just bursted out. "Just get out already! What gives you the right to wander into my house like it's fucking yours, after you kicked me out and drove our, yes our Derek! Our pups away. Well you know what? I'm not gonna help you with your stupid amnesia! Just get out of this house and figure it out yourself!" He screamed, and he felt tears of anger stream down his cheeks, and he wiped them away, annoyed by them. "You can come back when you're not an asshole anymore. Now get out before I ask the pups. How did you get in anyway?" He asked, and Derek held a pair of keys, and Stiles pushed him out while grabbing them out of his hands. Thankfully Stiles's outburst hadn't completely landed yet, so Stiles was able to push Derek out of the door, although he heared a loud snarl and the sound of something breaking when he'd slammed the door shut. But soon enough he heared a car take off and he collapsed against the door tiredly. What had become of his life? He felt like a divorced mom with an abusive dad who'd just showed up to claim custody of their kids. Well that was kinda true wasn't it? Then he heared feet running down the stairs, and he saw his pups get through the door. "Mom! What's going on?" they all asked worriedly. "We heared you yell, and why does it smell like Derek in here?" Scott questioned. "It's nothing. Just that Derek can't expect me to help him anymore, especially now he knows about us, although I don't really think he believes it." Stiles explained, and his pups all looked down. "We don't like it when you fight" Isaac said softly. "I'm sorry pup, but you can't expect me not to show my feelings anymore. I love being your pack mom, but on the other side I'm only eighteen and that's something everybody around me, and even me myself tend to forget. I told him I didn't want to see him anymore, at least until he's able to hold a normal conversation again, but you can go see him whenever you want" he exclaimed, then he walked off to make breakfast, something he always seemed to do whenever he felt bad. The cooking just reminded him of his mom he guessed. When he opened the cupboard he saw that his dad didn't have anything for a proper breakfast. What had that man been living off since he'd been gone? He hoped the sherriff had found some shelter (and proper food) at Melissa's. "Pups! Who wants to come grocery shopping with me?" He called, and he immediatly got a bunch of positive calls back, except from the twins. They always thought they'd get him to buy junkfood if they'd come along. "Why would all of you want to go grocery shopping of all things?" the twins asked in confusion. "Well because we want to make sure mom doesn't buy things we hate" Isaac explained, before Stiles walked into the living room to see the twins look at eachother like they'd landed in a madhouse. "Yeah, the moment they became werewolves they mentally reduced to four year olds. I had hope it was like that with all wolves, but I guess it's this pack only. Or it's me, and you'll start behaving the same, although I still have hope you'll be a good influence on the pups. Well are you coming along as well or not?" he asked the twins with a wink, and they laughed and nodded, although they still looked a little dumbfounded. Stiles guessed they weren't used to even being able to act anything but tough and mature. He hoped he'd get them to loosen up a bit, but until then he would at least try to make them feel welcome, because he guessed that was something they hadn't been in a long time. When they all got in their cars they drove up to the grocery store, and while driving Stiles was making a mental list of what to buy. Bacon, for sure, eggs, flour, milk, orange juice, some sort of vegetables.. Why wouldn't he make a lasagnette tonight? It was healthy and they all liked it. And a vanilla pudding after because that was Dereks- oh wait. Ice cream it was. Stiles wondered how far their co-dependence went, and if he could somehow get rid of it.  For some reason he checked his phone, and he saw he had twelve messages amd five missed calls from Derek. He sighed and decided to ignore them. He planned today on being a care-free day, and he wasn't going to let that be spoiled. Ugh, who was he kidding. He hadn't had a worry free day in the past two and a half years. But still he'd never wished none of it ever happened until the past few days. But they were at the grocery store, so he just banned everything to the little (although it was rapidly growing) drawer in the back of his head with Dereks name on it. He got out of the car, just like the pups, and he ordered Jackson to get a cart for the groceries. They went inside and Stiles bought everything he needed for a good breakfast, but also for lunch and dinner so he wouldn't have to go twice. Of course the pups were whining about junkfood, but besides a box of doughnuts which Stiles himself, as the son of a cop, of course had to buy. They returned home where Stiles started making a big stack of pancaces with bacon and some scrambled eggs. When the pups smelled it wad ready, they all strolled in to get their fair sharenof the food, and Stiles happily gave it to them. They all muttered a "thanks mom" inbetween wolfing down everything, except Allison and Lydia who looked slightly disgusted. After they were done it was already twelve am, but Stiles was still pretty tired because the lack of sleep the previous night. "Guys, I think I'm gonna take a nap. You just watch a movie or something, Scott knows how the DVD player works, and please don't trash anything this time" He said, and they all nodded. "Sleep tight" Stiles said before heading upstairs  "Don't let the bed bugs bite!" The pups replied almost instantly, making Stiles chuckle. "The only bugs in my bed either come from you guys or are you guys, so I don't really worry about that. Bye! Be nice!" he called before heading into his room and jumping into his bed. He immeadiatly felt himself away in a dreamless slumber, and he liked the fact that he finally could have some undisturbed sleep.

When he woke up he felt a little disoriented, and he felt a deep heat surrounding him. When he breathed in he immeadiatly coughed and when he opened his eyes he saw that he was surrounded by a raging fire, so bright it caused black dots to appear in front of his eyes. He heared his pups scream from downstairs, they screamed his name, so he got up and looked around if there was a way out. When he saw there was none, he almost started hyperventilating, and had to do everything in his power to stop himself from panicking. But that was when the room started to spin around him, and he remembered the smoke, and he the only thing left to do. He panicked, a complete panick attack. He tried to run through the flames blocking his door, but the heat got to much and he collapsed on the floor while the fire started to burn through his clothes. He started to hyperventilate and he was coughing loudly. Everything was fading more and more. His last sensation before everything went black were two strong arms lifting him up.

Soo, this chapter is a little shorter than usual, but I didn't like my annitial ending for it so... Yeah. What'd you think? Who or what caused the fire? Who saved him? Is he going to be saved? If you liked it, please comment and vote! xoxo,


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