part 19

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Hello my purple unicorns!! I am a stupid bitch who doesn't update, I know and I'm sorry... I just had a terrible writer's block and therefore this chapter probably sucks :p Well I hope you'll enjoy it anyway c:-

chapter 19

"Scott, calm down. What do you mean, Lydia's gone? Was she taken?" Stiles was trying to make sense out of what was Scott was saying since he had started blabbering and making big gestures, and was clearly freaking out. Stiles grabbed him firmly by his upper arms and looked him in the eyes. "Scott. Deep breath. Calm down, it's okay, I'm here now" Stiles said clearly and as calm as he could manage, and Scott seemed to calm down a bit, or at least to the point where he was able to speak coherently. "She wasn't taken mom. We were trying to calm Isaac down since he was panicking a little from the fight and you leaving, but then she just stopped mid-sentence, turned around, walked out and just drove off" Scott explained. "She just drove off without explanation? That doesn't sound like Lydia at all" Stiles muttered, more to himself than to Derek or Scott, even though they could hear what he said. "It was like she was posessed mom, it was really creepy" Scott said, and it was obvious he didn't feel comfortable.with the situation at all. "Okay, we'll try to work out some kind of a plan. Where is the rest of the pack?" Stiles asked, while his busy mind was already searching for explanations and solutions for this new problem. "The twins are upstairs with Isaac, because he is still pretty shaken up, I think he needs you, mom. Jackson, Erica and Boyd are searching for Lydia. Jackson because he couldn't stay here, and Erica and Boyd so Jackson wouldn't get himself in trouble. Allison went to talk to her dad about what happened and everything" Scott told them about the situation, and Derek immediatly took his alpha position and started giving orders. "The pack can't be split up right now. Scott, call everyone and tell them to come back. I think we have a situation like last year with Lydia again. When we found out what she was" The alpha reasoned, and Stiles swallowed hard. Last year, with the darach, Lydia had ended up finding all the sacrificed bodies. It had been really hard on her, and Stiles sincerely hoped that wasn't happening again. But now he had to go upstairs to calm the rest of his pups, especially Isaac. Even though he would never admit it, Stiles thought of Isaac as his baby, and he always worried about him. Probably because Isaac just needed it more than the rest of the pack. "Okay, if you and Scott are going to take care of that, I'm going to go check on Isaac and the twins. I'll just get them down for the pack meeting as well" he said before rushing upstairs and opening the alpha's bedroom door. He let out a relieved sigh on what he found there. The twins were both on one side of Isaac, cuddled up to each side, and even though there were some drying tears on his cheeks, his golden pup was sound asleep, just like Ethan. Aiden just looked at them, and when Stiles came in he looked a little embarrased, although he tried to hide it. "He was panicking, and we didn't really know what to do about it, and then Ethan thought of those puppy pile-thingy's and how they always seem to calm everyone down, so we kind of tried that. It worked" he quickly explained. Then he looked down, looking a little defeated. "Ethan always thinks of those kind of things. He's the smart one, and also an amazing person. I don't understand why people wouldn't want him in their pack just because he likes men" he said, sounding a little defeated to Stiles. "Because people are stupid, Aiden. That's why" Stiles answered, touched but also a little surprised by this, mostly because this was probably the longest monologue he'd ever heared from Aiden. "You wanna come downstairs, or should we wake these two first?" He asked, and Aiden laughed a little, and for some reason that woke Ethan as well. Stiles thought maybe it was some kind of twin thelepathy. Or Ethan was just a light sleeper. He yawned and stretched his limbs, careful not to wake Isaac, and then he looked up at Stiles and Aiden. "I think we should wake him up, he really wanted to see you" he said to Stiles, and he nodded. Stiles went over to the improvised puppy pile and the twins climbed out of the bed. Stiles told them to go downstairs for the meeting already, and when he got to Isaac he touched Isaacs shoulder and streaked the hair out of his forehead. "Isaac, pup, wake up! There's a pack meeting in a few, and you wouldn't want to miss that, now would you?" He said softly, but Isaac just groaned a little and tried to snuggle into the covers even more. Well appearently that boy always snuggled up to something. "Isaac, I suggest you wake up now, or I'm going to do it the hard way" Stiles said, because knew that usually worked ever since he'd taken the covers off all the pups at once. And he also may or may not have thrown water on them that time. And like he'd expected, Isaacs eyes opened and he looked at Stiles. "Kay, I'm coming already- Mom!" He yelled in surprise, and Stiles laughed. It always took Isaac a while to wake up, and his drowsiness at first was just adorable. "Yeah pup, we're back, and we're having a pack meeting, so I suggest you get downstairs so I can make you a cup of coffee, and are you okay?" He asked worriedly, making Isaac blush a little. "Yeah, I just kinda panicked... I guess I'm still a little shaken up from everything that happened. I just really don't want anybody to go away again" he said softly. Stiles smiled a little and ruffled Isaacs hair. "I can't promise you that forever pup, but I can promise I'll try to keep you all safe. Now let's go downstairs, okay?" he suggested, and Isaac nodded before they went downstairs. When they got there, Stiles saw the rest of the pack, obviously except for Lydia, was already sitting in the living room when he and Isaac entered. They all looked pretty tense, which of course was understandable. Stiles sat down next to Derek on one of the loveseats, and Isaac sat down in front of it, his back pressed to Stiles's legs. Stiles and the others expectantly looked at Derek, who sighed a little and looked at all of them. "While everyone was being gathered, I went into the forest again, and I think I've caught her scent. It seems like she drove one or two miles out of here, but it's shorter through the forest. We'll split up in teams of three or four to find her, and every team needs at least one werewolf in it" Derek said. They all nodded, and Stiles wondered why Lydia would have left, and he really hoped it didn't have anything to do with dead bodies. It was holiday, he shouldn't have to worry about all of this. Then Derek interrupted his thoughts. "Okay, so Stiles, Isaac, Jackson, you're with me. Erica, Boyd, Allison, you're together as well. Finally, Scott and the twins. We'll go in a half circle, everyone in another ring and that way we'll be able to catch her scent quicker. Me and my team are the outer ring, Scott's team is next and Boyds team is the inner ring" He ordered,and everybody accepted that, even  though Scott looked like he'd preferred to be teamed up with Allison. They all went outside to search for the scent, and soon enough Stiled received a phone call from Scott. "Mom, I've caught her scent, she's about half a mile out of here and I'm going there now. I already informed the others, they're on their way as well" the pup said, and Stiles let out a sigh of relief. "Good. We'll be there soon" Stiles replied, and he ended the phone call. The wolves seemed to have followed the conversation since Jackson looked on the verge of shifting and Derek looked tense. Isaac just looked disturbed, but hopeful. Derek picked Stiles up and they started running. After a while they caught up with the others, and they got to a little clearing in the forest together. There, in the middle of the little, dark meadow, Lydia lay completely still, and Stiles ran up to her. Luckily everything seemed okay with her, well, except for the fact that she was unconscious. At least there was no dead body. And she was still wearing her clothes. Jackson ran to Stiles' side and carefully lifted his girlfriend into his arms. Stiles lay an arm on his shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "Jackson, she's gonna be okay. The others will go look for her car so we can take her to Deaton" Stiles said reassuringly. Jackson nodded and held on to Lydia while the others followed Stiles' order to go and look for the car, and soon enough the vehicle was found. Stiles dialed Deatons number, and he wasn't even surprised anymore when the vet picked up almost immeadiatly. "What is it Stiles" he asked in a business- like voice. "We found Lydia unconscious after she ran away this morning, and we don't know if it's something supernatural" Stiles could hear Deaton sigh at the other side of the line. "Okay, I'll try to find out what's wrong, you can come over" he said tiredly. " Thanks doctor D, you're the best" Stiles said before hanging up. Then they tried to get as many pups as possible in the car, but Erica, Boyd and the twins ended up walking. When the rest of them arrived at the clinic Deaton was already waiting and they quickly brought Lydia inside. They lay her down on the table again and Deaton did a quick check on her pulse and her breathing. "I don't know what happened exactly, but I suspect it indeed had something to do with her powers. Since there was no body I can only assume she was posessed, and when- if- she wakes up you'll have to be careful. The spirit may still be around, and it might not want to let her go" the vet explained, and Stiles nodded and stroked Jacksons back. Jackson was pressed to his side, and he looked like he was either going to burst out crying or throw a tantrum. "Do something!! Look at her you ASSHOLE! Fix this!! You're not trying!!" Well, obviously tantrum. Stiles grabbed Jackson by his shoulders since he'd marched up to Deaton and looked like he was going to wolf out and kill Deaton in the process. "Jackson, calm down. Deaton is doing all he can, there is just not that much he can do" Stiles reasoned softly. "There has to be! I'll kill him if he doesn't do something! I'll KILL HIM!!" Jackson obviously wasn't ready to calm down yet, and he was making everyone feel uncomfortable, plus he was giving Stiles a headache. "Jackson. Calm down right now, otherwise I don't think you can handle this anymore and I'll take you home, like you're  the four year old you're acting like right now" Stiles stated firmly while looking his pup directly in the eyes. "I know what you're feeling right now Jackson, probably better then anyone else here, but you have to keep it together right now. For Lydia" he said. "But.." Jackson started. "No Jackson, no buts. Just try to calm down, sit down for a while, and it will be allright, okay?" Stiles said while gently directing the blonde back to his chair. Jackson sighed and nodded, he grabbed the chair and sat down next to the table Lydia was laying on. Then the twins, Erica and Boyd arrived as well, and Stiles explained the situation. When he was done they all sat down and Deaton offered them all a cup of tea or coffee which everyone exept for Jackson gratefully accepted. They were all silently sipping when all of the sudden, Lydia shot up and started screaming, a loud, ear-piercing scream. As soon as she opened her mouth, all the werewolves covered their ears and started whimpering, while all the dogs in the shelter started barking. Then she suddenly stopped after which she fell back on the table. Stiles immeadiatly ran over to her, as well as Deaton and Allison while the werewolves were still recovering from the incredibly high-pitched scream. When they got to her, they saw she was calmly breathing, but not like she was unconscious, more like she was sleeping. Stiles wanted to test that theory, so he softly nudged her shoulder, at which she slowly opened her eyes. "Where.. Wait. Why am I at Deatons? How the hell did I get here?" She didn't get the chance to say anything more, because Jackson embraced her in a tight bear-wolf-hug and nuzzled her hair. Then Deaton interrupted them, which again didn't seem to make Jackson very happy, but he didn't protest, even though he kept glaring at Deaton. "Lydia, I need to know what exactly you remember from the past day" Deaton asked, and Stiles saw a look on Lydia's face he'd never seen before, insecurity. "I.. I'm not sure. I remember talking to Isaac, he was crying, and then.. Well then I was here, I guess. Everything inbetween is just black" She sais insecurely. Deaton nodded and looked a little worried at her words. "Stiles, Derek, may I have a word with you outside? I don't think this conversation should be held with anyone but the alphas" he told them, and Stiles and Derek nodded. "Pups, just stay here. If anyone" Stiles said with a sharp look at Erica and Scott. "Even thinks about eavesdropping you will be grounded until graduation" he ordered, and the pups all swallowed hard since they saw he meant it, and they al quickly muttered a "yes mom" and Stiles, Deaton and Derek walked out. When they got outside Deaton turned to look at Stiles and Derek. "I think I have an idea what is going on here, but you're not going to like it. First you have to know Laura was here last night" Deaton said, and Stiles looked at the vet in confusion. "Laura? Why the hell would she go to you?" he asked. Deaton sighed. "That's what I was trying to explain. She was here because she thought I could give her her alpha powers back, which I can't. But now she knows that, I fear she did something stupid, called in someone who could be way more dangerous then we can even foresee. That's what's influencing Lydia" Deaton explained, but this only confused Stiles more. Then who-" He was interrupted by a sound behind him and he saw Derek stiffen. Suddenly he heared a deep, creepy voice. "Hello nephew"

Sooo.... I finally updated! Well, at least it's long, even though it's shitty. Well I hoped you liked it anyways c:- If you did, please comment and vote!! xoxo,


Life in a puppy pack (Sterek) (Boyxboy) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now