part 25

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Hey my purple unicorns... I'm sorry it's late, but I really didn't want to finish this chapter... It's the final one :p I just wanna thank you all for reading this, I never expected this many readers!! I wuvv you! Well, enjoy the final chapter c:-

chapter 25

"What? They're coming right now?!" Stiles yelled, and the pups were stiffened against his sides, while Scott just nodded and ran back downstairs. Stiles took a moment to process everything before he shot up, making the three startled pups yelp and fall to his feet. "Get up! They'll be here in minutes. Try to remember what we've done the past days, you'll be fine" Stiles said, and surprisingly his voice didn't quiver. He did believe what he'd just said though. They were ready for whatever was coming their way right now. He helped the pups up and gave them a reassuring hug before they went downstairs to meet up with the rest of the pack who were standing in a formal pattern, and Stiles took his rightful place on the alphas right. He put his hand on Dereks arm and for a short moment their eyes met. Then all the werwolves's heads snapped to one direction, and soon enough Stiles could hear the sound of a car pulling up on the driveway. Stiles could practically feel the tension build, and he had to do everything in his power not to freak out himself. He let out a quivering breath of air, but when his eyes met Dereks again for some reason the simple contact of their eyes calmed them both down enough to be able to face the upcoming threat in complete calmth and focus, and their calmth had it's effect on the pups, who stopped fidgeting and calmed down at the sight of their alphas. So when Deucalion and Kali walked up to them, they all faced them with steady heartbeats and strong faces.  "Derek" Deucalion acknowledged the alpha, who only gave a simple nod in return. "I see you are prepared for a fight. That wasn't neccaseary, we only came to talk" Deucalion declared, and Stiles had to surpress a snort of disbelief. "Well, if that's true I'm sorry for the insult, but you understand we didn't know what to expect. We had to be ready for everything" Derek said in a straight voice, and Deucalion gave a quick nod. That was the moment Stiles realised they were in advance. Deucalions pack was severely weakened to the point he only had one pack member left, and meanwhile the Hale pack had only gotten stronger. Stiles realised there was a fair chance they'd beat the alpha pack once and for all today. And Deucalion knew that too. That's why he hadn't attacked yet, he was searching for ways to win, or at least a way to save his own ass. "Well, if you want to talk, talk" Stiles said, and Deucalion cleared his throat. "Of course. And I completely.understand your.. Lack of hospitality, to put it that way. But we only want to negotiate" Deucalion said, seeming as comfortable as could be, but Stiles noticed the cramped way his fist clenched around his cane when he looked in their direction. "I understand" Derek said coldly. "What did you want to negotiate about?" He asked, and Stiles could swear he saw the corners of Dereks mouth pull up in a little smile. He certainly enjoyed the power he held over Deucalion now. "We understand we've been beaten, and we'll leave town. But we have a few conditions" Deucalion declared, and Derek smirked. "Why would I listen to your conditions? You just admitted you're defeated. I could force tou into submission right here" he said, and Deucalion smirked devilishly which made Stiles feel very uncomfortable. "Yes, why would you? Well, maybe for the sake of your little alpha mate" he said, and before anyone could react a hand was slammed over Stiles's mouth and he was pulled backwards by Kali. Everyone had been watching Deucalion so closely, and they had all been bloating in selfconfidence too much to notice Kali had sneaked around the pack, and now she was holding Stiles in an unbreakable death grip. One swift handmovement and Stiles would be dead meat. Derek looked like he was going to attack Deucalion, but when Kali extended her claws so they stung into Stiles' neck he stopped, and his shoulders slumped down. "What are your conditions?" He asked in a dead voice, earning a smirk from Deucalion. "First, I want safe passage out of your territory" he said, and Derek nodded. "What else?" He asked, making Deucalions smirk grow wider. "I want back what was stolen from me. And more" It took Stiles a moment to process what he'd meant, but then he realised Deucalion wanted Scott and the twins. "No!" He managed to yell before Kali tightened her grip around his neck, almost choking him in the process. Derek just stood there open-mouthed. Deucalion had just asked him, an alpha, to choose between his pack and his mate, a nearly impossible choice. "I'll go" Scott suddenly said, and the twins nodded. "Us too" they said in unison, and Stiles felt tears well up in his eyes. He knew Derek had to choose for the pack, and even though it was difficult he was okay with that. When his and Dereks eyes met, he put the corners of his mouth up in a small smile, and Derek shook his head furiously. "No" he said softly, in a choked voice. "Well, I'd hate to interrupt your little moment here, but I'd like you to choose now. Give me the betas and Kali will let your precious Stiles live, or you will choose for your pack, and Kali will slash his throat right here. Choose wisely, little Hale" Deucalion said calmly, and the pained look on Dereks face grew even more intense. "Please..." Derek begged. "I'll do anything, but please don't hurt them" he said to Deucalion pleadingly. "Just take me" tears rolled over Stiles' cheeks at those words, but Deucalion just laughed. "Oh little Hale" he said amusedly. "You've gotten yourself in way too deep. Just like with Paige really. Haven't you learned anything? Emotional attachments are unneccesary and only cause trouble, that's why I don't have any. Now choose" Deucalion said, and Derek let out a humourless laugh. "This is all a game to you, isn't it?" He asked, and Deucalion smirked again. "Yes, it is. A wonderful game of chess" he said. "I've always been good at chess" he chuckled, and Derek sighed before looking at the pack, and to Stiles. When his gaze fell upon Stiles, Stiles noticed the look in his eyes change, for a short moment relief washed over his features before his face got a look of determination. For a moment Stiles wondered what that was all about, but then his trail of thought was cut off by Dereks voice. "I have made my choice" he said in a straight voice, and Deucalion smirked again. "Good, well, enlighten me little Hale, what will it be, mate or pack?" He asked in a derogatory voice, but still Derek kept a straight face. "I choose none" he said clearly. "What?" Deucalion asked, confusion and anger struggling for dominance in his expression. "I choose this" Derek said before lunging at Deucalion, who managed to yell "Kali!" Before Derek threw him to the ground. At the same moment Stiles felt the pressure being released from his throat, and he fell to the ground clutching said limb and coughing loudly. Then he heared a collective gasp from the pups, and he looked behind him to look at his saviour, just to see Peter violently ripping Kali's throat out. "Derek!" He squeeked, since his throat still felt sore, but Derek still heared him and was by his side in seconds. Stiles clung to him and buried his head in the crook of Dereks neck, and Derek wrapped his arms around his mate and pulled him close to his chest. "I'm sorry I had to scare you like that babe, but it was neccesary. I love you so much Stiles" Derek said softly into Stiles' hair, and Stiles sniffled, another tear finding its way over his cheek. "I love you too Derek. I was just scared. Did you kill him?" He asked, hoping Deucalion was finally dead. "I think so" Derek said, but he was interrupted by Peter. "I don't. I think he just managed to crawl out of here" he said blankly, and Derek shot up with Stiles still pressed to his chest. Stiles quickly looked around to see if all of his pups were still there, and he was relieved to see they were. He didn't see Deucalion though. "Well, I don't think he'll be a threat anymore. He is packless and injured, basically a beacon for hunters and other packs hunting omegas. He'll be dead within a week" Derek exclaimed, and Stiles let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding. "Well, let's go inside then" Stiles said, just wanting to lay down and sleep since it was late in the evening right now. Everyone nodded, exept Peter who'd left with Kali's body, hopefully to bury it. Once Stiles dropped himself on the couch he wad ambushed by werewolf pups, all of them whimpering and some even tearing up a bit. Stiles put his arms around them, and Isaac let out an actual sob. "I thought you were going to die" he sobbed, and Stiles pulled him close. "Me too baby, but I didn't. I'm okay" he cooed, and he laughed when, even now, Isaac protested. "Not a baby mom", and all the pups snuggled even closer. "I was scared" the twins said in unison, and Scott nodded. "I know pups, but it's all over now. Deucalion isn't a threat anymore" he said softly while stroking their hair, trying to comfort them. "Come on. Let's go to bed. We'll celebrate tomorrow" he said softly, knowing nobody was in the mood for celebrating their victory right now, and everyone nodded. They got up, Isaac refusing to let go of his pack mom, and they carefully got up the stairs followed by Derek and the rest of the pack. When they got to the alpha's bedroom Stiles carefully pried Isaacs arms off his waist. "Baby, you have to go get ready for bed, okay?" Stiles said while softly stroking Isaacs hair, and Isaac, who for once didn't protest against the nickname,  reluctantly did as he was told. He may not have had the biggest reason to be afraid to others, but still it had taken a bigger toll on him. Everything bad from his past haunted him in Deucalion, and he was scared that if Stiles would ever die Derek would turn into his dad, and he had dealed with that pressure as good as he could but right now he just needed reassurance. He himself wouldn't be able to say it like that, but Stiles was, and he smiled at the insecure pup leaving his bedroom. Then Derek came in, and he pulled Stiles to his chest again. "Thank you for being so strong Stiles. I don't know what I'd do without you" Stiles smiled."Przeraźliwy" he said, and Derek looked at him strangely. "What?" He asked confusedly. "It's my name. Means awesome, in Polish. My mom liked it, but if you ever dare to call me that I'll personally castrate you. I just thought you should know" Stiles said softly, and Derek smiled. "Stiles, even if I'll ever learn to pronounce or remember that, I promise to never call you.. Pers-" "Przeraźliwy" Stiles interrupted. "And I hope not. You know, besides my dad and coach you're the only one who knows my name. You oughta be proud" Stiles smirked, and Derek leaned forward to kiss him. "I am babe" he said when they pulled back, and they got in the bed together, cuddled up and waiting for the pups they were sure would come in. And sure, after a couple of minutes Stiles saw the tall silhouette of Isaac come through the door, soon followed by the rest of the pack. Isaac cuddled up inbetween Derek and Stiles, and the rest of the pack was sprawled over the alpha pair, and everyone felt safe for a change. Soon enough, all the pups were asleep and Stiles looked at them with a smile on his face before drifting off as well.

After what seemed like only minutes, Stiles was woken up by a soft nudging at his shoulder. He looked down to see the tear-streaked face if Isaac and he sighed. "Had a nightmare, didn't you?" He asked, and Isaac nodded. "You died mom, and Derek.. He hit us. And I couldn't heal anymore" he sobbed, and Stiles pulled him closer to his chest. "It's okay baby, I'm not going anywhere. And Derek would never hit you, you know that right?" He said, and Isaac nodded and snuggled into Stiles' shirt. "I wouldn't" Derek, who had woken up from Isaacs sobs, said softly, and Stiles smiled at him. Soon enough Isaac had fallen asleep again, and Stiles and Derek were just looking at eachother. "Who would you have chosen?" Stiles asked, and Derek looked at him confusedly. "If Peter hadn't come, who would you have chosen?" He clearified, and Derek looked at him with a serious look on his face. "I honestly don't know Stiles. I just know I'd rather kill myself than see any of you gone" he answered, and Stiles smiled, happy with the answer because he felt the same about his mate. "I love you so much babe" he said, and Derek smiled. "I love you too, and after you graduate we're going to have a beautiful wedding, my beautiful fiancé" He said, and Stiles smiled before he realised something. He shot up in bed, waking all the pups in the process. "Fuck!" He exclaimed, and Derek gave him a strange look. "We haven't told my dad about the engagement yet!"

PLEASE READ THE END IS IMPORTANT!! Sooo... this is it then... the end.. I tried to make this chapter the best one, and I hope y'all liked it c:-  I always thought the name genim wasn't good enough, since it isn't that embarrassing and according to season 1 coach didn't even know how to read Stiles' name, and Genim is too easy so I went to google translate, typed in "awesome" and used the polish translation for his name c:- I would love to write a sequel, but if you want me to I want at least 5 comments from 5 different people (preferably more) that say they want a sequel. You can do it!! I'll let Y'all know when it's up! (if I get the comments xd) xoxo,

Robance c:-

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