part 15

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Hey my purple unicorns! Another chapter on this late, late evening. (for me) I couldn't sleep, so I decided to start on a new chappie. Although I finished it this morning. Well anyways, enjoy!

chapter 15

When Stiles woke up to an annoying beeping sound, his first thoughts were two things. First, whether or not he was dead, and second, if he was dead then why were his arms and legs burning? Then he scrunched up his nose at a strong, hospital like antisceptic smell. Well that probably was a good indication he wasn't dead. That was one good thing that happened today. He opened his eyes and saw that he was indeed laying in some sort of hospital room and the annoying beeping sound that had woken him up was a strange machine that was seemingly hooked up to him somewhere. Why was he here again? Oh yeah. A fire. Would his pups be okay? At that thought he almost started to panic again, and the machine from which he suspected was a heart monitor started beeping very loudly, and suddenly a doctor and a couple of nurses walked into the room, followed by his dad, Scott and... And Derek? "So, mister Stilinski. I'm doctor Jameson, and I'm glad to see you're doing better, it seems like you got out of that fire remarkably well. Still, you need to know you are on some heavy pain killers right now, and when they start to wear off you'd better call the nurses. You've suffered from multiple severe burns, and we intend to keep you here at least for the next few days for observation and pain medication. Do you have any questions?" The doctor said, quick to sum up everythong so he could go on to his other patients. Stiles didn't know what to say at first, since the doctor had just thrown the information at him and his foggy brain still needed to process it. Then he realised he did have some questions. "Yes, I do have some questions. First, how long have I been unconscious, and second, how are the others who were in the house when the fire started? And how did the fire even start?" He rambled. The doctor looked at his notepad and then looked back at Stiles. "You have been unconscious for little over a day, from which we've kept you in a medical enduced coma so we could treat your injuries. And the rest of the teenagers who were inside the house all managed to come out unharmed, you were trapped because the fire spread up the stairs and you were on the first floor. And the police are working on a rapport on what happened, but so far there are no results" The doctor explained, and Stiles nodded. "Thank you doctor. Can I now please get a glass of water or something? My throat is killing me" he asked, noticing the ache now his worries were soothed. The doctor nodded and sent the nurses away to get him his water and he soon followed. Then Scott and his dad came up to his bed while Derek stayed on the background a little. "Is everyone really okay?" Stiles asked, and his dad chuckled. "Yes, they had some minor burns but it was all healed before the paramedics arrived. Although the house didn't quite cone out that well" John said, a little sad about the house and all the memories that it contained. Stiles nodded. "And who really started the fire?" He asked, suspecting he already knew the answer. "We're not sure, but we suspect Deucalion had something to do with it. We also think that Kali might have survived Ethan and Aidens attack" Derek interrupted, Still from his spot on the other side of the room. Stiles wondered why he was here, since Stiles thought he'd made it pretty clear he didn't want to see Derek anymore. "And who saved me?" He asked, wondering who it could've been. "Uhm.. It was Derek" Scott said, insecure what his reaction would be. Stiles felt his eyes almost pop out of their sockets at that. Derek was absolutely terrified of fire. Ever since his family died he didn't even like campfires anymore, so why would he get over that fear and risk his life?  Unless, maybe- "Dad, Scott, can you- can you leave us alone for a minute please?" Stiles asked, his voice quivering in surprise, and they nodded before leaving the room. Derek immeadiatly came closer to the bed, but didn't say anything. "Derek, do you- do you remember?" Stiles asked, his eyes almost tearing up. "Bits and pieces. I get these flashes, and most of the time I have no idea what they're about, but I see you. I see you in places where you didn't used to be in my memory" Derek explained, confusion written all over his face. Stiles throat clenched in dissapointment, and it  felt like there was a big lump in the back of his throat. He tried to swallow it away, but that didn't really work. Well at least he was getting his memory back, wasn't he? That had to be something good. "So, why'd you save me?"He asked curiously, and Derek cleared his throat and almost frowned, but Stiles knew he did that when he felt uncomfortable. "The pack called me to say that there was a fire, right after I got that first flash and when I got there everybody was out, except for you. I wasn't planning on saving you, I wanted to go back home, but when I reached into my pocket for my car keys, I accidentally put my hand in the wrong pocket, and I found something.." he got out an all too familiar little black box, and Stiles gasped. "When I saw this, I knew I couldn't lose someone else in a fire. Even though I barely remembered, and still barely remember you, I knew I needed to save you. So I did" Derek explained, and that was probably the longest monologue Stiles'd ever heared from Derek, so he had to process the words a little before he realized what Derek had done for him. When he did realise, everythig went on instinct. He grabbed the scruff of Dereks neck, and thank god the wolf didn't know what was hitting him when Stiles pulled him close and let his lips crash on Dereks. First Dereks eyes widened in shock, but then he let himself get pulled deeper into the kiss and he pulled Stiles closer, which he didn't mind at all. When they finally pulled away, Stiles looked up at Derek, and found him looking back with recognition in his eyes. "Stiles...." he said in a choked voice, before pulling the boy in another messy kiss, mixed with the tears from both of them. "You remember" Stiles whispered in awe when they pulled away again. Derek just nodded and pulled him close to his chest, and Stiles felt something wet drip on his head. When he looked up he saw Derek staring into space with tears running down his cheeks. "I don't know how I ever forgot"

Soooo u liked? I know I did... Well I gave y'all what you wanted so if you didn't like it just go and piss off ;) seriously now, did you like it? I just want to let you guys know this isn't the end yet, and if you liked it please comment and vote! xoxo,


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