part 22

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HELLOOOOO MY PURPLE UNICORNS I think I'm a little hyper... MY CHRISTMAS BREAK SUCKED!!! How about yours? Well at least there's a new teen-wolf episode c:- IT'S AWESOME!! I'm not going to follow the storyline though, if I don't know what's coming I can't write about it... Maybe in a sequel? Well enjoy the chapter!!! c:-

chapter 22

"Derek stop. You're not thinking rationally" Derek growled "Yes I am Stiles. I'm thinking of very rational ways to kill the bastard who killed my sister" Stiles looked at Derek and tears were forming in his eyes when he grabbed his mates arm. "Derek please. You can't just run off in some kind of suicide mission. It's not going to bring her back, but it is going to leave a pack mourning. It will leave our pups mourning over you. Just calm down Derek, please. For us" Derek shivered and he got an incredibly sad, defeated look on his face, and for a moment Stiles thought this might be worse than the madness. "I couldn't protect her Stiles. I let her slip away again, but this time I can't make it right" Stiles put his arms around the older man and pulled him close. Derek sniffled and nuzzled Stiles' neck while Stiles softly stroked Dereks neck and back. "Derek, you can't blame yourself for this, I won't let you. This wasn't your fault" he felt something wet against his neck and he knew Derek was crying. "It was my fault she left. The last time we spoke we were fighting, and I sent her away. How could I do that? I just keep making the same mistakes" he sobbed, and Stiles pulled his head up to be able to look him in the eyes. "Derek, this wasn't your fault. You couldn't have done anything to save her, none of us could. And she knew you loved her Derek. All siblings fight, it's a sign you care" Derek nodded and wiped his tears away. "Yes, I guess you're right. I still want my revenge though, but I'll get it later" he said in a sad voice, and Stiles didn't intirely believe he didn't blame himself. Then he noticed the pups were all looking at them from the cars. "It's okay pups. We're going home now" "What about Laura?" Isaac asked, and Stiles looked at him sadly. "They're going to want to do an autopsy on her body, and she's gonna have to stay in the morgue until we've gotten everything ready for the... Funeral" he said with a cautious glance in Dereks direction at the word 'funeral', but apart from a little twitch in the corner of his mouth his expression remained blank. "Come on, let's just get home. It's been an emotional day for everyone" Everyone simply agreed, and when they got home Stiles was too tired to cook anything so he decided to just order in, and they all ate their pizza in silence. Kind of ironic, that they were eating the same as on their first night in the lake house. After dinner Stiles and Boyd did the dishes while the rest just lounged around a bit, and then Stiles decided to just go to bed, since he was seriously tired. He told the pups not to get in too late, and when he got to his and Dereks room he didn't even bother to take his sweatpants off, he simply threw off his shirt and crawled between the sheets. He was fast asleep within minutes.

Stiles woke up from a gentle nudge at his shoulder. He opened his eyes to see Derek hovering above him. "Aiden had a nightmare. Usually Ethan would've handled it, but he's still panicking and he's scaring Isaac to death. Ethan asked if you could come." Stiles looked at the clock to see it was only three am, and then he got out of bed with a groan. "Are they all in their own rooms?" he asked, and Derek nodded. "Well, they were. I suppose they're all in the twins' room right now" Derek answered, and Stiles nodded. "Of course they are" he said while walking to the second door on their left. He could already hear someone yelling, so he threw the door open to be met by chaos. Aiden sat in ine corner of the room with his knees pressed to his chest and his arms around them, and he was fully shifted. Every time his brother or another pup tried to get to him he growled and tried to back up into the wall even more. He also spotted Isaac, crawled up at the other side of the room while he was clutching his face. Blood and tears seeped through his fingers while Allison and Scott were trying to calm him down. The others were all trying to get to Aiden. Stiles took a deep breath. "AND NOW QUIET!" He yelled, and everyone shut up with a startled look on their faces. "Allison, Scott, you stay with Isaac. Ethan, stay here as well, everyone else OUT!" He said, yelling the last word, and everyone quickly obeyed. "Ethan, what happened?" He asked, curious how it couldv'e gotten so out of hand. "Well, Aiden had a nightmare again, and he'd shifted in his sleep. He still isn't completely awake now. He always becomes terribly aggressive when he had a nightmare, but the others didn't get that. They thought it was the same as with Isaac, and Isaac went up to him. Aiden scratched his face, but it'll heal" Stiles nodded. "Okay, well I think I'm going to calm him down" he said, and Ethan looked at him like he was crazy. "You know you don't heal as fast as werewolves right?" Stiles just smirked and carefully walked up to Aiden. From what he'd seen from the boy, he'd noticed he had a lot of characteristics incommon with Jackson. And he knew how to deal with Jackson. He walked up to the werewolf, ignoring the warning growls escaping his mouth. He got on his knees to face the boy and looked at him with a stern look on his face. "Aiden, snap out of it. I want you to shift back right now and get up. And don't you dare growl at me again. That's not how we do things in here. We talk. So get your wolfy ass of the ground and go apologise to Isaac and the others" he said in full angry-mama mode. Ethan and Scott looked at him like he was crazy, but his words did seem to have some effect on Aiden. He slowly started to shift back, and together with the shift he started to relax his body until he was leaning against the wall, his breathing heavy and fully human again. "Come on" Stiles said in a soothing voice, and he stuck his hand out to the emotionally exhausted pup. He helped him up, but he knew it would hurt Aidens pride to ask him what was wrong. He had to tell it himself. "So pup, how about we go downstairs and I make a cup of tea?" Then Stiles spotted Isaac who was still trembling a bit. "Or maybe two cups? Scott, Allison, Ethan, I think you can go back to bed now" he said, and all the pups nodded. After Ethan, Scott and Allison had left, Isaac got up and took his hand, and after a little hesitation Aiden did the same. They got downstairs, and when Stiles started to make tea he heared Aiden softly apologizing to Isaac, and he smiled. When he got the water boiling, he turned around and checked up on Isaacs wounds. There was barely a scar left, and Stiles wiped the blood away with a tissue. "Well, it looks like by tomorrow you'll be beautiful again baby" he smiled, and Isaac blushed. "Not a baby mom" he muttered, and Stiles smiled "Sure pup" he said, and from the corner of his eyes he saw Aiden was trying to hold his laughter, and he pretended he didn't notice while he got the tea ready and put three steaming hot cups in front of the pups and himself. Aiden took a careful sip, and then his face lit up. "I like this, what kind of tea is it?" Stiles chuckled. "Chamomille." They drank in silence until Aiden looked up with a slightly embarassed look on his face. "Um, I just want to apologise again for tonight. It's just that the images of my time with Deucalion keep coming back. Do you know I convinced Ethan to join his pack? I regretted it when we found out what a monster he was, but it was too late to turn back then" Stiles smiled softly. He knew Aiden would tell what was wrong eventually. "Pup, you really don't have to apologise, okay? You thought you were doing a good thing, you can't be blamed for that" Aiden nodded, and he fidgeted a little. "Oh come here already. You know we're not really shy of fysical contact in this pack" Stiles said while opening his arms for the lost pup, who this time didn't hesitate to get in his arms. When they pulled apart Stiles smiled. "You guys wanna go to bed yet or do you wanna watch some tv?" Isaac and Aiden nodded, so they went to the living room and watched a bit of spiderman which was on tv that night, but after the second break Stiles noticed his pups had fallen asleep snuggled into his sides. He smiled softly at the sight of them peacefully asleep, and he was sorry he'd have to wake them, but there was no way he could carry the boys up the stairs, since they were both taller and bigger than he was. He took another moment to watch them sleep before he softly nudged their sides to wake them up. "Wake up pups, you have to go to bed" he said softly, and they opened their eyes drowsily. "Mom...?" Isaac asked, a little disoriented. "Yeah pup, you fell asleep on the couch" he said, and he chuckled at how adorable they looked. "Come on, let's go" he said, and Aiden looked a little confused. "Where?" he asked, and Stiles laughed a little. "To bed sweetie. Come on, let's get up" he said, and his pups nodded. Aiden got op and immediatly stumbled over the coffee table. Stiles was only just in time to grab the back of his shirt to prevent him from falling. Then he helped Isaac up out of procaution and he took their hands while they stumbled through the living room and up the stairs. He got to Aidens room first, and when he left Aidens hand to open the door the pup just walked through, and Stiles pulled him back at the back of his sweatpants. "No pup, you have to be here" he chuckled, and then he noticed Ethan was still awake. "Help me out here?" he asked softly, and Ethan grinned. "Sure ma, I'll get him to bed" he said, and Stiles made a relieved face. "Goodnight pup" he said to Aiden while stroking the back of his head and giving him a soft push inside the room, because the boy clearly had lost all sense of direction. "'Night mom" he muttered before Ethan led him to his bed. Stiles walked on to Boyd and Isaacs room, and he saw Boyd was sound asleep. He led Isaac to his bed and tucked him in. "Night baby" he whispered while runming his hand through Isaacs curls, and Isaac turned his face to the touch. "'m not a baby..." he muttered before closing his eyes, and Stiles smiled at how adorable he looked. He closed the door softly and went into his and Dereks room and got into the bed. He cuddled up to Derek, and right before he closed his eyes he realised this was the first time the twins had actually called him 'mom', and he smiled to himself before drifting away on Dereks chest.

He woke up early again, which wasn't surprising since he went to bed early and  the time he'd been awake inbetween hadn't been that long. He looked at Derek who was still asleep, and again gazed at how young he looked when he slept. He took a short moment to take in his peaceful features, before the body underneath him shifted and Dereks green eyes opened. "Why are you watching me?" he asked in a deep morning voice. "Because I'm a total creep" Stiles whispered, and Derek chuckled. "Yes you are" he said, before pulling Stiles in a kiss. "But I still love you" Stiles smiled. "I know babe" he smirked, and Derek raised one eyebrow. "No I love you too?" Stiles chuckled. "You'll have to earn that one sourwolf" he said, and Derek smirked before swooping them around so that he was on top, and he slowly leaned forward, and right before his lips would touch Stiles', his hands shot to Stiles' stomach which they started to tickle furiously. Stiles gasped, and tried to wriggle away from under Derek while he was laughing like crazy. "Derek!.... Stop... Please!" he begged, and Derek smirked evilly "First tell me you love me" he said, and Stiles gasped for air "Okay.... Okay! I love you too!" Derek still had that smirk. "And?" "And you're the biggest, baddest sourwolf in the whole wide world" Stiles said, and Derek chuckled. "I totally am" he answered before connecting their lips in a passionate kiss, but before they could deepen it the door swung open. "Mom, would you... Oh god!! My poor virgin eyes!" Erica yelled when she barged through the door. Stiles and Derek quickly pulled apart and Stiles looked at Erica annoyed. "That's why people invented knocking sweetie. And I don't think your eyes are virgin" he answered sharply, and Erica blushed. "Yeah.. Well I'll be downstairs.. Um, I'll ask later I guess. I'll be downstairs if you.need me or something" she muttered before quickly making her way out of the room. "Well that was a moodkiller" Derek said, and Stiles rolled his eyes. "I think I'll make my way downstairs as well" he said, and he got out of bed. He quickly changed into some jeans and a T-shirt and got out of the room. Right before he wanted to enter the kitchen he heared Erica talk to some of the others. "Yeah, they were practically having sex! I mean, it's just like seeing your parents together... Just not something you ever want to see" Stiles had to hold his laughter, especially when he heared Ethans voice too. "Ewww.. That's just gross.. And scarring for life.. Thank god I didn't see it" Stiles chose that moment to walk in. "No cussing Ethan. And Erica, good to hear you have such vivid memory. Never noticed that from your grades though. Good morning to all of you by the way" he said, also directed to Scott and Jackson who were sitting at the kitchen table as well. They all had a sheepish look on their faces and Stiles smirked. "You want some breakfast? And Erica, what was it you wanted to ask me?" he asked, and she looked a little uncomfortable. "Um, if you don't mind I'd rather discuss that in private" she answered, and Stiles nodded. "Okay, we'll talk later. But do you all want me to make you some breakfast or not?" he asked, and the pups perked up. "Pancakes!" Jackson yelled, and Stiles gave him a look. "Pancakes.. Please?" He tried, and Stiles rolled his eyes. "Sure pup, why not" he said when both Ethan, Jackson and Scott gave him puppy eyes. "Thanks mom!" They yelled happily, and Stiles chuckled. "You're really like a bunch of toddlers sometimes, you know that?" He said, and the pups glared at him. "Don't you give me those pouty faces, they don't prove me wrong and you know it. Now go watch some tv, I'll call you when breakfast is ready" he said, and they reluctantly obeyed. Without their staring eyes he had the first pancakes ready in minutes, and soon there was an intire stack of them on a big plate, so he called the pups over and told them to save some for the others, which they of course ignored. It turned out that wasn't really neccesary anyway, because the other pups followed the scent of the pancakes and one by one they got into the kitchen. After breakfast Stiles ordered the twins to do the dishes and he went upstairs to do laundry. Then Derek got out of their room with a concerned look on his face. "Babe, what's wrong?" Stiles asked worriedly, and Derek sighed. "I got a call from Peter. Don't ask me how he got my number, because I don't know. What I do know is that he found a way to get rid of Deucalion for good."

Sooo.... A VERY fluffy chapter... Well, I kinda needed it since my week sucked. If you liked it, please comment and vote. xoxo,

Robance c:-

P.S. If you like, you can follow me on twitter: @UnicornSmiley

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