part 17

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Hey my purple unicorns! Sooo.... He proposed! A second time! And of course you guys are DYING to find out what Stiles is gonna answer.. And this a/n annoys you.... Well that's why I'm doing this c: hehe I'm mean.. Enjoy the chapter!!

chapter 17

Stiles smiled, and the word he'd been dying to say for the past week came out easily. "Yes" Derek looked  a little surprised for some reason. "Really?" Stiles kissed him, and when he pulled back tears of joy streamed down his cheeks. "Of course silly. I've been dying to tell you that the intire week. I love you sourwolf, and I'm not going to let you go a second time" "Ahww" someones voice came from behind the living room door, then a slap and a muffled "ouch!" followed. "Ssst" someone else hissed. Derek and Stiles looked at eachother and had to hold back a laugh. Stiles quickly scribbled something on a paper and showed it to Derek, who almost cracked up and nodded. They both stood up, and Derek went over to the door. There was a little moment of anticipation before he quickly threw the door open to reveal a bunch of surprised pups who all tumbled forward since they appearently had been leaning against the door. Of course Scott and Erica were first, and Laura wasn't there. He hadn't seen her the entire day when he thought of it. Stiles walked up to the pups, his face blank and his hands on his hips. "Guys, were you eavesdropping?" he asked, his voice nor his face showing any emotion while looking down at the pups who were still sprawled over the living room floor. They all looked at eachother, seemingly a little afraid to talk. Eventually Jackson nodded, and Stiles looked all of them in the eyes. "You know that's not very polite, don't you?" he said calmly, and this time it was Scott who nodded. "And Ethan, Aiden, I guess it was false hope after all that you'd be a good influence, wasn't it?" At that the twins both blushed a deep crimson and looked down. "So could any of you be bothered to give me an explanation?" They all got up from the floor and looked at eachother in doubt. "Well, um.. I heared what Derek asked. But it wasn't my idea! It really wasn't!" Isaac whined, and Stiles had to do everything in his power not to laugh. "So whose idea was it? Although I think I might be able to guess, am I right?" he said, surprisingly enough in a straight voice, while he sent a sharp look in Scott's and Erica's direction, at which they both looked down and blushed a little. "Well... I wondered what you were gonna say... But Erica told us to eavesdrop! Really!" Scott hastily told him, and Stiles looked at Erica. From the corner of his eyes he noticed Derek silently cracking up behind the door, out of the sight of the pups who were still trying to get Stiles to forgive him. "Yeah but you all agreed!" Erica defended herself. "Yes, I saw that" Stiles reacted, and when all the pups obediently nodded, Stiles just couldn't hold it anymore, and he burst out laughing. At the shocked faces  of the pups he cracked up even more, and he almost fell to the ground in the process of clutchin his stomach. Then Derek showed up from behind the door, and he held his phone up. "This is definetely going to be shown at the wedding" he said, and Stiles was pretty sure he was going to die from laughing, especially when realisation was starting to show on the faces of the pups, and then Lydia held up the little paper Stiles'd scribbled their plan down on. "You go over there and open that door, I'll teach them a lesson, and we'll see how they react" The pups looked like they were going to die of embarrasment. "You were just fucking with us?!" One of the twins yelled. "Yes we were. But I really do not like cussing" he said with a clearly fake-strict look in his eyes, and the pups could start to see the humor of it all, except Erica and Jackson, who were pouting a little. "Come on guys! It's no time for pouting! We're getting married!" Stiles said, and at that moment he fully realized. He was finally going to marry the love of his life. They were engaged. And he didn't have the ring yet, because the pups had interrupted. Derek seemed to have realised that as well, because he quickly snatched the little black box from the coffee table and walked up to Stiles. "Now you've finally agreed to marry me, please wear this ring to show everybody you're mine" Stikes laughed at that, but when Derek actually showed him the ring he gasped. It was a slender white gold ring, no rocks because Derek knew he hated that. When he looked better he saw the inscription in the outer part of the ring. It said Sourwolf + Snowman in beautiful handwriting, which made Stiles laugh a little. It was perfect, loving, but with a tad of humor. It was gorgeous and perfectly them. "It's perfect" he whispered, and he stuck out his hand so Derek could shove it around his finger, after which Stiles practically flew around his neck and kept muttering "Thank you, thank you" until Derek shut him up with his lips. They kept kissing until Scott coughed awkwardly. "Um, mom? Derek? Earth to the happy couple.." he muttered, at which Stiles pulled away. "If you didn't want to see this you should've stayed in bed where I sent you guys an hour ago" he said, before reconnecting his lips with Dereks, but Derek pulled away a few moments later. "But they're here now, and I believe it's time to celabrate" and he left to the kitchen, to return with a bottle of champagne and eleven glasses. Stiles was first gonna protest, since everybody (including himself) except Derek was underage, but he decided to let it go because of the special occasion. They all drank their glass of sparkling cider, and all of the pups formally congratulated Derek and Stiles. After that nobody really felt like sleeping, so they decided to play a game of hints, and they found out the twins and Stiles  were remarkably good at that, and that Scott absolutely sucked, and they also found out everybody liked to make fun of eachother, although nobody ever dared to imitate Derek.  When it was Erica's turn, she walked to the couch and grabbed a pillow, which she then obnoxiously snogged, and practically started making out with. When the rest of the pack started guessing things like "Scott!" "A romcom!" "Stiles!" She turned around with scowl and growled at them. When they laughed, it turned into a pure, intruiging death glare, which was pretty similar to the one Derek was sending her right now, since it was pretty clear who she was imitating. Everybody was looking at Derek cautiously, wondering how he was going to react. Except Stiles, who was laughing his butt of and he pecked Derek on his lips before laughing again. "You shouldn't take everything so seriously, sourwolf" This made Derek laugh as well, and he couldn't help admit that Erica had imitated him almost perfectly. "Well we've all seen that glare plenty of times, and of course we've been imitating it behind your back for years. I bet even Scott could imitate you right" she said, and Stiles was now practically rolling around in laughter. He'd participated in that as well plenty of times, before they'd been dating, and it had always been hilarious, especially because Derek'd never had an idea it was going on, and even though he didn't participate in it as much as he used to, he knew the pups still did it from time to time, especially after he drilled them a little too hard after training. And even though the pups thought he didn't know, he'd heared the pups imitate him as well since he'd become pack mom, and he always had a good laugh about their silly actions, even though he had to admit Lydia did a pretty good job on his annoyed voice. "You knew about this?" Derek asked with a sideways glance at Stiles. "Yeah, I've known about this for years. But keep calm, you're  not the only one who's being made fun of" he said with a sharp look at the pups, who all turned red, even Ethan and Aiden. Huh, that's something Stiles hadn't known yet. "You knew about that?" "This has been going on for years?" Derek and Scott said at the same time, and Stiles laughed. "Yes, and yeah, I know everything" now everybody looked at him a little flabbergasted, and Stiles smirked mischievously. "I like too look at myself at some of superspy. I know probably all there is to find out about you guys, although none of you are that good at keeping secrets" all the pups and Derek shook their heads at that, and were once again confronted with the fact none of them would ever really know what their fellow pack member was thinking, even if they'd  spend all the time in the world with him. But in the events of the night, they'd forgotten all about the time, and Stiles noticed it was way past midnight, and seen the events of past week he thought it was about time for bed. "Pups, I think it's time for bed. For all of us" he saw Jackson glare at him, he really learned that from Derek, and the twins looked like they  were about to protest as well. "No buts. If you all go and get ready now you can sleep with us" Stiles said, and everybody rushed upstairs, although the twins still looked like they doubted a little about the whole ordeal. "So we're sharing our bed with nine other people tonight? There goes my hope on having you for myself.." Derek said with a wink. "Well, even though I'll never admit it, I kinda missed those puppy piles, and I think you did too" Stiles said before giving Derek one last kiss before heading upstairs to get ready for bed. When he was ready, he saw that Derek was already laying in the bed, and Stiles turned the lights off before cuddling close to him and he felt Derek nuzzle his neck. Then he heared the door open and he saw Isaac and Jackson get in. Soon after the rest followed, and finally even the twins entered the room and they all got into the bed. Stiles was happy they had the bed designed and built especially for a big pack, so everybody could fit, even though there was hardly any space left. Isaac was, of course, snuggled up to Stiles, and by his side lay Jackson and Lydia. Curled up at Dereks side lay Erica, who was embraced by Boyds giant arms. Next to Lydia lay Allison, and the twins were cuddled up together at the edge of the bed. Finally there was Scott, sprawled over Stiles's and Dereks legs, and Stiles noticed for a second time that evening Laura wasn't present, and for a brief moment he wondered where she was, but he didn't put much thought to it since the warmth of the werewolves around him was making him drowsy and he was sliding away into a deep slumber more by the second. His last thought before falling into a peaceful sleep were that finally everything was okay again.

Soooo... You liked it? It was kind of a filler, I admit, but I did enjoy writing it, I guess I kinda needed the fluff. But where is Laura? Well... hehe. I know where she is. If you liked it, please comment and vote!!! xoxo,


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