part 7

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Hey my lovely kittens! Another chappie all for you! c: so, the bad guys have kidnapped poor little Stiles!!! Well, I'm annoying myself and I've got no idea what to write here except UNICOOORRNNSSS and that's probably something you're not really waiting for... Well enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 7

Stiles put his hands over his eyes when the door opened, startled by the sudden light. "Stilinski. The alpha wants a word with you" Stiles blinked, trying to let his eyes adapt to the light. He looked with pinched eyelids, but could now see well enough to see the silhouet of an absolutely huge man. "What are you waiting for?" the hulk-like guy asked in a rough and annoyed voice "the alpha wants to see you now!" he yelled "go! Or you'll be punished!" Laura whispered, and at that he quickly strumbled to the door, but when he got there he was so dizzy he almost collapsed. Well, who could blame him? He'd been hit to the head, had terrible blood loss and  hadn't eaten for god knows how long. He felt two arms catch him, and felt himself get dragged along a hard concrete floor, before they suddenly stopped. The hulk knocked and they waited a moment for a reply "who is it?" A smooth voice replied "Ennis and the prisoner from the Hale pack" the hulk- Ennis- replied in a surprisingly timid voice. Wow, this guy must be really scary. This thought wasn't really assuring for an already scared Stiles, but he couldn't fight Ellis when the door swung open and he was dragged in. His eyes immediatly started to search for the alpha, but what he saw wasn't even close to what he'd expected. Instead of a young, big man he saw a man who in his eyes wouldn't even be able ro lead a pack of omegas. Heck, this guy looked like he was an omega himself. He was, although he had some muscle, a small guy, and he also looked pretty old. But that wouldn't neccasaerily make him an omega. What did that, were the reflecting sunglasses and the red-white striped blind stick. But still Ennis bowed to him and treated him with the greatest respect. Stiles was ripped out of his thoughts when Ennis hissed "bow for the alpha!" And pushed him down. "Calm, Ennis. That isn't neccaseary just yet, you must remember that this poor boy isn't used to our customs yet. And for you;" the alpha said while turning to Stiles "next time I expect you to bow. And I assume you wonder who I am, and why you're here, am I right?" Stiles nodded while wondering what use bowing before a blind guy had. "Well, for who I am, I am Deucalion, leader of the only pure alpha pack ever in he existence of werewolves. For why you're here, well, we'll see to that later. Now, are you hungry? Thirsty? I assume you are, since you've been here for two days already" that surprised Stiles. Two days, that was way longer than he'd expected. Had he been unconscious that long? Damn, he must have a serious concussion then. When Deucalion had mentioned food, his stomach started to rumble dangerously. He nodded again, not sure if the alpha would appreciate him talking, but then he realized the man couldn't see. "Ehm, yes please alpha" he replied, also in a timid voice. This guy gave off some seriously bad vibes. "Great, great. Ennis, get the poor boy some food and water" Ennis quickly wandered off. "Now mister Stilinski, I have brought you here because I heared the Hale pack is up and running again, am I right? "Yes, but why would that interest you?" Stiles asked cautiously. He might be afraid of this Deucalion, but nobody was gonna lay a finger on his mate or his pups! "Let's just say I have a personal interest in that pack. That's also the reason why your little roommate is here, and why I used the last of our little potion our former emmisary made to take her powers away. But do you know how many people survived the fire, mr Stilinski? Because I think you do since you're little Dereks mate" "Two" Stiles said. "Two people survived, and one of them is now dead" Stiles was shocked. How did this guy know about him and Derek? And what did Laura have to do with everything? He couldn't figure it out, and that frustrated him. At that moment Ennis came in with a tray of something that looked like stew and a little bottle of water. Stiles quickly wolfed the food down and when he was finished Deucalion spoke again. "That would be it for today. Oh, and there's a surprise for you in your cell. A surprise? Stiles thought that couldn't be good. Feeling better after the food, he didn't have to be dragged down to his cell like last time, which was definetely an improvement. When Ennis opened his cell door, Stiles quickly looked around, worried for what Deucalion might see as a surprise. Then he saw what Deucalion had meant.

MUWAHAHAHAHAHA another cliffhanger! You really must hate me right now... What do you think the surprise will be? The next update os probably going to be quicker, but I'm just really busy with school etc... Sorry! If you like the story please comment, vote and fan! I love you all!!! xoxo


ps. I just kicked a tv while trying to remove my skinny jeans without stopping to type this story... yeah you didn't want to know that

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