part 13

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Hello my purple unicorns! I've gotten a LOT of comments on last chapter, so I figured you liked it.. Well anyways, thanks 'cause you are awesome!!!!! Well, here's next chapter!!

chapter 13

Stiles let out a nervous laugh. "What do you mean, Derek?" Derek growled. "I don't like to repeat myself. Who. The. Hell. Are. You?" he asked, his lip curled up in a vicious snarl. Stiles was about to answer when he was roughly shoved out of the way. "Laura? What- I thought you were dead? You died in the fire!" Laura laughed through her tears. "No, but I thought you did!" and she fell into his arms. This troubled Stiles even more. Why did he remember her, but not him? His thoughts were interrupted when Derek spoke again, this time to the pack. "Guys, why am I here? Why are all of us here? And where is Isaac?!" he said, his voice a mix between worry and anger. "Um, he's in the van I suppose, Deaton asked him to get him his creepy-spell-book-thingy" Erica answered, shrugging. "WHAT?! Why isn't he on watch?" "On what?" everyone asked, more then a bit confused. "Suicide watch! You remember what happened when we left him alone last time, don't you?!" Isaac chose that moment to stroll in, and a big smile appeared on his face when he saw Derek. "Derek! You're okay!" he yelled while giving the alpha a big bear hug, which left Derek looking terribly uncomfortable and even more confused. Deaton chose that moment to finally interrupt. "Everybody exept Derek, come with me now. We have to discuss something" He ordered, and Derek looked like he was about to protest, but thankfully this Derek seemed to have just as much respect for Deaton as the 'old' Derek, and he didn't say anything. Deaton took them to a seperate room, where a woman who they assumed was his sister was already sitting. "This room is soundproof. Now sit down, you're not going to like what I'm about to tell you" he said, and they all sat down, very confused about everything. "Okay, so I guess you've noticed something is up with Derek" Deaton started, and they all nodded,Erica letting out a humourless laugh. "You could say that. What the hell is this Deaton?" She exclaimed,  making Deaton sighe and rub his eyes tiredly. That worried Stiles even more, because this was the first time he'd seen another expression than calmth on Deatons face. "It's not uncommon with this kind of reanimation, and I should've seen it coming..." The vet started. "What is it Deaton?!" Stiles almost yelled, getting more worried by the second. "He has amnesia" Deaton exclaimed. "What? But he remembered everyone!" Stiles yelled, but then he got it. "Exept for me. Everyone exept for me." he whispered, and he immediatly felt the arms of his pups around him, trying to make him feel better, but that didn't really work. "Amnesia doesn't neccasearily mean that all memories are gone, sometimes just parts are gone, other times particular things or memories. For now, all we can do is hope his memories come back by itself, I'll try and cast a spell if they aren't back in two weeks" Deaton explained, and Stiles was crushed. He'd thought he had Derek back, but still not. Not really. "Well I guess we should just go home then" he said in a croaked voice. "One more thing, Stiles. You can't tell Derek about your bond, he has to find that out for himself. Otherwise it will just be too confusing and frustrating  for him. And the pups can't call you mom the coming days, because he won't understand that now. Derek only remembers a world without Stiles, and appearently that's not been very nice for you guys. You can tell him everything, exept the mate and pack mom thing" Deaton said apologetically, and Stiles sighed. "Okay, well I guess we'll just go back to the clinic to pick our cars up and then we'll head home" He sadly turned around, but when Isaac grabbed his hand he pinched it reassuringly. At least Derek wasn't dead. Their bond could be reastablished, which wouldn't have been possible if Derek had been dead. Now he at least had a possibility of being with him again, and like Deaton had said, after a while he'd recognise their bond again. They walked back to Deatons van, and Stiles automatically walked up to the front seat, just to get pushed away by a very grouchy Derek, and he sighed again. Mister sourwolf all over again. He got in the back with his pups, and everyone except Laura, who looked like she'd just won the lottery, looked miserable. "You all described him very differently" Ethan said uncertainly. "He was. The only time I've seen him like this was before he met Stiles. Probably because Stiles is.. Well, Stiles" Allison chuckled sadly. "Yeah, mom got him, and all of us, to be the better version of us" Jackson said while blushing bright pink. "He helps me with my nightmares" Isaac said softly. "Mom, you're the only thing that keeps me going, do you know that? Without you I'd be.." Isaac started. "Seriously suicidal?" Lydia offered, and Stiles smacked her on the head softly. "Lydia! Thank you so much pups, I don't know what I'd do without you guys, you know that right? And together we're going to get Derek back to normal" he said reassuringly. and they all nodded, not looking so miserable anymore. Stiles was moved by their trust in him, but he wasn't sure if he would live up to their expectations this time. When they arrived  at the clinic there was a little fuss about who would be in what car, but they solved it by getting Derek to drive Stiles's car and do everything  else the same as the last time. When they drove home in a tensed silence Stiles thought back at earlier this day, when they'd all been so hopeful. Even though hope wasn't lost and they had Derek back, they had lost him in a way. When they reached the house, Derek abruptly stopped. "What is going on with the house?" he asked, seemingly angry that he had to ask. "What do you mean? It looks the same as the last time you were here" Stiles reacted, wondering what was wrong. "No it doesn't. When I left it was... Broken. Burnt." Derek said with a pained and confused expression. Then Stiles realised that he'd been the one who had come up with a plan to renovate the house, so it probably never happened in Dereks memory. He wondered how Scott had become a werewolf in Dereks memory, since Stiles was the one who'd dragged Scott into the woods all that time ago. Then he saw that Derek was still expectantly looking at him. "Um, we renovated it two years ago, but you probably don't remember since it was my idea" he explained, which made Derek look even more confused. "Who are you?" he whispered in a annoyed voice. "Stiles, I'm Stiles. A.... Friend. I'm a friend." He said insecurely. Derek nodded and seemed to accept that explanation for now. They went inside, and Derek ordered a pack meeting. They all sat down around the kitchen table and looked at Derek expectantly. He cleared his throat and his facial expression was a mix of annoyance and discomfort. "Well, as you know I've got no idea who you, you and you are" Derek said while pointing at Ethan, Aiden and Stiles. "Stiles has sort of explained who he is, but who are the two of you?" He asked the twins. "I'm Aiden" Aiden said confidently. "And I'm Ethan" Ethan said a little bit more timid. "Fine. I know you saved my life, so I'll let you stay, but what is Stiles's role in this? He's just a human, so why is he here?" Derek asked, and even though Stiles knew it wasn't personal, it still hurt. "I already told you, I'm a friend" he exclaimed, but that answer didn't seem to satisfy Derek this time. "You already told me that. Now if I'm not going to get another answer, why would I trust you? You might as well be a hunter, although you seem too weak for that" Derek said angrily, but now he got the pups mad. "How dare you speak to him like that?! He's been looking for you and crying over you for days! He was the only one who didn't give up hope, even though he was dissapointed every single time! And still he managed to care for us!! How can you simply forget that, or fail to see how much he cares for you! He's your mate for gods sake!" Scott slammed his hands over his mouth but it was too late. The words had already escaped his mouth, and Dereks expression had gone from raging mad to suspiciously blank. "What did you just say?" He said in a terribly frightening, calm voice from which Stiles knew it was the silence before the storm. "Derek, calm down. He didn't-" Stiles started, trying to soothe the situation. "Shut up!" Derek interrupted. I want you out of my house! NOW!" He yelled. "Derek.." Stiles started, just to be interrupted again. "And take those twins with you! If you took them in they cannot be trusted!" Derek growled, and the twins looked shocked now. "Derek please listen, you're being-" Stiles tried. "Get. Out. Now. Or I'll rip your throat out with-" "-With your teeth. Yeah, I know the drill" Stiles interrupted defeatedly. This left Derek both confused and even angrier, but since he didn't know what to say for a moment Stiles decided it was time to go. "Ethan, Aiden, please come with me to my fathers house. Pups, until this is over, you'll be welcome whenever you want." He said before walking through the door, trying to keep the tears from falling. That was a pleasure he wouldn't give Derek right now. But as soon as he was in the car he let the tears flow freely, and soon he was sobbing with his head leaning against the window, but once he'd started crying he couldn't stop, and he cried about everything, all the worries from the past few days. Running away from Dereks proposal, being kidnapped, finding out Derek was dead, then finding out he wasn't, and now this. He just couldn't do it anymore, and he had to keep strong. He always had to keep strong for his pack, his family. He had to mask his pain so he could let theirs come first, but it couldn't stay hidden. Eventually it would burst out, like now. He cried, and kept crying until his tears had dried up, and then he hiccupped his last tears away. When he looked outside he saw that the twins were standing on the porch, trying to hide from the rain that had now almost turned into a storm. When thunder sounded, they crouched down, and Ethan put his hands over Aidens ears. Stiles knew he had to put his pain aside again, but now he could. He had given the past days a place, so now he had room for their emotions again. He opened the car doors and looked at the terrified, lost boys before calling them over. "Boys! Come on, we're getting you to my place, okay? There you can shower and sleep" they looked at him with tear-streaked faces and their eyes full of hope. Stiles wondered about what Deaton had said the other day. Catnip for werewolves? Well it sure looked a lot like it. He ruffled their hair when they got into the car. Stiles decided at that moment he would take them under his wings, just like he'd done with all his other pups. He'd protect them like he protected the others. "Let's go" he said, before driving away. When they reached his dads house Stiles used his old key to go into the house, where he found his dad on the couch, watching tv. "Hey dad" Stiles said, knowing his dad heared that he was in quite a fragile state right now. "What is it?" his dad asked, and a lost tear found it's way across Stiles' cheek again. "Derek.. He lost part of his memory. He doesn't remember me. Doesn't remember us" he said, and surprisingly enough his voice was steady. "He kicked me and these two pups out. Dad, these boys are Ethan and Aiden. They have nowhere to go" he explained his dad gave him a soft smile. "Still taking care of everybody aren't you? Just like your mom, picking up strays. Let them stay then" Sheriff Stilinski said, and Stiles nodded before the twins muttered a quick "thanks" before Stiles shooed them upstairs and headed to the kitchen to make some hot chocolate for himself and the others. When he returned from the kitchen he heared one of the twins call out. "Stiles! Do you have any fresh clothes for us?" Ethan, probably, yelled from upstairs, and Stiles chuckled. He'd completely forgotten about that! "Sure pup! I'll go get them!" He yelled back. He went over to his old room, and opened his closet. In a drawer below he had clothes for everyone in the pack, because they slept over a lot before they all moved into the Hale house... Well he really shouldn't think about that right now. Boyds clothes should fit the twins, since both of them were pretty buff. He picked up two pairs of sweatpants and two black T-shirts before walking up to the bathroom. He knocked softly "guys? I've got some clothes for you with me" he heared the door open and quickly put his hand over his eyes, which caused the boys to chuckle. "Just take the clothes please" he said in a fake annoyed tone. "Thanks mo-Stiles" they identically reacted, and Stiles chuckled. They were really becoming his pups. "Come down whenever you're ready, I've got some hot chocolate waiting" he thought that would hurry them up. He was right, in a few minutes they were downstairs and happily sipping their cups. He smiled at how easy it was to make them feel happy. He wished it worked like that with him too, but sadly enough he wasn't an easily distracted werewolf. After the hot chocolate they got some pizza and Stiles ordered the twins to bed. "You can't tell us what to do!" They protested, and Stiles smirked evilly. "Well, you'll be joining the Hale pack, of which I'm the pack mom, which makes you my pups. So yes, I can" he exclaimed, but when he mentioned them joining the pack their faces dropped. Of course, they were afraid they wouldn't be able to join the pack anymore now Derek was.. Like he was. "Hey pups, you'll still be able to join the pack later. I promise you, this'll all blow over soon." he promised, and they nodded. "Where do we sleep?" They asked insecurely, and Stiles chuckled. "Well, that depends on whether you wanna share or not, since I have a pack-sized bed upstairs and we don't have a guest room" he said, and they nodded. "We don't mind sharing" They replied. "Good. Now go, you both look like you could use some sleep" Stiles said, ans they nodded before going upstairs silently. Stiles then turned to his dad. "So can we stay here for a while?" He asked, and his dad smiled. "Of course. You're always welcome here. Now tell me what happened the past few days, since you look like you've been through hell or worse" He said worriedly, and Stiles sighed. "I have dad. I really have" He started, and then he blurted everything out while his dad listened patiently. When he came at what happened earlier that day his dad put an arm around him, and when he finished the sherriff sighed. "You always need to help others don't you? You're so much like your mother. She always did that too you know. Put others before herself. Always" At that Stiles laughed tiredly. "It just gets me down dad. I'm not as strong as she was" he exclaimed, making his dad laugh. "If you're not as strong as she was, you're stronger. Boy, I've never seen anyone so caring and selfless in my life. Don't underestimate yourself" He exclaimed, and Stiles hugged his dad close. "Thank you dad" he whispered, and his dad chuckled. "Anytime boy. Now I think you should get to bed. Obviously your pups weren't the only ones who had a rough day" his dad ordered, and Stiles chuckled softly. "You're right about that dad. Very right even" he sais tiredly, and he went upstairs, taking a quick look at the twins who were holding eachother like their lives depended on it, even in their sleep, before quickly changing into a shirt and some sweatpants. Then he crawled between the sheets as well and exhausted from all the emotion he fell asleep quickly.

Stiles woke up from his phone ringing, and he quickly picked up after looking at the caller ID. "Isaac, what's wrong pup?" he asked worriedly. "Mom, can I come to your place?" he asked in a small voice. "Of course pup. Had a nightmare didn't you?" Stiles asked, and he rubbed his eyes to wake himself completely "Yeah.. I'm sorry for waking you mom" Isaac said apologetically. "Don't be. Ask Jackson or Scott to drive you okay?" Stiles answered, and he heared Isaac ask something through the phone. "Everybody wants to come mom. Exept Laura. Can we, please?" the pup asked, and Stiles smiled softly. Although it saddened him a little, it felt good that they missed him. "Of course you can. I'll see you in a few" he said before hanging up. He looked at the clock and sighed when he saw it was only three am. Then he saw Ethan had woken up. (he kept them apart by the colours of their sweatpants), and he smiled at him. "The others are coming as well" he said, at which Ethan just nodded. But then their rest was disturbed by a scream, and Aiden jumped up, his eyes glowing blue for a second before he collapsed again. Stiles had practically jumped off the bed, but Ethan hadn't even blinked an eye. "He's had nightmares for a long time" he said, before pulling his brother to his chest again. Stiles just nodded. Isaac had the same problem. A few moments later he heared something hit his window, and when he opened it he saw all of his pups standing in his yard. "Well come in!" he whispered, and one by one they jumped in, Lydia and Allison with some help from their boyfriends. Then they all crawled between the sheets, and Isaac relaxed when he could cuddle up to his pack mom again. He woke up extraordinarily early, it was still dark out, and for some reason he couldn't sleep anymore. When he heared his dad leave for work he went downstairs, and who he saw, sitting at his kitchen table, made him almost jump through the ceiling. "Why do I keep dreaming about you?" Derek asked with a angry and hurt look on his face.

Sooo guys! A nice and long chappie! But someone asked me if this story was going to be long or short and full of drama... Well the drama is covered but honestly, I've got no idea ;) I just make this story up as it goes, and I just know I'm not tired of writing it yet.

p.s. Thanks for all the amazing comments!!!


Robance c:-

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