part 21

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Hellooooo my purple unicorns! A nice little chapter for all of youu! This chapter is probably going to have a loooooottt of fluff bc I felt like it and, there will also be a little smut (but not too much since I found out I'm just incapable of writing that) I hope you'll like it! c:-

chapter 21

Stiles looked at his mate in shock before putting his arms around him and pulling him close. "What happened?" he asked softly, and he felt something wet on his T-shirt. He wouldv'e asked why he still cared, but he actually kind of understood. Even if they didn't get along, Derek still didn't want more of his family to die. "Deucalion poisoned her, and we don't know what it is" Derek said with a surpressed sob. "Oh Derek, you could've just told me, you know? Then I wouldn't have been so mad" Derek let out a shivering sigh and snuggled closer to Stiles while nuzzling Stiles' neck. "I just didn't want you to worry until I knew all the details. Are you still mad?" He asked in a vulnerable voice, and Stiles felt for his mate, who could now lose the only actual family he still had. Stiles didn't count Peter. "Not really. I still think you should've told me though, but I understand" Derek let out a breath of laughter "you're always right, aren't you?" Stiles lifted Dereks head and pecked his lips, before looking his mate in the eyes. "Of course I am" he whispered, and Derek chuckled before he reconnected their lips. "I love you" he murmured  when their lips parted for a short time so they could catch their breath. "I love you too" Stiles whispered, and Derek was the one to pull him close this time. "What would I do without you?" Derek murmured, and Stiles snuggled to his chest. "Drown in dirty dishes of course" he murmured back, and Derek chuckled. "Did you take your adderal today?" Stiles shook his head, and for some reason he started giggling. "No" he answered, and to Stiles that seemed like the smartest and funniest reply anyone could've thought of. For a moment Derek chuckled at the sight of him cracking up. "Babe, I think you should go to bed" he said, and Stiles started nodding. When he thought of it, he was pretty tired. "Yes, I think you're right" he giggled, and Derek picked him up bridal style while Stiles was yawning and still occasionally giggled. "I really love you" he said, and Derek smiled. "Go to sleep snowman" he said, and Stiles nodded again. Needless to say he was sound asleep before they even reached the top of the stairs.

When he woke up, Stiles felt more rested and refreshed then he had in a long time. He noticed he lay in an empty bed, and the reason for that became clear when he looked at the small digital clock next to their bed. It was almost twelve pm, that was later then he ever got out. Usually he woke up early because he had to make breakfast for the pack. He decided to just enjoy the moment and lay back into the pillows for a moment, and before he noticed it was twelve thirty and he was woken up by a knock on the door. "Come in" he said with a little yawn, and the door opened to reveal his pups who eagerly jumped on the bed. Well, at least it woke him up. Then Derek came in with a tray full of fresh orange juice, croissants, sandwiches, scrambled eggs, bacon and... Coffee! He had coffee! At the foresight of his morning caffeine Stiles shot up and he rubbed his eyes feverishly.  "Guyys, what is all this?" he asked while looking at his pups and Derek who all had a wide smile on their faces. "We heared you wake up and decided to make you breakfast!" Scott said with a big grin. "I love you guys! Why did you even do that?" Stiles asked happily, and Dereks smile got even wider. "Well, I still had to apologise for last night, and Ethan and the girls thought this would be a good way to do that" he said sheepishly, and Stiles winked at Ethan and the girls. "I owe you one guys" he said, and they all laughed. "But before I'm going to start on this delicious breakfast I'm going to go take my adderal in the bathroom. I don't want a repeat of last night" he laughed and he left the comfortable warmth of the sheets for the cold bedroom floor before heading to the bathroom where he popped two of the familiar pills in his mouth and swallowed them with some water. Then he walked back in to the bedroom where, after finishing his delicious cup of caffeine rich goodness, he started on the breakfast. "Guys, this is delicious! Who made this?" he asked while enjoying the indeed delicious eggs and bacon. "Ethan and Derek did. They're the only ones who know how to cook" Erica said with a grin, and Ethan blushed. "Derek Hale! You never told me you could cook!" Stiles said while pointing an accusing finger at Derek, who just raised an eyebrow and smirked. "And you!" he pointed his finger at Ethan now, who looked slightly worried. "You're my new accomplice in the kitchen! We'll be unstoppable!" He laughed, and Ethan laughed along with him. "I'm sorry Isaac, I'm replacing you in the kitchen. Nothing personal, it's just that this guy can do a little more then cut up onions.." Stiles smirked at his golden pup, who put his hand over his heart in fake hurt. "Mom, you're... You're just going to put me aside, after all we've been through in that kitchen? All those times I cried for those poor onions? How could you?" Isaac said, trying to keep his face serious but failing miserably when Stiles hugged him playfully and whispered "I'm sorry kiddo. You're still my favourite though" in his ear. "Hey! I thought I was your favourite!" Scott protested, and Stiles patted his shoulder. "Well, we can't all be winners, can we?" Scott rolled his eyes, and Stiles had to give him a piece of bacon to get him to smile again. But then the others all wanted a piece too, and soon enough half of the breakfast was gone. Not that Stiles minded, there was way too much for any (human) person anyway. When he'd finished the remaining breakfast, the pups insisted on doing the dishes themselves and soon enough Derek and Stiles were alone in the room. "I'm a little scared now. First, you guys bring me breakfast and now the pups offer to do the dishes? Are you conspiring against me?" Stiles asked with a laugh, and Derek chuckled. "We just thought we should thank you for everything you do for us" he said before kissing Stiles on the lips. "I really love you Stiles" Derek said when their lips parted for a short moment. "I love you too Derek. Forever" Stiles answered, and when their lips reconnected he felt Dereks tongue swirl around his bottom lip, asking for entrance which Stiles was happy to give him. Their tongues swirled around eachother, not battling for dominance but moving in sync. They instinctively felt what the other liked and needed and adjusted themselves a little. When their lips parted for a moment to catch their breath, Stiles stepped out of the bed. "I think I'm going to take a shower" when Derek looked at him strangely he let out a chuckle. "Want to join me?" Derek nodded eagerly and followed Stiles into the bathroom, where he quickly shut the door and pulled Stiles away from the shower cabin where he had gotten the water running. Derek pushed him to the wall and placed a passionate kiss on Stiles's mouth before pulling away to remove Stiles' T-shirt and his own. Then Stiles got down to his knees and unbuckled Dereks belt before pulling his jeans and boxers down and tracing Dereks hipbone with his lips. Derek let out a soft moan and pulled Stiles up again to place a kiss on his lips, and then he tore Stiles' underpants off with his extending claws before lifting Stiles into his arms and stepping into the shower cabin. There he put Stiles down, and grabbed the shower gel, from which he poored a generous amount on his hands and he turned Stiles around so he could softly massage it into his back. When he got lower, Stiles started to moan softly. At that sound Derek turned him around again to place a hard, passionate kiss on Stiles's lips, who cocked his head back in pleasure when Derek started to place kisses down his neck and paused for a short moment to knibble at his collarbone. "Derek.. Please" Stiles whispered before Derek nodded and reconnected their lips while cupping Stiles' butt with his hands. And well.. Let's just say it was a long shower. When they got out they both quickly got dressed and went downstairs, where they got a bunch of meaningful looks from the pups, and Erica and Isaac just looked at them and started giggling. Stiles just rolled his eyes. "Every time" he muttered under his breath. Having to take care of people his own age caused enough embarrasing situations as it was, almost all of them having super-hearing made it even worse. He wouldn't have it any other way though, only in these situations it would've been nice if they could at least ignore what they'd been doing. "Could you please stop giggling like a bunch of idiots? You guys remember that when you do it everyone hears it too right?" They all stopped laughing and blushed. Well, all exept for Isaac and the twins, the twins because they never had sex in that house and Isaac because he was a virgin. "Okay, let's move on now" Derek said while rolling his eyes at his mate. "Yes please" Stiles agreed. "I think we should visit Deaton, see if he knows anything about Laura's situation yet" he saw Dereks expression darken slightly, but the pups all looked confused, appearently Derek hadn't told them she was in the hospital. "Um, pups, you might want to sit down for this. Laura has been poisoned by Deucalion, and is in the hospital" "in a coma" Derek added, and the pups looked shocked. "But how did he get her? He can't get to us, right?" Ethan asked nervously. He had all the reason, poor thing. "No pup, I'll make sure nothing happens to you. Any of you" Stiles said while ruffling the taller boy's hair. "Now let's visit Deaton" he said, and Jackson looked at him and Derek strangely. "Why? I mean I know she's your sister and all, but we kicked her out. Plus, she's probably responsable for Peters return. Wouldn't it be better to, well, let faith take it's course?" Derek let out a deep, quivering breath. "Because she didn't do that for me too. The day of the fire I wasn't in school like everyone thought. I was at home, mourning over my dead girlfriend. When the fire started, we were the only two outside the basement, we were on the second floor. When the ceiling was about to collapse she pushed me out of the window, which I thought caused her own death. Right before the fight started we had a terrible fight, but she didn't hesitate to give her own life for mine. I've felt guilty about that for eight years, and now I finally have the chance to make it right I'm not just gonna stand here and watch" after that everybody was quiet, and nobody protested anymore. While they were walking to the car Stiles looked at Jackson. "Oh, and Jackson? You're grounded" Jackson pouted, but he didn't dare protest right now. They got to the vets, and Derek quickly jumped out of the drivers seat, eager for news. Sadly, when they asked Deaton he didn't know any antidote for Laura's condition because he couldn't trace the poison Deucalion used. They all sat down and tried to come up with a solution, when all of the sudden Erica jumped up "I've got it!" she yelled "Derek needs to heal her!" Everyone stared at her bewildered, exept Stiles and Lydia "that could actually work.." Stiles whispered, while Lydia looked a little sceptical. "Yes, It could" Derek said. "We'll head to the hospital right now. I can't lose her again" Lydia still looked sceptical. "Derek, if you heal her now, you know you won't be an alpha anymore right?" Deaton nodded. "I know you'd do that for her, but you have to think about your pack as well. When they won't have an alpha anymore, technically all of you will be omegas. The Argents and all other hunters as well as other omegas will hunt you down and kill you without a second thought" Derek looked pained. "But I have to do it. I can't just leave her to die" Deaton sighed. "You could try to capture Kali or Deucalion and give one of your betas alpha status, which they will sacrifice to heal Laura" Derek nodded relieved at that. "Yes, that could work! We should start making-" he was interrupted by a rock crashing through the window and landing on the floor before Dereks feet. He picked it up, and saw there was some kind of a note attached to it. He took it off, and his eyes went big in shock. Stiles immediatly walked up to him and grabbed the note. it read 'Well, you figured it out quicker than I thought. Pity it's still too late.  I would hurry if I were you, I don't think there's much time left for goodbyes, Stiles's eyes went big. "We have to do something!" he yelled. "Don't you think I know that? I'm gonna go over there now and do it myself. I don't care what happens" Derek said before Stiles' phone went off. When he saw it was Melissa he picked up. "What's wrong?" He asked worriedly. "That werewolf girl? She's not doing so good. Her body keeps going into shock and I don't think she has much time left" she answered quickly. "Okay, we'll be right there. Thanks" When he hung up, he saw that Derek had already left and the pups looked a little insecure. "Come on, we're going to the hospital as well" he said, and they obediently followed him to the cars. The drive was silent, and about fifteen minutes later they arrived at the hospital, just to see Derek storming out. Stiles got out of the car and put his hands on Dereks chest. "Der, what's wrong?" he asked while Derek shoved his hands off. "She's dead" he said in a barely sane voice. "She's dead and Deucalion killed her. Now I'm going to kill him"

Soo... Again late, but earlier then the previous chapters. Well I hope you liked the little twist in the end :) If you liked it, please comment and vote!!  xoxo,

Robance c:-

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