part 5

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Hey you guys! New update! *whoop whoop!* I've got a major writers block, but if I stop now, this story is never going to continue, so.. yeah.. I'm going to let this fluffy stuff go on for, say, two chapters, but I think that after that the pack is gonna have some serious trouble.. I was thinking deucalion, maybe, or perhaps a forgotten ghost from someones past? We'll see.. Well, here you go!

chapter 5

Stiles had been right, he and Derek hadn't been able to sleep alone for the past week, although the pups seemed more used to the house now and them all being together seemed to have a positive effect on Isaac. He hadn't had a nightmare the intire week, so Stiles hoped to get a little romantic with Derek again because he'd missed that a lot. But for now, a picknick was fine. He and Derek would be gone for the day and Melissa and John had promised to keep an eye on the pups. He'd already given them Dereks phone number, since they already got his, and told them to call him immediatly if there was anything wrong. His dad had laughed at him and told him to stop being an overprotective mom and just relax for the day. Still, Stiles was worried about how the pups would behave, and he was a little afraid Melissa and John wouldn't be able to control them. Hus dad was right though, he just had to stop worrying and start having a good time with his mate, because otherwise what was the use of taking the whole day off? Speaking of a certain mate... Where was Derek? Stiles had the picknick basket ready, and was now sitting on one of the kitchen chairs waiting for Derek. When said wolf finally came in, Stiles was a little ticked off because he'd been waiting. "Where have you been?" He asked in a slightly annoyed tone, which increased when Derek just smirked and looked pretty happy with himself. "That's for you to guess and for me to know" he said with the most annoying smirk ever. "Ugh! You're so annoying!" Stiles exclaimed, because he hated not knowing something, a treat which Derek loved to play with. "What's wrong snowman?" he asked innocently, and he took Stiles' hand. Stiles rolled his eyes at the man next to him and decided to just let it go, although he still was curious about why Derek was so late. Derek led him to the front door, and while they walked past the living room Stiles saw all of his pups, his dad and Melissa staring at him with an  mysterious smile on their faces. "What the hell is wrong with you people today? Do all of you know something I don't?" Stiles asked suspiciously, especially when Allison and Lydia let out a little squeal. "don't you dare pull a prank on me when I come home" he said in the general direction of Erica and Scott who just gave him a meaningful look and a smirk. Stiles sighed and wondered like he'd wondered a thousand times before what he'd done wrong (or very right) in some past life to deserve this. Knowing himself, he'd probably been Jack the ripper or something like that. Maybe he'd been Alexander the Great, he certainly was smart enough for it and it would explain a lot. Derek pulled him out of his thoughts by gently squeezing his hand and pulling him towards the door. "Let's go already, otherwise we won't have much of the day left" he whispered in Stiles' ear, and Stiles happily followed him. "Were is this 'perfect' spot of yours located?" Stiles asked curiously, and Derek suddenly chuckled. "About that.. I almost forgot!" He said excitedly and with that he quickly blindfolded Stiles, who let out a very many squeal, but before he could protest, Derek had scooped him up in his arms bridal style, and he was running to the mystery location in wolf speed. A couple of minutes later they stopped, and Stiles was wondering if today was national 'don't tell Stiles anything day' or something. Then Derek took off the blindfold and Stiles got to take a look around, and what he saw actually took his breath away. It was a small, secluded and sun-covered part of the lake, and grass covered the little meadow all the way up to the water. There, a small two meters away from the water was a gorgeous willow tree, with the leaves hanging over the lake almost touching the water, but right in front of the water the leaves ended about one and a half meter above the grass, leaving the perfect place for a picknick. Derek softly laughed when he saw Stiles' face, and he took the blanket from the basket and spreaded it out underneath the tree. "Well, sit down!" Derek said to a still completely flustered Stiles "I think this is the first time I've seen Stiles Stilinski speechless" he chuckled, and Stiles was almost afraid to say anything, sacared it would ruin the perfectness of the meadow. He then softly sat down and pecked Derek on the lips "that's because no one besides you is able to surprise me" He said softly. "And it's absolutely wonderful here" he added, sming when Dereks face lit up because he'd made his mate happy. "Yeah it is" he replied. "My mother used to come here with my father, and this is the spot where he asked her to marry him. She always made me promise that I'd take my mate here if I found the right one" he said with a nostalgic smile. Stiles was even more touched now, because he knew how hard it was for Derek to be reminded of his family. "Well then I think it's even more special, if that is even possible" he said, and Derek kissed him on the lips passionately. He softly bit Stiles' lower lip, asking for entrance. Stiles opened his mouth and their tongues intwined. Derek pulled away to take his shirt off as well as Stiles', and he started to place kisses and lovebites al over Stiles' neck, and when Derek reached his collerbone Stiles let out a soft moan and he began investigating Dereks abs and abdomen with his tongue, cheekily dipping his tongue in Dereks belly button which made Derek moan contently. They continued making out for some time, until Stiles' stomach made a rumbling sound and Derek pulled away. "You hungry?" he asked with a wink, and Stiles mentally cursed his way-too-fast metabolism and blushed, which made Derek chuckle. "You should see your expression right now" he chuckled, and he moved forward so he could peck Stiles on the lips and whisper a soft "I love you" in his ear. "I love you too, you crazy sourwolf" Stiles replied lovingly, but then his stomach started rumbling again and he just started to unpack the food. He'd made a bunch of sandwiches, a chocolate mud cake and he also had some strawberries in whipped cream. They ate in a comfortable silence, cuddled up against eachother, and after the sandwhiches Derek started feeding him strawberries with whipped cream, and Stiles let out a content sigh. "This is perfect" he told Derek, and could feel Derek smile against him. "It is. But there is something I wanted to ask you" Derek said, and Stiles turned to look him in the eyes. "Was that what you were all busy with this morning?" he asked Derek.curiously, and Derek smiled, but right when he was about to answer, Stiles' phone rang, and it started to buzz at the same time. Stiles wondered if everything was allright, and he looked at the caller ID, and when he saw it was his dad he picked up the phone. When he looked at Derek he saw that he had a strange dissapointed expression on his face, which Stiles quickly forgot about when he heared his dad on the phone "Stiles! I need you to get here NOW! I've tried calming them down, but they almost bit Melissa and- Scott! No! Y-" the phone call abruptly ended, and Stiles was in shock for a moment before jumping up, and judging from Dereks expression he had followed the entire conversation, because he had everything packed and now lifted Stiles up. He runned to the house faster then Stiles had ever seen him go, and they reached the mansion in a small five minutes, where even Stiles could hear the yelling from outside. Without thinking he practically flew inside and took a moment to take in the situation. What he saw got him boiling with rage. His dad was trying to separate Jackson and Scott who were both in wolf form and trying to tear eachother apart. Erica was sitting in a corner and was watching it all happen, while Lydia was cheering Scott on. Meanwhile Melissa, Allison, Boyd and Isaac were nowhere to be found. When he had taken in the situation, he paced right up to Jackson and Scott, and when his dad saw him he was trying to get Stiles to leave, he probably thought it was too dangerous. Well fuck that. Stiles

Life in a puppy pack (Sterek) (Boyxboy) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now