part 12

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Hello my lovely kittens! I really don't know what to say right now so what about we get on with the story... Enjoy the chapter!

chapter 12

"Wha- what do you mean? Did you find the body? Where?! I want to see it!" Stiles yelled, completely dumbfounded by what happened. "No Stiles. I found him alive" Stiles gasped, and then everything went black.

When he fluttered his eyes open, he noticed he was laying on the couch. He also noticed all of his pups were standing around him with a worried look on their faces, and he tried to recall what happened. Oh yeah, he fainted. Why did he faint? A puzzled expression appeared on his face. Deaton had called, so it probably was something about Derek. Wait. WAIT! "I remember!" he yelled, which made his pups jump back

They all looked startled and slightly afraid. They probably thought he'd gone mad or something. "Guys, guys, I haven't gone mad. It's just that Deaton called and... And the news kinda overwhelmed me." They didn't really seem to believe him, especially because of the big grin on Stiles's face. "What was it then?" Jackson asked in a bratty tone. "Jackson, first, don't use that tone with me. Second" and when he thought about Derek being alive tears of pure joy streaked his cheeks. "Second, Deaton found Derek. He found him alive!" Instead of slight fear, al the faces around carried an expression of pure shock. Then Erica broke into tears and embraced him in a bone-crushing hug. "Really? Is he really coming back? I missed him so much mom. So terribly much" Stiles was a little surprised by this much emotion coming from Erica of all people, but then he remembered that they had shared quite a special bond. She, for what she thought, had never been able to pay him back for turning her, because it made her seazures stop, it gave her the ability to live the life she wanted. He stroked her hair and tried to shush her a little "Yeah, he's really coming back. And I'm making sure he's never leaving again either" at that point all of the pups seemed to realise that Stiles was speaking the truth, and they all joined in in a group-hug, even the twins this time. "Guys, I have to call Deaton. We don't know where he is remember?" Stiles said while trying to shove the pups off. They all jumped off and Isaac handed him his phone. Stiles chuckled when he saw it was already calling. When he put the phone to his ear he hearer Deatons voice. "Ah, Stiles, I wondered when you'd call back. Did you drop your phone again? It's a miracle the thing didn't break yet. Well, about Derek. Get to the clinic, I'll explain everything there" and he hung up, leaving Stiles pretty flabbergasted. Then they all put on their shoes etc. and they got to the cars. After a terribly long twenty minutes they reached Deatons clinic and Stiles jumped out of the car, not really caring what happened to it right now, and the others soon followed. He barged through the door, and almost bumped up to Deaton who was waiting for them by his desk. "Where is he?" Stiles asked impatiently, trying to look arou d Deaton to see if Derek could possibly be somewhere around here. "Calm down, Stiles. He's not here" Deaton exclaimed in his ever-so-calm voice, and Stiles almost growled. "Then where is he?!" he asked through gritted teeth. "My sister Alicia found him, he's with her. I will take you there" then Stiles' phone rang, and it was a blocked number. Out of reflex he picked up, and almost fainted a second time when he heared Deucalions voice through the phone. "Hello little alpha mate. I must admit, your pack is becoming a real pain in the butt. Thank god I've always got my fair share of spies on cases that have my interest, because they eavesdropped an interesting comversation between your little vet and his sister. My pack is on our way to get your precious little Derek, so of you want him back I suggest you hurry. Oh and Stiles, I don't like it when people steal from me. You stole from me little alpha mate. So I'll steal from you. Goodbye now, little alpha mate." Stiles tried to reply, but Deucalion had already hung up. "That.. That filthy bastard! How can he keep doing this? What are you staring at?! Deucalion has sent his pack to get Derek, so I suggest we fucking HURRY because if something happens to him after what I've been through the past few days I swear I'll kill someone. Now HURRY!" Well let's just say he didn't have to repeat himself. Everybody hurried to Deatons van and they somehow managed to fit in. Stiles sat next to Deaton while the vet was going as fast as the stupid van wanted to go. They reached Alivias house pretty fast, since it was just out of pack territory, in the woods outside Beacon hills. But when they pulled up the driveway, Stiles noticed two all-to- familiar white vans, and when he opened Deatons van he found all his pups exept for the twins already shifted. The reason for that he found out when they got out of the car. Ethan buried his claws in Aidens back, and somehow they merged together. Their red eyes glowed before everyone ran up to the house. There was no time for asking questions now. When Stiles threw the door open, he almost wished he hadn't. They were too late. The only thing he had time for is scream when he saw Ennis bury his claws in Dereks throat while Kali held his hands on his back. When Ennis looked up, he was faced by the fangs of the twins, who ended him quickly, and Kali soon after. When Stiles ran up to Derek, he noticed the alpha was still breathing, but weakly. Very weakly. Blood streamed from his throat and his breathing came with horrible gurgling sounds. Still Dereks fogged gaze somehow managed to find Stiles, who grabbed his hand. "Hey sourwolf" he said, while tears streamed down his cheeks. He jumped when Derek tried to say something. "No! Der, please don't try to talk, okay?" the alpha nadded weakly, and coughed up some blood, his face grimacing in agony. Then, all of the sudden his features relaxed, and the gurgling stopped. "I love you sourwolf" Stiles whispered. Then all hell broke loose. Laura entered the house, and when she saw Dereks body on the ground she screamed. "NO!!! Derek!! Don't you leave me again you asshole!! Get up! Get UP!" She yelled, while rougly shaking Dereks shoulders, until Boys and Jackson pulled her back and she broke into sobs. "he was my brother! I thought he was dead for all these years and now.. I can't lose him!! Not again!" Stiles was completely dumbfounded. He had no idea what was going on, and appearently no one had, since the boys released Laura, who fell down at her knees and buried her face in her hands. "He was all I had.. After all those years, to get that kind of hope back.. It meant everything" she whispered. Then Deaton walked in and immediatly paced up to Dereks body, where he bent down and murmured some words. Then he snapped back up, his face blank. "Guys, it's not too late yet. But.we don't have much time. Ethan, Aiden, are you willing to sacrifice your alpha status for your new pack? Because that is the only way we'll be able to save Derek." When they heard that, all heads snapped to the twins. They looked at eachother in doubt, but then Ethan looked to Deaton. "We would have to submit to Derek anyway, wouldn't we?" he asked like this question meant everything. "Yes, eventually you would have had no other choice if you planned to stay in the Hale pack long-term. But that wouldn't hurt half as much as this will" Deatin said in a proffesional tone. Then the twins looked back at eachother. "We'll do it" they answered in sync, and all faces showed relief. 'Good. Well, both sit on one side of Derek, I'll draw a circle with mountain ash. Remember, there is no turning back now." The twins nodded and did as instructed. Then Deaton took out a little bag of mountain ash and drew a circle. Then he ordered the twins to put their hands on Dereks chest, and do as they usually would with healing someone. Then he cast a spell. "This is to make sure you won't let go until you're betas again" he said, and the twins looked slightly scared now, but then the healing proces began, and the black veins appeared on the twins' arms. But instead of only staying there, they started to spread over their intire bodies. All of the sudden they both let out an ear-piercing scream, and they fell to the ground  When Stiles wanted to run over there, he was stopped by Deatons hand on his shoulder. "It's reached their hearts now, they can't pull back or they'll die."  At that Stikes eyes teared up again. He couldn't lose anyone anymore. He just couldn't. After a few horrible silent minutes, the twins moved again. They screamed again with wide open eyes, which Stiles could clearly see changing from a deep, ruby red to a piercing blue. Then they collapsed again, but Stiles saw Dereks throat was healed although he was still laying suspiciously still. He looked over to Deaton, who softly nodded. That was all the confirmation Stiles needed, he ran over to the circle and broke it, which caused the twins to crash on the floor hardly but he couldn't be bothered by that right now. He almost climbed on top pf Derek right then, and softly patted his cheeks. Stiles gasped when Derek fluttered his eyelids, and he just couldn't believe that he'd finally be able to hold his mate again. Then Derek fully opened his eyes, and tried to say something, but he was cut of by Stiles crashing his lips on Derek with full force. He was practically in heaven, until he was roughly pushed off. When he looked up he saw Derek looking at him, his expression a mix between anger and confusion. "Who the hell are you?"

Hello my purple unicorns! (yes, your nickname has changed after I got a really threatening message from someone who didn't like kittens...) But.. What'd you think?  I know I took a little longer to update then usual, but it's weekend for me too! And I just stood in my apple pie.... Well, if you liked it please comment and vote!! Bye! xoxo,


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