part 8

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Hey my lovely kittens! Again an all new chapter for you lovelies c: I know the ending of last chapter was kinda boring but I needed a cliffhanger and well yeah.... Here's the next chapter!

chapter 8

When Stiles saw what, or more specifically, who were in the cell along with Laura, he gasped. On the floor, bruised and unconscious lay Jackson and Isaac. Ennis chuckled "looks like you like the surprise faggot" then he pushed Stiles into the cell and slammed the door. When he heared  Ennis' footsteps leave the hallway he quickly scooted up to his two pups who were still unconscious. "oh my poor puppies" he sighed, before starting to examine the wounds on their bodies. Meanwhile he noticed that to his relief there was now a little light burning, and he also noticed that Laura was staring at him with a strange look on her face. "What?" he asked her, and she answered "nothing, it's just that from everything you could've been pack mom wasn't the first thing that came to my mind. I think you're the first male werewolf to ever be a pack mom" at that Stiles laughed "I'm not a werewolf either, I'm just a plain old human, I forgot that you had your powers shut down, otherwise I'd have told you" that seemed to puzzle her even more. "A human in a werewolf pack? What a strange pack must that be" "Yes it is. But I wouldn't have it any different" he lovingly replied. "But they don't seem to have any injuries apart from a few bruises, but they are already fading. I think they used morphine or something to drug them, so they should come to soon enough" and right when he said that, Jackson let out a small whine, and Stiles sighed in relief. "Hey pup, wake up, I've been worried sick about all of you" when he heared Stiles' voice Jackson turned his head to the sound and his eyes slowly fluttered open. "Mom? Did we save you? Where are we?" he murmured while Stiles stroked his hair "no pup, I'm sorry, but we're in Deucalions hideout. Now you tell me how you and Isaac ended up here" Jackson nodded, but then noticed Laura "Who is she?" he asked while glaring and growling softly at her "Jackson, glaring isn't polite, and this is Laura, a victim of Deucalion, just like us" Laura smiled at them. "You're a good pack mom, did you know that? And now you know mine, you might as well tell me your name" she said, turning to Jackson, not noticing the blush on Stiles' cheeks. "I'm Jackson" Jackson replied with a shrug. Stiles sighed and he wondered if his pups were ever going to be able to act their age. His thoughts were interrupted when Isaac started to come to as well. "Hey bub. How are you doing?" Isaac had first opened his eyes slowly, but when he realized it was Stiles who was talking to him his eyes widened and he flung himself around Stiles' neck. "Mom!! Oh mom, I missed you so much!" he yelled while nuzzling Stiles' neck while embracing him a bone-crushing hug. After a while Stiles patted Isaacs back "hey pup, Stiles needs oxigen" and Isaac quickly released his death grip around Stiles' ribcage and looked ashamed "sorry mom, I just.." "I know pup, it's okay" Stiles knew how the pup felt. Then Isaac noticed Laura as well, but his reaction was slightly different then Jacksons. He blushed bright red and ducked behind Stiles' back, pressing his face into Stiles' shirt. Stiles sighed, and once again wondered how this boy was such an amazing fighter yet so quickly scared. He was interrupted by Jackson who was laughing at poor Isaac "you big baby! You always embarrass yourself in front of everyone!" "Quiet Jackson!" Stiles said in a firm tone. "Isaac, you don't have to be afraid. This is Laura, she got captured just like we did" When Isaac didn't move, Stiles gestured to Laura to come closer. She looked behind Stiles' back and touched Isaacs shoulder. "Hey" she said in a soft voice "I'm Laura" she stretched out her hand in front of him, waiting to see if he'd shake it. He then surprised Stiles by actually shaking it, and he blushed even deeper when she smiled at him. "I'm Isaac" he said timidly "so I've heared" she replied with a wink. "This guy over here won't stop.worrying about it. Tell me, is that really that neccaseary?" Stiles smiled, and Isaac surprised him again by giggling. He should ask Laura if she had a place to stay when they got out of here. She seemed to have a good influence on Isaac. He then noticed that Jackson still had his watch. "Jackson, can I see that? I haven't had a clue what time it was for the past two days. When Jackson gave it to him, he saw that it was one am, which matched his tired feeling, although he'd thought he'd been so tired because of his head wound. "Well guys, lets just get all the sleep we can while we can, because we don't know when we'll be able to sleep again. Isaac immediatly went up to the pile of old, thin blankets that lay in the corner, while Jackson looked like he was going to protest. "No buts Jackson! I'll come with" Stiles said, and Jackson went up to the blankets with a pout on his face. "And give Laura a few blankets as well" he added" "that won't be neccaseary, I've got my fair share of blankets. Been here for a couple of weeks after all" she replied sadly, and Stiles felt really bad for her. She'd been ripped away from her life, had been a prisoner, alone in a dark room plus her powers were taken away from her leaving her helpless. Stiles couldn't even imagine how that had to be for her, he'd almost gone mad going two days without his pups. "Wanna sleep with us? I mean, we should stick together shouldn't we?" he said without thinking. Well hello pack mom instincts. She looked hesitant, so he encouraged her to come over. "Girl, you've been packless for weeks now, don't you tell me you don't miss it" suddenly she looked even sadder. "Actually I've been packless for a lot longer. But you're right, I do miss it" that surprised Stiles. A girl like her an omega? A rogue? That didn't match what he'd seen of her at all. He realized he actually didn't know her at all. "Well tonight you have a pack" he said in a slightly choked voice. "Come here, I can't believe I'm actually saying it, but I've missed those puppy piles!" Isaac immediatly snuggled up to him, but Jackson looked at him first. "We have too, alpha has been meaner than ever, like when we first met" he said, and that made Stiles' heart ache for his mate. Stiles barely had had any time to miss his mate, but now he realized that Derek had been looking for him all over, and that that had been the reason his pups got kidnapped as well. Now he was thinking about Derek, it was like someone scooped up his heart, leaving a big hole where it had been. He had to hold back tears when he pulled his two pups closer. He had to be strong, for them. He saw an understanding look on Lauras face before she laid down beside Isaac. When they'd all fallen asleep, Stiles was still thinking about Derek, and even when he had fallen asleep, his mind wandered to Derek, unaware that Derek was doing exactly the same.

Soo my lovely kittens! did you like it? I've got the story figured out a little bit, but I can't see much further than a few chapters ahead.. comments, subscribes and fans make me very happy!! xoxo,


ps. told you I'd update sooner this time!! second time this weekend! boom!

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