part 9

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Hey my lovely kittens!! Again a nice little chappie for you!! Seriously, you guys are AMAZING!!! you got my story to 1K reads! I  never expected this story to get this popular! At the moment I'm really enjoying writing this story, and I thought bc I got the 1K reads I should update today... Well, Read on my beauties!!

Chapter 9

Stiles woke up at the sound of a very annoyed Ennis barging through the door. "Get up you lazy asses! You are being moved RIGHT NOW!!" he yelled, while roughly shoving the pups, who had somehow managed to crawl on top of him at night, of Stiles. Laura was already standing and looking at Ennis, obediently waiting for his next order. Stiles and Isaac were standing as well, Isaac was trembling a little from Ennis' dominant voice. But then Stiles spotted Jackson.. Who had slept through all  the commotion and now unconsciously clutched Stiles' leg. "Wake him up!" Ennis commanded Stiles, who bent down and gently shook Jacksons shoulder. When that didn't wake him Ennis growled and pushed Stiles aside. He roughly lifted Jackson and put him on his feet, leaving a rather confused Jackson. "Mom..?" he muttered while rubbing his eyes "Hurry! We're leaving NOW! Follow me!" Ennis raged, and they quickly followed, Stiles held Jacksons hand since he was never able to comprehend much when he just woke up. They followed Ennis through a couple of hallways and out two big double doors, out the building, which now appeared to be some sort of bank. Stiles noticed it was still dark out, and he spotted two vans like the one in which he was taken, and his eyes immediatly started to look for a way out, but his hope vanished quickly when he saw that their little group was surrounded. Next to the vans two identical boys stood, and at the entrance of the parking lot he saw a fragile looking, bare-footed woman. She didn't look dangerous, but he dared to bet that she could take them all out without any effort. Then Deucalion stepped out of one of the vans, and Stiles noticed he was wiping something off his hands. Before he could think about it, he, his pups and Laura were roughly pushed into the van by Ennis, who climbed in after him followed by the woman. The pups both crawled up to him, until they were practically on his lap. Laura looked like she wanted to get closer to, but she was on the other side of the van and seemed to be too afraid to get closer. What is it with him and werewolves? They always tell him they feel 'safe' around him somehow, even though they were all able to kill him within the blink of an eye. When he absentmindedly stroked his pups' hair he noticed an amused glare from the woman, and he wondered if this pack had a pack mom. He doubted it, since Laura had told him this pack consisted of alphas only, and alphas usually didn't like to be told what to do, and they feel embarassed when people care for them. Well at least that was what he'd seen with Derek. He wondered why they had left just now. Had the pack found them? Then were they following them? He hoped so, because he had been in this hellhole for way too long and ge doubted if his pups had eaten well in his absence. They'd probably taken advantage of it. And Derek, how he wanted to see Derek.. He was pulled out of his thoughts by a soft snoring. He looked down and saw that Jackson had fallen asleep with his head in Stiles' lap. He was completely speechless, that boy could literally fall asleep everywhere. He tried to move Jacksons head because his leg was sleeping, but that only caused the boy to press his face deeper into Stiles' leg and grip his leg tightly. Stiles sighed and decided to give up the whole 'move Jackson when he's asleep' thing. He looked around, and saw Isaac smirking to the sight of Jackson curled up to Stiles. Stiles smiled back, a little surprised by how calm Isaac was, and ruffled his pups' curls. He really hoped that the pack would find them soon because he didn't want any of them in this kind of danger. He was thrown forward when the van abruptly came to a stop. When he tried to get up, he noticed that Ennis and the woman had started to take action already, they were blindfolding everyone in the pack, Laura and Jackson, who Ennis probably woke up again, were already standing with a black blindfold around their eyes, but they were struggling with Isaac who had started to panick since he was terribly afraid of the dark. Stiles saw that he'd shifted and was now trying to fight off the two alphas. He knew that the alphas were about to knock him out, so he ducked under the womans arm to calm Isaac down, but she grabbed him what made Isaac freak out even more, until Ennis interrupted. "Kali, let the boy go, he'll be able to het this one too coöperate" she reluctantly let go of him and he grabbed Isaac by his shoulders. "Pup, calm down. I know you're scared, and that makes sense. But I'll be here okay? I'll take your hand and I won't let go, okay?" He nodded and grabbed Stiles' hand so tight that he almost winced, but he knew he couldn't let go or Isaac would lose it completely. He felt Isaacs grip tighten even more when they blindfolded him, and then they blindfolded Stiles as well. Then he heared the van open and they stumbled out. Then Stiles heared the other van open as well, and a male voice yelled something. He wondered once again what was in the other van, but then they were dragged even further, down a lot of stairs before they finally stopped. A door opened, and they were pushed through. "Hey! Aren't you going to remove the blindfolds?" Stiles yelled to the people who'd brought him here. "No, I don't think I feel like that today sweetie" the woman- Kali- answered in a fake, sweet voice. Stiles could hear Isaac whimper and press himself closer to Stiles, who put his arms around the shivering pup and they all sat down, leaning on the walls, no one knowing what to say or do. The dark surrounding them seemed to add to the heavy sfere and time just seemed to crawl by, until after what seemed like an eternity Stiles heared the cell door open, and he immediatly felt Isaac press closer against him. When he heared the footsteps go up to him, he wondered what they were going to do with him. His questions were soon answered when two hands gently took off the blindfold. He immediatly looked around to take in his surroundings. He saw they were in some kind of dungeon, and from what he could see it was attached to a hallway. He then looked at his saviours, and he saw it were the two identical boys. After they had removed his blindfold, they removed the others' blindfolds as well. When he stood up they looked at him with a cautious glance in their eyes. They lifted their hands in surrender "we're not here to harm you. We're here to help" "Why?" Stiles curiously asked "Because we have been in this pack for a couple of years, and the things we've seen... Unimaginable. Awful. And we've seen how you are together.. So we'll help. If we can join your pack" they declared. "But  why now?" he asked "because there's been a fight, and I've heared the alpha of your pack opposed us. There will be another fight tonight, everyone is focused on that, which makes it the perfect time to get away. But we have to go now. There's another pack member of yours already waiting. We captured him last night, but my brother and I managed to set him free this morning" they answered. "But how can I trust you're not lying?" Stiles asked, but then Isaac surprised them all by interrupting. "They're not lying. I listened to their heartbeats this whole conversation. Mom, I trust them" he said to Stiles with pleading eyes. "Let's just get out of here please" Stiles nodded. "Okay then. Let's go. One more question: what are your names?" "Aiden" one said. "Ethan" the other said with a little less confidence. "If you are going to enter this pack I'm definetely going to put nametags on you two. Now let's go" Stiles replied, and off they went. Surprisingly enough, they didn't meet anyone on the way out, but the reason for that soon became clear. When they got outside, there was a bloodbath. Stiles recognised everyone from his and Deucalions pack. Only two were missing. Ennis and.. He choked on the last name. Ennis and Derek. Were was he? Then he saw Scott a few feet away from him, clutching his chest. "Pup, what happened?" he asked worriedly. "I got caught.. The pack came to save us and.. " he groaned in pain "Scott, I need you to stay with me, okay? What happened? Where is Derek?" When he mentioned Derek Scott seemed to pale even more "D-Derek, mom.." "What?!" Stiles asked "What is with him? When will he get here?!" his voice was getting more high-pitched and panicky with every word. "Mom, Derek is.. He is dead. Derek is dead.

Sooo... Cliffhanger! Sorry it's so late today, but I still had to write the intire chapter... So what do you think? If you liked it, please comment and vote! Peace out,


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