part 1

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Hey guys, this is my first story, and I hope you'll enjoy, and have a happy life!!! c:

Chapter 1

Stiles woke up from an ellbow being roughly shoved into his face. He looked around, and the bed where the previous night only he and Derek had been sleeping, was now covered in teenage werewolves. He sighed, and careful not to wake the pups, turned his head to see what time it was. It was five thirty am already so he decided not to go back to sleep but to get up and go make breakfast for the pack. He carefully shoved Isaac, whose ellbow had woken him up, aside and climbed over a curled up Scott and Allison and onto the the cold bedroom floor.

He turned, smiled lovingly at the pile of tangled werewolves on the bed, and he quickly threw on some jeans before rushing downstairs to make breakfast. He decided on scrambled eggs, bacon and pancakes but he also put two boxes of cereal and a bowl of mixed fruits on the table, because the human girl and banshee in the pack weren't really fond of the werewolves' favourites.

He started with the pancakes, knowing they would take the longest to make, and by the time the bacon was cooking he heard a pair of feet trodding down the stairs. A moment later Derek walked into the kitchen and kissed Stiles on the lips.

"Hey sourwolf," Stiles smirked after kissing him back, "Would you mind setting the table?"

"I wouldn't" Derek replied. "If I get dibs on the pancakes, because last time the pups snatched them away right before my nose." 

"Like you mind them doing that. Did you think I don't see you smile all the time when one of the pups snatches a bite from your plate when they think you aren't looking?" he teased, but Derek just smirked and took the plates over to the table. Then they heard feet on the stairs again, but much more this time.

First, a drowsy Isaac stumbled into the kitchen, pushed aside by Erica and Allison, followed by a softly talking Lydia and Boyd, and at last a squabbling Scott and Jackson practically fell through the door. So far, nothing out of the ordinary.

"Morning!" Stiles called, and seven voices replied with a sleepy "morning mom!", making Stiles sigh, because that wasn't out of the ordinary either.

A couple of months ago they had started calling him mom as a joke, but sadly the nickname had stuck. Although he was getting used to it now, it was still weird when they called him that at places like school, or the mall, and at first Stiles had rejected the nickname. But then Derek had explained that it was a natural reaction to Stiles being the alpha's, thus Derek's, mate, and he had halfheartedly accepted the nickname. Halfheartedly, even though he secretly had to admit that he loved taking care of the pups.

"Take your plate guys, and Scott, Jackson, please stop fighting over the food, there's enough for everyone," he said with a sharp look at the two troublemakers.

"Sorry mom," they replied sheepishly, and they silently sat down at opposite ends of the table, where Scott and Allison were quickly in a conversation with Lydia about whether or not an academic degree in economics was neccesary to make it in life, and Jackson and Isaac were discussing the chances of some football team in some league Stiles didn't know and honestly didn't want to know anything about. When breakfast was done, he shooed the pack upstairs to get ready for their last week of school before the start of summer. In a week the entire pack would be going to the Hale lake house for a month, so they could fully relax and do some pack bonding.

Derek and Stiles had also discussed sheriff Stilinski and Melissa mcCall coming along, but Stiles still had to ask if they were interested, and he also still had to run errands for a month supply food for a pack of teenage werewolves. He also still had to pack up his own stuff, so this was definitely going to be a busy week for him.

Life in a puppy pack (Sterek) (Boyxboy) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now