part 18

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Hey my purple unicorns! I just realised something really stupid, and that's that I mixed up Cora's and Laura's names... So just for your information, in this strange, alternate universe Cora was killed by Peter and Laura wasn't. YES I know this is very confusing and I have no idea how Peter became an alpha but I didn't feel like changing her name in all of the chapters.. And Laura's (previous) alphaness made me think of a whole new storyline.. Even though it might be a little predictable. Or not.. Okay, I think the talking to myself is a good sign I should cut this a/n off now.. Enjoy the chapter!!! c:-

chapter 18

Stiles woke up from two people yelling at eachother. "How could you do something like that?! Are you sick?!" Derek bellowed.  "No little brother, I just think I should be able to take my rightful place again, or at least get my fucking POWERS back! I thought you'd understand!" So Derek and Laura had an argument. Should he do something? Nehh, they were both adults. They could sort it out, couldn't they? He then almost jumped up from a loud *CRACK* on the hallway, and he noticed a few of his pups were still in bed, and Isaac was trembling against his side when the yelling restarted. "Understand?! How the fuck do you expect me to understand this?! You're trying to distroy everything I've built up for myself here!" Derek again. Stiles wondered what their argument was about while he put an arm around Isaac. "Built up for yourself?! You aren't serious are you? You think this is what mom and dad would've wanted?" Laura screamed with a disbelieving laugh. Stiles heared a loud growl, and now multiple pups were pushed up against his side. Then Laura's words started to get to his sleepy brain. She was insulting Derek? And scaring the pups?! Who the hell did she think she was?! And Derek was scaring them as well! He quickly jumped out of bed and marched to the door when he opened it, he took some time to take in the damage. Derek looked like he was on the verge of shifting, and next to him was a hole in the wall, just big enough for his fist, and Laura had a crazy and almost murdurous look on her face. "And then that stupid thing you have going on with that kid Stiles? What do you think mom and dad would've thought of that? Face it little brother, you're just not fit to be an alpha" She added, and Derek looked like he was about to throw her into a wall right then, but insread he let his fist collide with the plaster again and paced down the hallway, away from Laura. "Derek! Come back here!" Stiles yelled, but except from a quick stagger in his pace Derek didn't give him a reaction. "And you" Stiles said to Laura with a voice that was so full with fury it almost went blank again. "You frightened my pups, and insulted not only me, but my pack and my mate as well. Leave this house this instant. You will not be welcome here ever again" he said threateningly. She walked up to him and growled softly, but humanly. "Make me, human" she growled, and Stiles raised one eyebrow at that. "You do realise you're a human as well, don't you? You can thank Deucalion for that. But I will make you if you don't leave now" he mocked. She scowled at him, even though she seemed a little thrown off at his words, and she walked away. About half a minute later,  Stiles heared the front door open and slam shut and he hoped she'd be gone forever, even if Derek wouldn't like it, Stiles knew it would be best for the pack. Still he didn't like having to send her away. She was Dereks last living family member after all, and he'd hoped and thought it would all work out. But where was Derek? He'd stormed out earlier, but Stiles hadn't heared the door or the stairs back then. Maybe he took the window, he did that more often when he was upset, or at least he used to. He hadn't in a pretty long time. Stiles rushed himself out of the house and checked the soil underneath the window. Like he'd expected there were deep footprints there, and they went in the direction of the forest. Stiles sighed, he knew it wasn't going to be easy to find Derek, but he had to try and hope Derek wanted to be found, or at least didn't care. He followed the footprints, and was thankful Allison had taught him a bit about tracking, otherwise he'd have been pretty screwed. After a while, the footprints dissappeared, and Stiles had to look closely to find a couple of broken branches on a shrub, indicating Derek had ran through the bushes. After a little while Stiles was able to find the footprints again, and he started following them until he started to lose track of time, and that was when he heared something, a small sound compared to the natural sounds of the forest. He listened carefully, and he heared it again, a small huff, and he turned around to find the source of the sound, and he thought it came from somewhere on his left. He tried to run over there, bit his foot was stuck so he kind of stumbled onto the little clearing in the forest. When he looked up, he saw Derek sitting there with his back turned to him, even though Stiles was sure he'd heared him coming. Hell, a deaf human could've heared him coming. "Derek?" he asked in a small voice. "Go away Stiles" Derek answered in a cold voice that would've fooled everyone but Stiles, who notices his slumped shoulders when he said so, and the little edge to his voice that usually wasn't there. He walked over to Derek and sat down next to him, amd put an arm around the bigger man's shoulders. "You know I'm not leaving" he said, and Derek turned his head away from Stiles. "You should. I was just thinking" Stiles let out a little fake laugh at that. "You mean get yourself even more worked up and end up screaming to yourself and breaking the trees? I don't think I'll let you do that Derek" he said softly. Derek sighed and put his head in his hands. "She was right Stiles. I know she was" he mumbled, and Stiles leaned forward confused. "What do you mean Derek? What did she say to you?" he asked worriedly, and suddenly Derek growled and jumped up. "The truth, that is what! She said I was a worthless alpha, she was meant for that position! I stole it from her, and I can't even protect what I stole. I'll never be as good as she'd have been. I'm not born to be an alpha Stiles. I'm just not" At that he collapsed at the moist forest ground again and silent tears streamed down his cheeks. "Listen to me now Derek Hale. You're not a worthless alpha. You're amazing. You saved every single person in this pack in so many ways, but if you need to be saved once it makes you weak? I don't think so. You may not be born for this, but that doesn't say you weren't made for it. You picked up what was left of your life and made the best of it. You just tryed to be happy, and I don't want you to feel guilty about that ever. And even though I've never met your family, I'm sure they would've been proud of you. And even if they wouldn't, you've got a pack around you who are proud. We love you, and we have your back, and in return you have ours. I may not be a wolf, but I'm pretty sure that's how it works, and Laura just doesn't understand that" He raged, and Derek looked up, a little uncertain smile quivering on his tear-stained face, and he leaned forward to kiss Stiles's lips. "I love you Stiles. I love you so, so terribly much" he said, when he pulled back, and Stiles felt a little tear streak his cheek as well. "I love you too, Derek. And no matter what, I will always be there for you. We all will" At that Derek pulled Stiles in a deep embrace, and he buried his face in Stiles's neck. "You are the best thing that ever happened to me. When you said you'd marry me, you made me the happiest man alive" he said, and Stiles smiled before pulling away to kiss his fiancé on the lips. "Let's go home now then, we'll celebrate, or at least let the pups know we're okay" He said, and Derek gave him a small smile and gestured to Stiles he had to get on the werewolf's back. Then they ran home wolf speed,  which was a lot quicker than Stiles's route. But when they got home, there were no happy pups surrounding them, and when they stepped into the house Scott ran up to them. "Mom, Derek. Lydia is gone"

Sooo.. I know this chapter took a little longer than usual, but I've had a tiring weekend with a lot of homework and my bff's birthday.. So yeah, I took a little day off xd If you liked it, please comment and vote!! xoxo,


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