part 3

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Hey you guys! Here's the next update! I just wanna give a big thank you to all my readers, you're amazinggg! Well, let's continue..

Chapter 3

Once everyone was seated in the right car, they all left with the camaro first, since Derek was the only one who knew how to get to the lake house. Once on the road, Lydia asked if she could put up some music, and Stiles let her. Soon enough debussy was playing, and as if on cue Jackson (who'd fallen asleep on the backseet as soon as they'd started driving) woke up, and he and Isaac began whining about the music, and Stiles had to put an end to it since the boys were looking like they were about to climb to the front seet to turn off the radio. Obviously, the rest of the journey was without music. After three hours of driving Stiles asked Lydia to text Melissa and Derek to ask ask the drivers if they wanted to make a quick stop, because the pups were getting hyper of sitting still al the time and they were getting terribly annoying. Isaac and Jackson had been bouncing around the car for half an hour now, and despite of Stiles' attempts to stop them they were very busy throwing random objects through the car and had developed a strange kind of rules, in which everything was worth a certain amount of points, and of course people were worth most. Soon enough Derek called. He was calling handsfree, so Stiles could hear his pups and by the sound of it they were tearing the car apart. "Where is the first parking spot?" Derek asked in a VERY annoyed voice. Then the pups seemed to notice who was on the phone, because he heared Erica and Boyd call an excited "Mom!!" through the phone, making Stiles chuckle. "Hey pups, enjoying yourself a bit? Didn't annoy sourwolf over there too much?" He heard Erica chuckle "He's been a real pain in the butt mom!" she exclaimed "He's been like a wolf version of grumpy cat all freaking day!" She whined, and Stiles tried to keep himself from laughing when he replied. "Erica, that's no way to speak to your alpha. And Derek, loosen up a bit, they're just pups" he told them, and he heared Derek take a deep breath, but when he answered Stiles could still hear that he was really trying not to yell or do something stupid like break the car. Or the pups. "Where did you say the parking spot was again?" He deadpanned, and Stiles just couldn't let the chance to annoy his mate just a little bit more go. "I didn't say anything yet.." He said cheekily, and he could hear the pups chuckle in both cars, but he also heared Derek growl and Boyd quickly shut up, that boy knew what was good for him, but it took a while for Erica to shut up, and Lydia, who sat next to Stiles, rolled her eyes. Stiles gave her a meaningful look and she stopped. "It's two miles down the road, there's a big field so the pups can blow off some steam, and there's a little restaurant where we can get a coffee, and I'll give everyone their lunch" Stiles answered Dereks question. "I'll text Melissa, okay? We'll be there in fifteen minutes" he added, and as expected Derek happily agreed. Stiles hung up and texted Melissa and John, who gave a relieved text back. Stiles chuckled, they weren't used to the hyper pups (Melissa a little, but Scott had moved into the Hale house pretty fast after he got bitten) and because Allison was human, she didn't get as hyperactive so they couldn't just bug eachother, and Stiles reckoned Scott was probably breaking the car and jumping around in the backseat by now. A good fifteen minutes later they drove onto the parking space, and got out, once everybody was out, Stiles was looking at at five hyperactive werewolf pups, an annoyed banshee and human, a VERY annoyed looking alpha and two absolutely speechless humans. He smirked and couldn't even begin to imagine what Melissa and John thought about everything. He got the bacpacks with lunch out of his crappy car, and yelled "HEY everyone! Lunch!" And he laughed when he saw the heads of the pups snap, and they came running over for their share of food. Stiles gave everyone of them a brown paper bag, each with five turkey or bacon and egg sandwiches, a piece of sausage, and a big chocolate chip muffin. When they looked into the bags their faces lit up, and while stuffing their faces they murmured a quick "thanks, mom" at which John and Melissa looked at Stiles and back at the pups with a flustered look on their faces, and Stiles mouthed "told you so!" Because he'd explained the whole situation with him being pack mom and Dereks mate, but they'd never fully believed him. He told the pups to do something outside when they were done, and went to the restaurant with his dad, Melissa and Derek to get a cup of coffee and to talk about how they were going to travel. But first, Melissa had a question. "Stiles, does Scott call you mom as well?" She asked, sounding genuinly curious. "Yes, he usually does, but we've talked about it and I told him to call me Stiles, because that would prevent a whole lot of embarrassing situations" Stiles assured her with a wink. After they finished their coffee and the pups were done running they went back on the road because they still had about four hours driving to do, if everything went allright. Because the pups had eaten and ran so much they all passed out in the car before they were even on the highway again, all except Lydia who had just been talking with Allison while they were outside, so she and Stiles were taking about the upcoming holiday and the pack while Jackson and Isaac were softly snoring in the back.

A couple of hours later they drove onto a little path that went into the forest, and after half an hour they arrived at the lake house- although 'house' didn't quite cover it. This place was more like a mansion, with three stories and an attic. But after all, it had been a pack house, so Stiles figured that it should be big, because the whole pack had to be comfortable there. He told the pups to unpack the car while he went to take a look inside the house. On the bottom floor there was a living room with three huge couches and a few loveseats facing a giant flatscreen, and in the extended part of it was a minibar with a little fridge. There also was a kitchen that appeared to be big enough for a five- star restaurant. There was also a spa-like space, with a jacuzzi and a sauna. Besides that, Stiles noticed that there was a big gameroom with a huge flatscreen, and tons of games and movies, and a wii, an xBox and a playstation 3. With this one in particular Stiles was really happy, because although he is a mother figure to a pack of teenagers, he also is a teenager. On the first floor there were five big bedrooms, each with two bunk beds, which would easily be enough for the pups. There were also two big bathrooms, each with multiple showers and a bath. On the second floor there were three bedrooms with their own bathroom and a king-sized bed. The third floor looked somewhat like a huge spa. But on the attic, which was more like a fourth floor, was only one room and a huge bathroom, and it was obviously the alpha's bedroom. There was a huge king sized bed which left almost no space in the rest of the room, and on one of the walls was a giant hd-flatscreen tv, and also there was a minifridge and a minibar set against the wall. The bathroom consisted of a little jacuzzi, a giant bath and a luxurious shower (which to Stiles looked like the cockpit of a spaceship) Stiles smirked contently. This was gonna be one hell of a great holiday.

Hey guys, here's another chapter! I've already gotten some basic story lines worked out, but do you guys have any special wishes or suggestions? Also, besides Deaton, I need some new characters in the story. You guys have an idea? I'll update again soon, and subscribing and voting makes me love you guys even more! Kisses, Robance

Life in a puppy pack (Sterek) (Boyxboy) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now