part 23

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Hey guys! Did you like the fluff last chapter? I did c:- Well,  there's gonna be some more Peter in this chapter.... I hope you'll enjoy! c:-

chapter 23

Stiles dropped the laundry basket he'd been holding. "What?" he asked, dumbfounded. "You found a way to eliminate him? You're sure? I mean we are talking about Peter here. Your sadistic uncle who came back from the dead?" He said, thinking it was obvious nobody should ever think about trusting Peter, like ever. "I know, but he might be right about this. I'm not sure though, but if he was right the pack has to be ready to fight" Stiles looked at him with big eyes. "You are going to let the pups fight?! You are going to trust Peter with the lives of my pups?! ARE YOU INSANE?! No. Not going to happen. Ever" Derek sighed. "Look Stiles, I'll make sure it's safe. I'll only need three pups, I'll take the best fighters and the ones I trust the most" he said, and Stiles looked at him suspiciously. "Who?" He asked sternly, and Derek looked a little uncomfortable. "Scott, Boyd, and.." he stopped, his eyes trailing away from Stiles' face. "And who?" Stiles asked in an angry tone, and Derek winced. "And Isaac" Stiles looked at his fiancé furiously. "Oh no. You are not taking my baby to do something like that. I won't allow it. What if he killed someone? What if he got hurt? Do you want him to get more nightmares? He's not going" he said, and Derek sighed tiredly. "Look Stiles, I know he's a sensitive kid, but he's one of our best fighters and I trust him in battle. I would've taken the twins, but they've only just joined this pack and Deucalion might still have some power over them" he explained, and Stiles was looking for excuses. "But.. What about Jackson?" He asked, and Derek looked at him sceptically. "You know he doesn't deal well with the pressure of a fight. He chickens out and saves his own ass" Stiles was mad because there really were no reasons Isaac couldn't go, exept for the fact that Stiles would be worrying non-stop. "But.." he whined. "I just don't want him to go Derek" he said, and Derek smiled softly. "I know babe, but you're gonna have to let him go eventually" Stiles sighed, and he felt something wet stream down his cheeks. "I know" he answered in a choked voice. "I just don't want to yet" he looked down and wiped a tear from his cheek when he felt himself get pulled against Dereks chest. "I know babe, but he's stronger than you think, he really is. And I'll keep an eye on him, okay?" Stiles nodded and buried his face in Dereks shirt. "I know. I trust you. But please don't do this exept if you're a hundred percent sure it'll work" he said, and he felt Derek nod. "Okay. Well, invite Peter over then, let him explain the plan. I want to know what'll happen before I'm sending any of my pups into this mess" he said, his voice strong again. Derek nodded again and grabbed his phone to call Peter while Stiles went downstairs to inform the pups about who was gonna come over and why. They reacted a little... Shocked. While Isaac and Lydia just sat and stared and almost everyone else was still processing the information Erica had jumped up and was looking at Stiles furiously. "How can you trust him? I don't want him here! You said it yourself, we weren't even allowed to talk to the guy, why do you trust him?!" she yelled, and Stiles looked at her sternly. "Erica, calm down. I don't trust him either, but sometimes you have to make an alliance with people who would normally be your enemies to defeat a greater enemy" She didn't look convinced, but she sat back down. Stiles felt bad, because she had only voiced what had been going through his mind as well. "But.." Jackson said, agreeing with Erica. "No buts Jackson. We'll have to trust Derek on this. He says we can trust him, and I believe him. Don't you?" that kept everyone quiet, but then Lydia looked up. "I'm scared" she said softly, in a heartbreaking voice, and everyone looked at her shockedly. Lydia was never scared. She always kept everyone going with her calmth and sassiness. But she had all the right to be scared. The guy had used her for his own good twice, and both had been traumatising. "He won't be able to hurt you again Lydia, I promise" he said, and he meant it. Peter wouldn't be able to get to her anymore. She nodded, looking a little more certain, and then she looked to all the faces still gazing at her. "Take a picture, it'll last longer" she said with a little bit of her usual sass, and Stiles smiled. She was going to be okay. Then they all jumped up from a knock on the door, and Stiles took a deep breath before going to get the door. When he got there he saw Derek was behind him, and he felt stronger immediatly. Maybe he wasn't going to freak out and do something stupid like try to kill Peter. He felt Dereks hand on his shoulder. "You'll be fine" he whispered, and Stiles took a deep breath before opening the door. "Just get i-" Stiles started, before a bloody and unconscious Peter fell through the door. There was a note on his back, and when Stiles picked it up to read it he gasped. "Don't try to make a move against me. You'll all end up dead,, "God no" He groaned, and then he looked at Peter. His back was slashed open and there were multiple clawmarks on his arms and legs. Even though he hated the guy, Stiles couldn't leave him like that, and Derek seemed too busy gazing at the note to notice his uncles distress. "Pups! Get over here!" he yelled, and they all got into the hallway with a cautious glance. "What happened here?!" Scott was the first one to recover from the innitial shock of a half-dead Peter Hale on their doorstep. "Boyd, Ethan, carry him inside and lay him on the couch. Allison, call Deaton. Tell him to get here now. Isaac, get me some wet towels. Others, don't get in my way" he said in an organised voice, and everyone quickly obeyed. Once Peter was on the couch, Stiles pressed the towels Isaac got against his back and tried to stop the bleeding as well as he could while everyone else was on the couch, silently watching. Even Derek, who had gotten inside after patrolling the border of their territory, looking for Deucalion or Kali. Sadly they'd escaped before Derek had caught their scent. This time nobody asked why they were saving yet another psycho member of Dereks disfunctional family, because a thing they all understood is that you can't choose in what family you're born, or who you love. Deaton got there quick, which was quite a relief for Stiles because Peters body wasn't healing yet because the wounds came from an alpha. Deaton rushed out of his van with what looked like a first-aid kit, but which probably contained a lot of things things most doctors had never even heared of. Stiles opened the door for him and he just walked straight past him to Peter. He didn't have to take a long look at the wounds before he turned his head to Stiles. "He's lost a lot of blood, and his body went into shock which is why he's not healing. I'll need to give him a blood transfusion and stitch him up, but I think he'll be fine" he said, and Derek and Stiles looked relieved. "Thanks Deaton" Stiles just said, because he really wasn't even going to question anymore how Deaton had all the right stuff (including a blood bag with the right blood type) with him right now. After Deaton had finished with Peter, Stiles invited him over for dinner and for once Deaton didn't reject, which both surprised and pleased Stiles, because he was actually going to cook instead of order in tonight, and this was the first time he got the chance to show Deaton his awesome cooking skills. He went over to the kitchen and started with the preparations of baked potatoes, a salad and chicken breasts. A lot of chicken breasts. He put some butter in a pan and started with the first load of potatoes. By the time he'd gotten to the first chicken breasts he heared a yell coming from the living room. "Mom!! Peter's waking up!" Scott yelled panicky. Stiles called Ethan to watch the food while he quickly made his way to the living room where he saw Peter was trying to sit up. He put his hands on his hips and looked at Peter sassily. "So, I guess you're staying for dinner?" he asked, and even though he was as pale as a sheet Peter still managed to pull his mouth in an arrogant smirk. "Yes, I guess I am" he said in an exhausted but cocky voice. "Well since you're so exhausted you can eat here. With the door closed" Stiles replied. "Oh what's this now? I thought housewives were great hostesses" "They are, that's why I'm not" "What's it then sexy momma, scared I'll rape your kids?" "Actually that's pretty accurate you filthy-" "GUYS!" They both shot out of their bickering by Dereks voice. "Stop acting so damn childish! I know we all hate Peter, but please!" Peter put his hand over his heart in fake hurt and Stiles snickered. "Sure babe. It's just that he abused Lydia. Twice. And he bit Scott. And held me hostage. And he fucking died. But sure, fine, let your creepy uncle lounge around the house. As long as he doesn't leave any slime marks on the furniture like the filthy snail he is I'm fine with it" Stiles answered before he turned around and paced into the kitchen, slamming the kitchen door behind him. "Ugh! Stupid stubborn wolves" he muttered while violently cutting up a cucumber. "Um, ma? You allright?" Ethan asked from the other side of the kitchen, startling Stiles who'd forgotten the boy had been watching the food. "Yeah pup, I'm okay. I just really don't like my family in-law" he answered dryly, and Ethan chuckled. "I just feel like I have to protect you guys from all this, and I can't, so we'll have to trust Peter, even though all my instincts tell me not to. I guess I just don't really know what to do. And now I'm rambling, sorry" he apologised, and Ethan chuckled again. "I get it, you're just worried. You really are an overprotective mom sometimes" Stiles chuckled at that. "I guess I am. Well, don't tell me you guys don't need it because you know you do" he said cockily, and Ethan rolled his eyes. "Sure ma. Now let's just finish these potatoes" he said, earning another laugh from Stiles. "Sure pup" he said while playfully ruffling Ethans hair before walking over to the stove. About half an hour later the food was ready and Stiles had found out that Ethan was a great help in the kitchen, just like Derek had said. The food was practically ready, the only thing he had left to do was make a dressing for the salad, so he asked Ethan to do that and he went for a quick bathroom break. When he got back Derek stood in the hallway. "You okay?" He asked with a serious look on his face. "Yes Der, I just wasn't expecting all of this, that's all" Stiles answered, and Derek nodded. "I know babe, but you'll really have to try to tolerate Peter for the time being. Can you promise me that?" He asked, and Stiles sighed. "Okay.. But I still don't want him interacting with the pups too much! And now, let's go eat" he said, and he grabbed Dereks hand to lead him to the kitchen, and when they opened the kitchen door they were greeted by a startled Scott and Aiden who were stealing bites from the chicken while Ethan was looking at them with an amused look on his face.  "Mom! Um... It's not what it looks like?" Scott tried, and Stiles raised one eyebrow while Derek rolled his eyes. "I told you it wasn't a good idea" Aiden whispered to Scott, and if it would've been possible Stiles would've raised his eyebrow even higher. "Well, I know what this looks like" he said, and the pups looked at him a little fearful. "It looks like two pups won't be getting any dessert tonight" he said in his strict-mommy tone. "Nooo!" "But mom!" They whined, and Stiles rolled his eyes before letting out a chuckle. "Guys! I was kidding. But you are going to set the table for me right now" he said, and they actually looked relieved. They really were like a bunch of puppies sometimes. He chuckled and ruffled their hair before going over to the living room to inform the others that dinner was ready. "And I'll bring you your plate in here Peter" he said coldly before going into the kitchen again, where everyone sat down at the eating table. Stiles served them before filling a plate and bringing it to Peter, who accepted it in silence. But when he'd almost reached the door Stiles was stopped by Peters voice. "I understand you, you know" he said, and Stiles turned at his voice. "What do you understand?" he asked, not letting his guard down. "Why you're protecting them so much. I used to be a lot like you Stiles" Stiles snorted at that. "You are nothing like me" he said coldly. "No, I'm not. But I used to be. Before-" "I think we're done here Peter. Enjoy your food" Stiles interrupted before leaving the living room, thinking that Peter was just playing mind tricks with him, even though a small part of him wondered if Peters words had been sincere, and he was quieter than normal during dinner, silently wondering what Peter had wanted to say. After dinner Stiles told Jackson to take out the trash, abd when Jackson walked through the door his eyes went big and he let out a scream. Stiles rushed to his side. What he saw there made him scream for Derek, because a dead and horribly mutilated body lay in front of their door on his stomach. Derek rushed to his side, and when he saw the body he turned it on his stomach. When he did that, Stiles shrieked, because he knew the guy. "That's Marvin, that hobo who always greets everyone and sells the homeless paper" he said, and he felt for the guy. He hadn't deserved a death like this. "This is another of Deucalions messages" Derek said emotionless while taking a bloodied note from the body. "Really? Doesn't the guy have facebook?" Stiles muttered, and he noticed Derek had gotten an angry look on his face. "Babe? What is it?" Stiles asked worriedly, and Derek clenched his jaw. "They want to meet us at midnight in the old warehouse in two days" Stiles was confused at first, but then he realised what night it was in two days. "But.. In two days is the full moon"

Soooo.... did you like it? I hope you did! If you did, please comment and vote! (I mean it, I like feedback) xoxo,


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