Chapter 1- Mae

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Alright, So most of the chapters aren't edited. When you come across what looks like an error just let me know. You can say even just say 'ummm'.

If there are parts that seem unnecessary or just boring and useless please let me know as well ;)

Love, Maybe❤️

I sat on my suitcase waiting for my dad. 'He wouldn't forget, would he?' I questioned myself as I watched the different faces pass by. 'Will I be able to find him?' My train of thought was subsided as I saw him stand before me. His red hair flowing to the side paired with bright makeup on his face. He dropped his purse.

"Mae!" He screamed holding his arms out for me. 'And here I thought I wouldn't find him.' I knew he wanted a hug. Considering I usually wouldn't I saw this as a necessity due to our long parting. After all I had been away for almost two years now. I ran and hugged him, he started to pick me up and swing me around. It must have looked like a little kid playing with its teddy for the first time. Literally with my size in consideration it must have looked odd.

Feeling embarrassed at the looks we were getting I backed up as he fell to the ground. Ranka looked up with saddened eyes as I simply shrugged. Which in all honestly I'm not sure why I was acting like such a brat.

"No Haruhi?" I pondered aloud as I looked at my father realizing my lovely sister hadn't come to see me.

"She had school. Oh but I can't wait! My two girls together again!" He wiped away an invisible tear.

I started to laugh suddenly feeling like I was sinking back into myself, "I bet she's not too happy about it."

"Well I don't think that." He crossed his arms, "She's mostly upset that you got accepted to Ouran." He began to wiggle his eyebrows. "With a scholarship too~My two babies really are spectacular."

My eyebrows furrowed together. "Ouran? I never applied to that snob school." I glared at the now shaking Ranka.

He began playing with his fingers, much like I did when I was placed in a nerve wrecking moment. "Well I might have sent an application in." He squeaked out.

I scrunched my nose up. "That's cruel." I turned around so my back faced him. "Did you get a taxi?" I changed the subject knowing it would be best to get over the fact I'd be attending the school. After all, he just wanted what was best for me...a notice would have been though....just saying.

"Y-yes." He ran to catch up to me and began to show the way toward it.

Now let me explain myself since the taxi ride I doubt will catch your interest...

So, ever since I was little I dreamed of going around the world. Or at least doing something greater than being another girl. I can even remember my mom telling me when I was younger about a study abroad opportunity she herself had taken on on. She went to America to learn the art of business tactics. Now, when the time came for the application I had already saved up my money with included; birthday money, some part time jobs, any money I saw laying on the ground, and inheritance.

Haruhi, however, had no aspiration to join. Her excuse was studying. What a try hard, right?

Oh yeah, almost forgot...I had one friend actually join me on my journey, if that's what you'd call her. I learned to speak English and adjust to cultural differences. Thinking on it now, maybe I never should've left home. Although, I made some friends, I also made enemies.

As for the business part, I don't really know what I want to do with my life. My sister seems to have the whole career thing planned out. The business education is really a back up now incase I don't don't find a passion. So that's all there is to defend my reason for leaving. If that bored you, imagine my taxi ride.


"Keep the change you tasteless driver. While you're at it get a sense of fashion!" Dad yelled at the now furious taxi driver. I walked over to the driver and briefly mutter an apology (I don't think it did much). We started to head up to the small apartment I had recently missed. "Did you see what he was wearing?"

I let out a giggle. "How ghastly." I mimicked him but he didn't seem to notice my impersonation of him.

"Right?!" He he flailed his arms in the air.

I set an arm out in-front of him stopping him from entering as some inspriation came to me. "Is Haru home?" My lips curled up.

He nervously nodded as he watched me creep up to the door and knock. A mumble came from the other side.
"What is it?" Haruhi stood blank faced as I sprayed cheese and whipped cream on her. Quite a nasty combo if you ask me. Proceed with caution when doing such pranks.

"Guess who?" I smiled as I walked in and set the two empty cans down.

"Mae." She growled and sat across from me. "I see you haven't matured much."

I stared at her for awhile. "I see you're taking after dad." I pointed to the short hair and boys uniform she had yet to take off.

Haru let out a sigh. "I have debt to pay off."

I began to chuckle. "What did you do now?"

Her head fell down. "I broke a vase."

"I think we could easily pay that off." I patted her back as I walked over to the sink to get some water.

"It was 8 million yen." She practically whispered.

My jaw dropped and I turned my head. "What a klutz." I mumbled to myself. I turned my head back to the sink. "Why are you dressed as a boy then?"

"Long story." She then went on to explain everything that had happened. Something about a group of boys who entertained the girls at their school.

"I didn't know a school could have a host club." I had been laughing ever since she started talking. She scrawled at me.

"Neither did I." Another sigh escaped her lips.

Dad stood in the doorway just his head visible. "You know you can come in." Haruhi blankly said to him. I see she hasn't changed much. Except for her hair maybe.


I clung to my warm blankets. Even though my sweet sister was throwing a fit about being late. I was beginning to fall back to sleep when I felt my self being dragged. 'Thanks not nice.' I flailed around much like a fish out of water. Till a clock was rested in front of me showing the time.

I shot up off the floor running to my suitcase -that I hadn't unpacked yet-grabbing a black top and skinny jeans. With my backpack on and a brush in hand I quickly brushed through my auburn hair. Once I was done i stuffed it into my bag due to the fact we were running outside to catch the train to Ouran flipping High School. Haruhi's going to kill me if we're late.



Fall In Love


So that's the fist chapter. Host club gets introduced in the next one. I know it's a little weird and quickly written so far but it'll get better.

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