Chapter 2-Twin?!

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Luckily we got there in time...but Haruhi thought otherwise. "We're almost a minute late. I could have been sitting peacefully at a desk now." She huffed.

"Well that's what you get for sleeping in." I pointed at her as she boiled with rage.

"Just go get your classes." She muttered under her breathe and avoiding any trace of eye contact.

"Love you too." I mumbled so she couldn't hear and parted ways with her. As I walked the halls I noticed just how much I stood out. All the girls were wearing plump yellow dresses where I looked like I came from the side of the road. I could see their eyes wandering onto me making me want to run down the hallway. But we all know that would just make me ever more strange to them.

As I finally came in contact with the principal's office I knocked once before hearing him call me in. "Ah you must be Miss. Fujioka." He had a warm smile that welcomed me.

"Indeed." I was trying to sound smart. Did it work?

He looked slightly confused as he looked at the document before him. "I was told you came from a scholarship over seas."

"Yes, for almost two years. I came back yesterday."

"This says you're in class B. Which isnt our most intelligent class"

"Oh good." I sighed then noticed his questioning gaze. After all a girl coming back from a scholarship abroad people would expect to be placed in the upper class. "The last couple months I started to lose focus. And I had to be out of school for awhile due to...some issues. So I might need some extra pointers on certain things." I clapped my hands together.

"Alright, I think I understand." He gave me another warm smile that loosened me up. "Here's your schedule, have a good day." He waved me out.

'Well that was easy.' I thought to myself as I walked out. I'm surprised he didn't say something about the uni-'

"Miss. Fujioka, I almost forgot." Here it comes. I thought as he ran to me. When he caught up he was almost breathless"This is the cafeteria's meals and prices in case you wanted to buy. Our school has excellent food!" That was when he left.

'Wow, did he really not notice I didn't have uniform?' I shrugged it off as I made my way to class.


I stood outside of my class, 1B. 'Should i be nervous?' I suddenly wondered as I waited for the teacher to come. "Oh are you the new student?" She seemed to look my attire up and down. Most likely judging it.

"Well I am new, and pretty sure I'm a student." I grinned as she muttered something under her breathe and then opened the door for me to come in.

"Everyone this is our new student." She held her hand out waiting for me to introduce myself.

"Hi, I'm Mae Fujioka." I waved my hand as I awkwardly stood in front of the class. I noticed several hands went up. Mostly girls.

The teacher nodded in response to me answering the raised hands. I pointed to a girl in the front. "Are you related to Haruhi Fujioka?" She sounded excited, lots of hands went down afterward.

"Yup, I am!" I nodded. I then pointed to one in the middle.

"Are you his sister?"

"Yup, twins!" I smiled as some girls squealed. 'Oh yeah I forgot about how Haruhi's paying her debt, hosting. Do these girls have things for my sister?' I was slightly disturbed at her popularity as a male student but decided I shouldn't show it.

Twins?!- The Hostess with The Mostest (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now