Chapter 35- Girls Night&Bonding

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Yuri ran after her main servant who was currently carrying her single bag up to the apartment. "This make me look pompous." She set he'd through her teeth at him.

"Miss Yuri, would you prefer I leave?"

"Please." She sighed.

The servant bowed and handed her bags over. "Good day Miss Yuri." He bowed before heading to the limo.

Once she had finally made it to the Fujioka residents she was pulled in by Ranaka.

"Oh she's so cute!" He explained while spinning her around. Yuri felt her eyes widen and her body stiffen. 'Who was this strange women?'

"Dad." Haruhi and Mae said together now standing in the doorway.

"Sorry." He giggled and backed up. "Well I have work. Toddels!" He waved and was gone just as quick.

Yuri caught her breathe. "That's your dad?"

"Yup." Mae smiled. "He's a bit eccentric."

"A bit?" Yuri rose an eyebrow.


Yuri looked over to see Haruhi wearing a dress. "You really are a girl, huh?"

"Yup." Mae began laughing. In which she earned a glare from Haruhi.

"Sorry." She gasps. "It's just-so-funny." She got out between laughs. "Haru looks like a guy!"

"Mae." Haruhi rolled her eyes. "It doesn't matter either way."

"You guys are odd when your together." Yuri pouted out as she set her bag down.

"Wait till we go to the store." Mae smirked as Haruhi let out a sigh.

"Store, which one?"

"The market." Mae simply said before grabbing a wallet.

"Commoners market?" Yuri tilted her head as Haruhi sunk down and muttered.

Mae wasn't fazed at all. "Yeah! We're going to get popcorn and all kinds of treats."


Mae looked at Haruhi. As both looked at her like she was crazy. "We got to get there pronto!" Mae clapped her hands together and dragged the two out.

"This is going to be hectic." Haruhi mumbled to Yuri as they were pulled along the side walk.

Mae grinned as she grabbed a basket and started heading to the snacks. "Haru you can pick out the dinner."

"Okay." Haruhi smiled at the relief from her sister.

"Alright, Yuri pick out anything that hits your fancy."

"Will you be able to afford it?"

Mae scrunched her face up. "We're not poor, we can live every now and then."

"Oh." Yuri blushed at how rude and ridiculous it must have sounded.

"It's okay Yuri." She smiled warmly then placed some popcorn in.

Yuri looked around and saw poky. Taking the package she placed them in as well.

"That's it, I like your thinking." Mae laughed as she also took a package.

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